The fierce offensive and defensive battle started again.

For the battle match of the gorgeous contest, it is not important whether you can kill the opponent, but how to reduce the opponent's score is the most important.

Saori, who has already won the championship of the celebration conference, is obviously an expert in this field.

She knows how to use various means to reduce the opponent's score.

For example, every time she has to wait until the opponent's attack is about to hit.

Then use the gorgeous moves of"seeing through" or"high-speed movement" to dodge.

This feels like the"perfect counterattack" in the soul game, which often brings a high visual enjoyment to the audience.

At the same time, it can also reduce the opponent's score.

Xiaoguang, who has only debuted for a few months, obviously does not have as many tricks as the opponent.

She can only use one method- to defeat the opponent as soon as possible.

""Pidomon! Mega Explosion!"


The electric light ball condensed from the long horns of Pidomon slammed into the unprepared Pidgeot.

The powerful electric current with outstanding attribute effects made Pidgeot twitch wildly in mid-air.

In pain, he crashed to the ground.

Beep - at this moment, the electronic screens above the heads of the judges, Mikoli, Kaluna, and Nachi, sounded a prompt indicating the end of the time limit.

"Time's up! While Saori's Pidgeot is losing its ability to fight, let's see how many points both teams have left!"

Not only the audience at the scene and online, but also Xiaoguang and Saori in the field were looking at the big screen with nervous eyes. The fierce attack and defense just now made them have no time to pay attention to the score bar.

Judging by the naked eye, the remaining score bars of the two are almost the same, with only about 20% left.

And under the analysis of the machine...

Xiaoguang's head portrait remained on the electronic screen, and a big"WIN" appeared behind the head portrait.

"The winner is revealed! Xiaoguang defeated Saori by a slight score advantage!"

Vivian exclaimed.

Although being selected by the now world-famous Su Xuan has proved that this girl who debuted for only a few months has potential.

But she defeated the high-level coordination trainer who once won the gorgeous trophy in her first time participating in the gorgeous festival.

It is really amazing. It is almost the same as Xiaozhi's first year of debuting and participating in the Quartz Conference, and defeating a king

"It was a close match."

"I don't think so. Saori is obviously better at commanding. Hikaru's victory is more due to the Digimon's strong physical fitness."

"But even so, Xiaoguang's future is unpredictable."

"Yeah, but I think I want a Digimon."

"Oh, go pay the 14 tax first"

"Oh? Didn’t they say 4 years would be enough?"

"That's a privilege only for locals."

""Shit! The difference in treatment is 730, right?"

The audience started to discuss it.

On the field, Saori reached out her hand to shake hands with Xiaoguang and expressed her approval, then turned and left.

After entering the contestant channel, she happened to meet Su Xuan who was walking towards her.

Su Xuan appeared here mainly because of this match, and he thought Xiaoguang might lose.

After all, it is really difficult for these girls to challenge the king level at this time, even for Saori who barely crossed the threshold of the king level.

Su Xuan originally planned to comfort this girl as soon as possible if she lost.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the destined child of the original work.


After seeing Su Xuan,

Saori couldn't help shedding tears.

It can only be said that the storm stirred up by Su Xuan, the butterfly, made the plot go in a direction that even he, a time traveler, could not predict.

In the original animation, Saori made the green-haired Shun and Xiaoyao cry.

Now she was beaten to tears by Xiaoguang.

Su Xuan walked up and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

Unexpectedly, Saori reached out and hugged his waist and cried even louder.

""Woo woo woo~ woo woo woo woo!"

Su Xuan:……

Damn, it's a good thing I didn't bring Mary and the others.

Otherwise, it would be a big trouble.



"Miss Saori actually lost."

In a camp on a lawn far outside the Kanto region.

Seeing Saori walking into the contestant channel through the mobile phone screen, with a slightly lonely back, Xiao Gang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

""Hmm? You know her?"

Xiaoxia asked in surprise.

Xiaogang nodded,"Yes, Ms. Saori is also from Nibi City. We have chatted before."

"Hehe~ I think you are trying to strike up a conversation with her, right?"

We have been traveling together for such a long time, how could Xiaoxia not understand this bitch's nature?

"Ahem, this girl named Serena and Miss Sonia are also very strong. They finished the battle in less than two minutes, five minutes."

Xiao Gang hurriedly changed the subject.

As long as Serena and Sonia drew the opponent, they were just small-time opponents.

Naturally, they didn't need to fly.

Not to mention the mature and complete stages, Serena's two growth stages were enough to solve the opponent.

"It would be more exciting if the four of them played against each other. It would be nice if I could watch it live."

Xiaoxia said with some envy.

"Should we buy a plane ticket to Hoenn? If we buy a ticket now, we might be able to catch the second round tomorrow."

Xiao Gang suggested.

