Everyone stared at Baoyu as he walked out of the restaurant.

"This is... the same one as Dr. Su Xuan……"

Naqi also remembered at this time.

Didn't Su Xuan use this trick several times?!

It's called... Armed Evolution! ?

It gives people power comparable to that of an elf.

By the way, she, Sonia, and Mitsuko seemed to have seen Lurina like this a few nights ago.

And she even used her voice to eat...

Naqi's eyes became more complicated for a moment.

She suddenly remembered a sentence Lurina had said to her when they were chatting before.:

"When Ah Xuan said,"I've made you a king-level guy," I fell in love with him."

It's said that best friends like to compare their boyfriends.

It's true.

Naqi compared Mikoli and Su Xuan together.

She immediately found that... the gap was indeed a bit big.

Beep beep!

At this moment, the phones of Mikoli, Qianli, and Naqi, three employees of the Hoenn Alliance, rang at the same time.

"Mr. Mikoli! In the sea between Liuli City and Shuijing City! Kyogre was spotted! The rainstorm is still spreading!"

"Miss Naqi! This is the Violet Police Station! The temperature suddenly rose by dozens of degrees! A large number of citizens suffered from heat stroke, and we can't hold on any longer."

Mikoli and Naqi's faces changed when they received the call.

Half of it was raining heavily, and half was scorching hot.

How could you guess what happened?

Groudon and Kyogre woke up!

""Li, Rayquaza will come to save us, right?"

Xiaoyao asked after swallowing.

This kind of thing is not uncommon for the people of Hoenn.

Even parents will tell this story to their children.

Because every few years or more than ten years,

Fathead and Flying will wake up once, fight.

Then they will be forced to stop fighting by Rayquaza, and then sleep for a few years.

Then they will wake up again and fight again, and be stopped fighting again.

It's like a perpetual motion machine.

"Rayquaza won't come."

Standing next to Su Xuan, Shijiana, who had been silent since the beginning of the banquet, sneered and said.

Shijiana's words made everyone's face change slightly.

Especially the Chisato family, Naki and others who are from Hoenn.

Because from ancient times to the present, humans have been unable to stop the fight between these two gods.

It was Rayquaza who came to mediate.

If Rayquaza didn't come... Damn, what would the situation turn into? I can't even imagine it!

"how do you know……"

Mikoli couldn't help but question.

Even as the league champion, he didn't dare to ask. If Rayquaza didn't come, how could humans deal with such a natural disaster?

And there was no reason for Rayquaza not to come.

Didn't it come every time from ancient times to the present?

"Hehe~ Ask your guild master."

Shijiana didn't answer Mikoli at all.

She sneered and threw the Poké Ball.

She summoned a Dragonite and jumped onto its back.

She flew to the southern part of Hoenn.

"She has a Tyrannosaurus?"

Mikoli, Naqi, and even Qianli were shocked.

Almost all of them in the Hoenn Alliance have recently developed Tyrannosaurus PTSD syndrome.

It is because recently a master who uses Tyrannosaurus appeared in the Magma Team and the Aqua Team.

They were tortured unbearably.

And Shijiana, a champion, took out Tyrannosaurus... Could it be that...

Mikoli guessed a possibility in less than two seconds, and looked at Su Xuan in disbelief.

"Dr. Su Xuan,……"

"Rather than this, let's find a way to deal with the current crisis first."

Su Xuan changed the subject.:

"She's right, Rayquaza might not come."When

Mikoli and the others heard this, their expressions became extremely ugly.

""Naki, notify the gym leaders to command the people to evacuate, I will go to resist Kyogre, and notify Daigo to resist Groudon!"

Mikoli made a prompt decision.

If we refer to previous experience, the Hoenn Alliance only needs to be responsible for evacuating the people and rescue work.

But even Su Xuan said that Rayquaza can't come.

Then Mikoli must change his response strategy.

Regardless of whether he can win or not, the first thing to do is to delay the meeting of these two old enemies as much as possible.

Otherwise, once a fight breaks out.

If it is in a remote wilderness, it will be fine.

If it happens to be near the city... I'm afraid that even a city will not be enough for them to build.

"Doctor, can I... please help you?"

After struggling for a few seconds, Mikoli finally bowed his head to Su Xuan.

Although it was indeed embarrassing to beg for mercy from another man in front of his girlfriend, oh no, ex-girlfriend.

But Mikoli knew it very well in his heart.

If Rayquaza really didn't come to the rescue.

Except for Su Xuan, it seemed that there was really no way to stop the sea and land gods.

