Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 75: go home

However, it is still good that the major families mainly focus on the research of house names in terms of cloning technology. They do not clone too much, nor do they take the risk of cloning supernatural beasts. The development is still very stable.

Seeing that Aofeng didn't answer, Chaomeng thought he was still worried, and said, "You don't have to worry that the Rockets will see it. I noticed that when you came in, all the detection instruments here were blocked by me."

Ao Feng shook his head: "You have power far beyond that of ordinary people, and you are different from people in terms of shape. Of course you belong to an elf. This has nothing to do with how you were born. Even if you were cloned from a human being, you are still the same. Creatures, elves."

"What's the point of my existence?" Chao Meng's eyes flashed and his voice was a little low.

Ao Feng scratched his head, the questions he asked were all good... esoteric: "This, I don't know either, to be honest, I don't know what the meaning of my life is, and the meaning of my life can only be found by myself. "

Seeing that Chaomeng fell silent again, Ao Feng continued: "I really want to know, why did you help the Rockets destroy them?"

"They created me, and I can't control my power very well. They help me control my power, and I help them do things."

"Will you be happy like this?" Ao Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.

Chao Meng didn't speak, just shook his head.

"Leave here and look elsewhere. Staying in this place will only increase your guilt towards yourself. Your existence should not be bound by anything." Somehow, Ao Feng felt that Chao Meng was a little confused. The super dream is like a child, so I suggested.

Chaomeng looked up at the dark ceiling, then looked at Ao Feng and Chen Xin, and nodded: "Yes, it's useless to stay here, I'm leaving, I hope there will be a chance to meet in the future."

Ao Feng and Chen Xin waved at Chaomeng, and they saw Chaomeng floating up, purple light shining on his body, and the armor on his body fell off, revealing his true colors.

After the armor was taken off, the energy intensity on Mewtwo suddenly increased several times, and the two who saw it were amazed.

Mewtwo nodded to the two again, flew into the sky, smashed a big hole in the ceiling, and disappeared into the sky.

Ao Feng and Chen Xin glanced at each other, understood what the other party meant, and then shouted, "Is anyone there?"

After a while, a person came out from the inside. Before he could speak, he saw the armor that fell in the field and the big hole in the ceiling. He suddenly said, "Where's Chaomeng?"

"What is Super Dream?" Ao Feng and Chen Xin looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and said nothing politely to someone of their age who could be their uncle, "Sakagi. We're here to get the badge, and we don't have time to accompany you to find that. What a dream."

"Humph!" Sakagi, who had a bad face in the first place, sank even more, as if he thought of something again, and threw out two badges, "Junior, be careful when you speak, get the badge and get out, I don't have time to play with you. ."

Seeing Sakagi's back disappear in a hurry, Ao Feng smiled, put the badge in the badge box, turned around and left: "Let's go, go home."

After coming out of the Victory Gym, the two returned directly to Rainbow City, where they were both preparing for their final training. At this time, there is still one month left before the Quartz Conference.

"It's useless to learn some new things now. All you have to do is to carry out skill training and physical fitness training as usual." In the area specially opened for elves by the Wuyi family, Ao Feng faced the man in front of him. Six little elves said.

"The coming battles will be a test of our hard work this year. You don't have to be burdened. No matter what the final result is, it will be the end of our journey this year."

I don't know how the other contestants are, but the people he met like Tuhong and Bingyu, he was not sure that he would be able to win. Although he was still looking forward to winning the championship, he asked himself and his partners' efforts. no weaker than anyone.

But he still has to say this now, because he has seen Xiaolu and the others getting nervous, and rubbed Xiaolu's head: "Okay, let's go."

Seeing that the elves were all scattered and doing their own training, Ao Feng winked at Chen Xin who had also released the task and approached, and the two walked aside.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xin leaned against a big tree with her hands behind her head.

Ao Feng sat down leaning against the tree, holding his head in one hand: "What do you think, a ghost-type elves like Geng Gui and I... don't get along very well?"

After leaving the Red Lotus Gym, Ao Feng has been thinking about this issue. The ghost type's strange attack method always makes him feel strange.

"In time?" Chen Xin glanced at the sky, "Of course it's out of time."

"Huh?" Ao Feng's eyes widened, he thought that even if Chen Xin thought they didn't match well~www.readwn.com~, she would be more euphemistic, but she didn't expect it to be so direct, this is to tear them apart directly rhythm?

"It's really not in sync." Before Chen Xin could answer, a female voice suddenly sounded from behind them, making Ao Feng almost jump up in fright.

"Mom, could you please let me know before you come? It would be scary to appear so suddenly." Ao Feng turned his head and complained, "And when did you come back?"

Qingxi has been going to the company recently to assist Aofeng's father in handling some matters. After Aofeng came back, he seldom saw Qingxi again.

"Just got back." Qingxi smiled slightly, stretched out a hand and rubbed it on Ao Feng's head, causing Ao Feng to look helplessly away, shaking his head vigorously, "Let's talk about your problems."

Qingxi's words caught Ao Feng's attention, and she hurriedly sat up straight and listened carefully.

"You are very similar to me, you like fighting skills, so when it comes to the elf, you will also prefer the 'righteous and bright' frontal fighting, rather than using any behind-the-scenes tricks." Qingxi sat down beside Ao Feng, as a fighter, she , but his demeanor was so gentle.

Neither Ao Feng nor Chen Xin answered, they listened quietly.

"I thought the same thing as you back then." Qingxi raised her head, as if recalling something, "In the beginning, I never had any interest in ghosts, just subduing fighting elves. I thought we all liked it. There is a head-on battle, and we have common interests, but later I found that we didn't get along so well."

"Each elf has its own personality, which is not determined by attributes. After I had a conflict with my elf, I found that basically no elf is born to be in harmony with myself." Xi's words changed their understanding.


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