Not only Xiaoxia, but also Xiaozhi, as the male mother of the team, could see his intention from Xiaozhi's expression.

"I would like to, but our funds are limited.……"

Xiaoxia looked a little embarrassed.

All three of them were minors, and they were registered trainers in Kanto.

Food, accommodation and transportation were all free at the Pokémon Center.

But air tickets were not included in the list of services.

The three of them flew to Hoenn and back, plus the tickets for the grand celebration... It felt a bit expensive.

Although Xiaogang and Xiaoxia's families both run gyms

, the salary cards of the two people who are currently on hold are not in their hands.

"Let's go, let's go together. I'll pay for the tickets."

Two figures suddenly walked out from the dense forest next to them.

Xiaozhi turned his head suddenly and saw the two people who suddenly visited him. He was surprised and said:

"Xiao Mao! Qing, Qinglu brother! ?"

The one who came was the big wood brother of the four brothers in the new town.

"I just wanted to see what my future colleagues are capable of, but I didn't expect to meet you and Xiao Mao here. Let's go together."

Qinglu raised his thumb and made a"go" gesture.

He was also very interested in the upcoming civil war between Serena, Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang.

Based on Xiaoguang's performance today, Qinglu was confident that she could be kicked off the top spot.

Oh no, Uncle Qinglu's goal has always been the champion.

How can being a top player be enough?

"Damn rich people……"

Listening to the speech of the green rich man, he noticed that the front ball of the Pokémon hanging on the belts of the Oak brothers contained a sleeping monster and a bitmon. For the first time since Xiaozhi was born, he realized the importance of money.



The next day, Kena Arena


When Su Xuan saw the Oki brothers and the classic first generation trio sitting next to him, he was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Mao said proudly:"Originally we were sitting quite far away from you, Doctor, but I just paid ten times the ticket price to ask them to give up their seats."

"The evil rich man……"

Xiaozhi muttered with resentment.

Xiaoxia next to him was ashamed.

It seemed that this idiot was going to turn evil after meeting the Oak brothers yesterday.

"I want to see how my future colleagues perform."

Qinglu smiled and said what she wanted to do.

Then she stared at Xi Jiana on the other side of Su Xuan with a slightly sharp gaze.

"And... our future Dragon Gym Master of the Alola League, are you interested in a match after today's game?"

He also watched the video of the sparring match between Shijiana and Mikoli.

Who is stronger between him and this woman?

He was very curious


Xi Jiana sneered in response.

There was a faint flash of lightning between the two people's eyes.

One was a tyrant, the other was a tyrant.

No one would submit to the other.

"Such an exaggerated murderous aura."

Xiaoxia secretly smacked her lips.

Is this the world of the big guys?

"Shut up and watch the game."

Su Xuan's words forced Xijiana and Qinglu to temporarily suppress their hostility towards each other.

If we look at the late stage of the two,

Qinglu is probably better.

But Xijiana is two years older than Qinglu.

So in the current situation, it is hard to say who will win or lose.

Xijiana and Megadramon still need to run in.

But her MEGA flying dragon is not simple either.

It can fight with MEGA Kongzuo for a few moves.

"To recruit so many experts, you must have enough means to subdue them."

Seeing Qinglu and Xijiana, who were just arguing with each other, shut up after Su Xuan's words. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh.

Every alliance president hopes that his region will be full of talents.

But you must be able to subdue them.

Kanto, which is full of experts, is an example.

Only Damalanqi can subdue Yulongdu and Kona, those freaks whose tempers are as violent as their strength.

If you replace them with Zifuqi Mujin or Mustard Orchid, they will explode nine times out of ten.

"Xiaoyao is going to take action!"

Mali suddenly spoke.

Everyone, including Qinglu, looked towards the field.

""Piyomon! Hawkmon! Evolve!"

The Tyrannosaurus in Xiaoyao’s hand and the two bird-type Digimon in front of her glowed at the same time.

Piyomon evolves! Badoramon!

Hawkmon evolves! Aguramon!

Two flying birds with wings spread high hovered above Xiaoyao’s head, looking quite imposing!

"That is……"

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, two good friends, clicked on the illustrated APP together——

"Badoramon is a giant bird-shaped fire + air coefficient beast with blazing flames all over its body. It is good at spreading its extremely huge wings to soar in the sky, but its personality is not aggressive. Its unique skills are [Flame Wings], which releases waves of flames by spreading its wings, and [Meteor Wings], which vibrates its wings to shoot out meteor-like wings.】"

"Aguramon is a flying + general coefficient beast with two huge horns on its head. The double horns on its head have great power. It is completely obedient and absolutely loyal to its trainer. Its exclusive skills are [Broken Horn] that attacks from high altitude and [Burst Laser] that emits a roaring light wave like thunder.】"

Xiaosheng said with envy in his eyes:

"My sister has been firing on all cylinders since the beginning."