Su Xuan blinked twice.


You also want to bribe me with your beautiful granddaughter?

"You guys hold off for now, I'll go see if Rayquaza can come,"

Su Xuan thought for a moment.

He was still more concerned about the situation of his own Dragon Pavilion Master.

"Brother Su Xuan, what are we going to do?……"

Faced with this situation, Serena and other girls didn't know how to deal with it.

"I'll leave it to you guys. If you want to watch the fun, go ahead. But don't get too close. The Fathead in this state and the flying one are not easy to mess with."

With this lineup, if they join forces to fight the enemy, it is possible to defeat one of the normal Groudon and Kyogre. But the original return is a different concept. If we don't take into account the Shen Shenbing, the power of the original return of the sea and land gods is still higher than the time and space gods. Su Xuan touched Serena's little head to comfort her. He summoned the Machine Tyrannosaurus and flew to the south where Shijiana had just left.

""Champion Mikoli, let me help you!"

After Su Xuan left, Qinglu spoke first and summoned a magical beast to lie on his shoulder.

"And me! Me and Bitmon."

Xiaomao quickly said.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi wanted to follow suit.

However, before Mikoli could express his opinion, Xiaomao was retorted by his brother.

"Have you realized the complete form?"

Xiao Mao was silent when he heard this.

"Just, just a little bit……"

"If it is, it is. If it is not, it is not. What do you mean by just a little bit off?"

Qinglu said unhappily.:

"Stay at the back!"

Although it sounds harsh, it is the absolute truth.

You haven't even comprehended the complete body, and you still want to fight a first-level god?

"Okay, let's go!"

Mikoli didn't care what Xijiana's purpose was now.

The most important thing was to stop the sea and land gods as soon as possible.



"No, no! How come this Groudon looks completely different from before! ?"

Near the sea area of Inyu City under the jurisdiction of Naqi.

After receiving the news from Mikoli, Daigo who rushed here on the Armored Bird was dumbfounded.

The situation was different from that in Mikoli.

There was no torrential rain, but the sea surface was evaporating under the high temperature, and it was unknown how much it had moved down.

And below, a monster with scorching heat all over its body, with every step it took, the sea surface under its feet would be evaporated on a large scale, and the land would emerge. It was slowly moving forward.



This is completely different from the Groudon in my impression!

What are those orange-red lines on the epidermis that look like the surface of the sun?

And the size of this Groudon is too different from the impression, right?

Second development!?

At this time, Daigo found that on the edge of an isolated island not far from Groudon.

A group of people in red uniforms were in a mess, lying or kneeling on the ground.

Lava Team!

"Damn! It was indeed these guys who did this!"

Even with Daigo's cultivation, he couldn't help but burst out with a national quintessence.


Just as Daigo was thinking about whether he should take this opportunity to give a set of silver bracelets to the troublemakers of Team Magma, the focus in the golden eyes of Proto-Graw suddenly shifted.

Obviously he noticed the humans on the ground and in the sky who were observing him.

After thousands or tens of thousands of years, the Proto-Graw, which finally returned to its peak state, said,"

I'll use you ants as a test!

The majestic divine power turned into energy hotter than magma and gushed out from behind Proto-Graw, rushing straight into the sky.

The sky was dyed red in an instant.

And then... it turned into a skyfire meteor and fell down!

The supreme enhanced version of [Meteor Volcano]?


It's Proto-Graw's"Fire Breathing""!!

"Oh my god!"

Daigo cursed for the second time.

He quickly signaled the Armored Bird to speed up and try to dodge these magma meteorites.

Even if it was rubbed a little, the Armored Bird screamed in pain. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Daigo suddenly felt that Michaeli was deliberately pitting him.

I am a steel-type, why do you want me to deal with the fire-playing Groudon?

Shouldn't you, who plays with water, come here?

But Daigo mainly didn't know the characteristics of the original Groudon.

Otherwise, even if Michaeli came, the situation would not be much better than his.

""Retreat quickly!"

The group of Chiyansong on the ground was in even more disarray.

Madgroud, you ungrateful thing.

Do you know who let you out?

The Lava Team, which had originally gathered together, scattered like birds and beasts in an instant.���

"King Swallow!

Bonfire hurriedly called out the King Swallow.

It clamped its own shoulders with its claws and rose into the air.

Looking down, the sea... was boiling!

What a hot temperature!

"No, no way!"

Dawu, who was riding on the back of the Armored Bird, was extremely worried.

According to his previous understanding of Groudon, he felt that he could still temporarily resist the opponent's footsteps.

