Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 84: The second battle, the field of grass

After a circle, he quietly returned to the stand. Ao Yun was watching the next game with Chen Xin, who had arrived a long time ago, but Qing Xi disappeared.

"Where's Mom?" Winning the first game, although it didn't prove anything, Ao Feng was still very happy.

"Mom has gone back to deal with the company's documents. Do you want to go back or watch the game here?" Aoyun's performance was very calm, and he didn't mean to praise at all.

Ao Feng stuck out his tongue and suppressed his excitement. Also, as a child of the Wuyi family, it would be a shame if he couldn't even make it through the preliminaries.

He sat down in the vacant seat reserved by Aoyun next to him, and said to Chen Xin, "You won?"

Chen Xin glanced at him like an idiot: "Bullshit, I thought I was like you. Is it cool to bully girls?"

Aofeng's temples bulged twice, but he finally endured it and forcibly turned his eyes to the playing field. His next game was a few days away, and he didn't want to use this time to do any training, so he simply stayed to watch the game.

There are two main purposes, one is to observe if there are any opponents to pay attention to, and the other is to see what needs to be learned by oneself.

These few days passed quickly, and Ao Feng also ushered in his second game.

"The grass field, the seventh game is about to be played below. The player Aofeng from Rainbow City walked in from the left, and the player Xiaoru from Rainbow City also walked in from the right."

Aofeng Shi Shiran walked into the arena. Originally, he just noticed that his opponent was a girl, but he didn't expect to come from the same city as him.

"The game begins!" The referee gave an order, and both sides released their elf at the same time.

"Come out, Froggrass!" Xiaoru glanced at Ao Feng coldly and threw the Poke Ball.

After being stared at by this girl for a while, she didn't know where she had provoked her: "Bi Diao, I'll leave it to you."

"Flying Leaf Knife!" Seeing that Bi Diao had just appeared, Xiao Ru immediately ordered, apparently to be caught off guard.

"Bidiao, Air Slicing!" The attack was already close, and it was not easy to dodge it, so he simply attacked with attack, nothing else, just Gang.

Facts have proved that the Flying Leaf Knife of the Frogwood is just as good as the air cutting of the carving. Whether it is in terms of attack power or quantity, it was counterattacked after a while without support, and suffered a lot of damage.

"Wings of Steel!" Ao Feng's strength was unforgiving, and he continued to attack while the frog grass was attacked and his body's reaction plummeted.

The speed of Pidiao showed at this moment, as if following a few air blades behind him, the steel wings hit instantly.

"Fana, use the vine whip!" Xiao Ru's eyes flashed with a hint of slyness, thinking to herself: You are the one who is waiting.

Froggrass endured the pain, and immediately threw out the two vine whips, entangling the roots of Bidio's wings. Bidiao had just completed the attack, and when he was close, he couldn't dodge and was controlled.

Ao Feng frowned, it seemed that he had already been targeted, the other party really had a trick to deal with the flying elves: "Bi Diao, break free!"

"Okay, use the parasitic seeds!" Xiaoru's face was full of excitement. She had tried this trick several times, and she had never failed.

The root of the wings is bound by the vine whip, and the place where it is most difficult to exert upward force is so easy to get rid of. Although Bi Diao's struggle moved the frog grass, it still didn't break free, let alone escape the parasitic seeds.

As soon as the parasitic seeds arrived on the body, several vines stretched out, tightly binding Bi Diao's body inside, drawing physical strength and further affecting Bi Diao's movements.

Ao Feng narrowed his eyes, lowered his head slightly, and did not give any orders, as if he had given up his struggle. One hand had already grasped the Pixie Ball of Bidiao, and even Bidiao's struggle in the air was much weaker.

Seeing Aofeng like this, Xiaoru felt even more proud. She glanced at the bright sunshine in the sky and shouted, "Miaohuahua, sunshine and flames!"

"It's right now, Bidiao, use the divine bird!" Ao Feng suddenly raised his head when the wonderful frog flower just began to absorb the light energy.

Bidiao's wings were wide open, and a layer of white energy enveloped Bidiao's body. All the vines on his body were destroyed at this moment, and Bidiao's figure was raised again, which actually blocked the sun shining on the wonderful frog flower. , forcibly interrupting the charge of Sunshine Flame.

"Go!" Ao Feng waved his hand and looked at Xiao Ru insidiously, waiting for you to make a big move.

Bidiao's clear tweet spread throughout the audience, and in the next moment, it swooped down on the body of Fanaurus lichen with a white flame, knocking him directly into the grass.

The so-called life is like a play, and it all depends on acting skills. Feng shui took turns, and Ao Feng, relying on his acting skills, gave her a fatal blow on the opposite side.

If this had happened before, Ao Feng would definitely not have come this way, and he must have just fought the other side to the end. After the conversation with his mother, he also figured out a lot~www.readwn.com~ and was able to adapt a lot during the time he spent with Gengar. Changes to yourself can be applied to all areas of your life, not just on the pixie side.

"The Froggrass is out of combat!" The referee raised the flag and announced.

The younger sister, who didn't really care about Ao Feng, was even more resentful. She took the wonderful frog flower back and released the second elf: "Go, Raichu!"

"Electrical type? Specialized in the flight type?" Ao Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, I will give you this chance?

"Bi Diao, come back." Ao Feng took Bi Diao back and threw another Poke Ball, "Come on, Flame Horse!"

Shenjun's flaming horse appeared on the field with a long neigh, and Xiaoru's face changed again, looking at Ao Feng with a 'grievance': "Can't you fight me head-on?"

Ao Feng, who asked this question, was inexplicable, why wasn't he fighting head-to-head?

"Well, I'm not sure that the inverse attribute can still win you. I'm afraid of losing." Ao Feng's eyes began to flicker, and he casually mentioned a reason he didn't believe in himself. Be weaker.

"Hmph, Raichu, use an electric shock!" Xiaoru snorted coldly and launched an attack directly.

"Dodge, use gunpowder to charge!" At the beginning of the battle, Ao Feng stopped talking nonsense and focused his attention.

The flaming horse's movement speed and reaction ability are unquestionable. It avoided the electric shock by jumping to the side, and then rushed over quickly. The whole body was also surrounded by flames in the process of running.

Now the flame horse is also controlling the flame, but the holder's original orange-red color is not the time to reveal his trump card.

"Lightning flash!" Xiaoru was shocked when she saw the flaming horse approaching quickly, and hurriedly shouted.


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