Mitsuko said:

"Because the opponent is very strong."

Standing opposite the solemn-looking Xiaoyao was Serena, who was probably the strongest of the four little Alolas!

"Although we have fought many times in daily training, this is the first time in a formal competition, right?"

Serena still had a smile on her face like a little sun.

"I won't hold back! Xiaoyao"

"Evolve! Balmon! Foxmon!"

Cactusmon with two big fists opened is on the left.

Foxmon with a blue flame burning on its tail is on the right.

"Here it comes... the Alola Civil War."

On the judges' panel, the champion, Mikoli, began breathing faster than usual.

"A grass-type Cactusmon is at a disadvantage facing two flying-types and a fire-type Badoramon, right?"

Xiao Mao frowned.

"That depends on whether Xiaoyao's attribute advantage can make up for the difference in strength between her and Serena."

Saori said.

That's right, Saori also sat in the audience.

Xiaogang, who is obsessed with mature women, originally wanted to chat with his fellow villager.

But after noticing that Saori's eyes were not right when she looked at Su Xuan, he gave up the idea.

Well, Xiaogang is indeed a gentleman. He will not attack if he sees a beautiful woman has a boyfriend. He is completely different from many inheritors of Wei Wu's legacy in front of the phone.



Three minutes later.

Vivian shouted:

"Half of the time has passed, and Serena's team still has an overwhelming advantage in the score. Can Xiaoyao turn the tables in this short time?!"

On the big screen, Serena's score bar still has 70%, while Xiaoyao only has 30%!

"Badoramon, spread your wings of fire and attack Cactusmon!"

With little time left, Xiaoyao decided to rush in.

"Nine-tailed Foxmon, Fox Flame Dragon!"The Nine- tailed Foxmon, stepping on the blue flame, galloped across the sky.

The unique blue flames wrapped around its body and turned it into a blue flying dragon.

It was as if Natsu was possessed, swallowing all of Badoramon's flames.���, blocking the attack for the cactus beast

"Aguramon! Use the swallow to return——"

"Cactusmon! Punch with your tips!"

Before Xiaoyao could even shout out the last word"help",

Serena's Cactusmon had already taken action.

Endless needles and pear blossoms rained down on the two birds, forcing them to retreat step by step.

Even though the grass-attribute tricks were not very effective against the two flying-types, the level suppression still made them feel more painful.

""Strengthen your mind!"

Serena ordered again.

The Nine-Tailed Fox retracted the blue flames on its body. A light purple super energy wave surged from its body, covering the sky and falling down.

It perfectly hit Badoramon and Aguramon!


There was still more than half a minute left.

But Mikoli, Karuna, and Naqi all showed their"X" signs to represent elimination.

"Aguramon and Badoramon lose their ability to fight at the same time!"

Vivian shouted:

"The winner! It's Serena!"

The fallen Badoramon and Aguramon have transformed back into Bikyumon and Hawkmon.

Everyone knows what this means.


Facing the apologetic looks of the two Digimon,

Xiaoyao lowered her head and hugged them both.

"Too strong."

Xiao Mao said with fear in his eyes.

"Not bad."

Qing Lu said rather arrogantly.

With the level of his little brother, it would be great if he could become a gym leader in Alola in the future.


Five minutes later.

Serena, who had traveled together for nearly two months, was the winner, but she did not leave with Xiaoyao.

Going together at this time would more or less affect the sisters.���attitude.

When Xiaoyao walked into the player channel, a scene similar to yesterday happened - the defeated girl lowered her head, her eyes were covered by her bangs so that people could not see her expression.

But two lines of tears had already fallen from her cheeks.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Xiaoyao raised her eyes slightly.

She saw her parents and brother standing in front waiting for her.

Qianli opened her arms with a smile.

Then... watched her daughter run past her.

She threw herself into Su Xuan's arms and cried loudly.

The old father with his arms open suffered tons of damage.

And Saori also felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

The only difference is that although Xiaoyao also cried, she did not stand on tiptoe after crying like she did yesterday.



Near dusk

"Time is up, the game is over!"

Vivian's shout brought the final match of the second round to an end.

"In the last round, Xiaoguang defeated Saori by a slight margin. Perhaps she herself did not expect that the same thing would happen to her the next day."

"Sonia leads Xiaoguang by a slight score advantage at the end of the time! Sonia is the one who advances to the next round!"

Another Alola civil war has come to an end.

Xiaoguang and Sonia's battle ended with Sonia's narrow victory.

Although they participated in the gorgeous competition, Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao's battles were still more practical.

Sonia is completely the opposite.

Su Xuan's advice to her was to develop in the direction of a coordination trainer.

Therefore, Sonia is of the same type as Saori.

Very���She took advantage of the fancy rules of the gorgeous competition.

Therefore, even though her overall strength was not as good as Xiaoguang's, she still won the opponent with a slight advantage.


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