But he really couldn't do it with Primal Groudon.

Let alone the group of steel-types in his hands. When they approached the opponent within ten meters, their bodies began to turn red.

How to fight!?

"Make Metagross Mega? Or……"

Daigo felt like his head was going to explode.



On the other side, when Mikoli and his friends found Kyogre, the bighead carp had already swam to, no, flew to the waters of Shuijing City, which is very close to Inyu City!

Yes, Kyogre can fly.

At this moment, it seemed to mistake the air for the sea.

It was swimming freely in the storm.

"How did it get so big!?"

In the storm, Mikoli stared at the Fathead flying freely in the sky and shouted in disbelief.

As a water trainer, he also knew something about this possibly the strongest water Pokémon.

It wasn't that big in his impression!

And what are the golden lines on its body?

Could it be that Kyogre can also become MEGA?

"Mikoli! Daigo sent a message that Groudon has arrived in Inyu City!"

Qianli wiped the rain off his face and shouted.

Mikoli's expression changed.

Inyu City and Shuijing City.

These two places are very close!

"We will go to evacuate the citizens and help the spirits in distress."

Lurina in Lanamon form said.

Although she has obtained the soul of the water warrior, she is not so big that she can fight the flying pufferfish above her head.

Saving a few people is the limit.

"We just caught some interesting guys on the way here."

Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang rode on the back of Aguramon.

The eagle claws below hooked several thugs wearing blue uniforms and with fierce faces.

"No, it shouldn't be like this... Why... Kyogre... Why didn't he obey my orders?"

After the muscular bearded man, who was over 1.9 meters tall, fell down, his first reaction was not to cry out in pain, but to look at the original Kyogre swimming in the storm with a look of doubt.

""Shui Wutong! You bastard!"

Mikoli, who recognized the man's identity, wanted to give him a slap.

However, the pressure from Primal Kyogre above his head made him completely unable to care about these trivial matters.

"Mikoli Champion!"

Qinglu suddenly took out the Tyrannosaurus Rex


Mikoli also released his trump card, Mienshao

""Enable the monster!" The monster also flapped its wings, which were both ears and wings, at Qinglu's shout. Primitive Kyogre rushed into the sky against the storm. The body of the partner Digimon and the Tyrannosaurus glowed brightly. Against the backdrop of the light of evolution, Qinglu raised his eyes and shouted

"Black and gold mad dragon! Break the shackles that imprison you in the cracks of the world and bring destruction to my enemies!"

The moment the voice fell, the light of evolution shone to the limit.

It immediately attracted the attention of Primal Kyogre.

And Qinglu suddenly raised his voice and shouted:

""Make the monsters evolve! Come on! Machinedramon!"

With a green shout, a Digimon that was no less powerful than the original Kyogre appeared. More than half of the skin on its upper body was made of machinery, and its face was similar to that of Machinedramon, with an iron mask, and a pair of broken purple wings on its back.

But unlike Machinedramon, both of its hands were three-clawed mechanical arms.

And its lower body was not two feet, but a long-tailed evil dragon that flew into the sky with full of hostility.

It confronted the original Kyogre.

If the original work was normal, such a ferocious and fierce Digimon would appear.

It would definitely cause everyone's awe and exclamation.

But now... the scene was a little awkward.

It was just a few Murkrows that came over and"cackled" twice.

"What, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Qinglu, who always cares about her appearance, felt her scalp tingle when she was looked at.

"Green boy, the one you just mentioned……"

Karuna asked with a strange expression.

"Yes, is there any problem? Didn't the doctor say something similar when his Agumon evolved into Battle Greymon during the Battle of Tenkoan Mountain?……"(Li's)

At this point, Qinglu also imitated Su Xuan's tone at that time:

"Didn't he also yell that when he evolved Agumon? That line"Wagatamashi, Battle Greymon."

Green thought it was very cool at the time.

He thought that this is the line that should be yelled when evolving a Digimon.

He pondered for several days before coming up with this line.

He originally planned to use it at the Quartz Conference.

But it seems that there is nothing wrong with using it in the God War.

However... the effect seems to be different from what he expected?

"It's so embarrassing."

Mary said sarcastically with a blank expression.

"It feels like a child pretending to be an adult.

Caidou nodded in agreement.

"The lines you shouted out don't have the momentum of Dr. Su Xuan at all, right? It doesn't have the feeling of Tamashi, Tamashi~"

Xiaosheng commented

"And little brother, your Digimon is not a dragon, so change the lines."

Sonia took out the Pokémon Illustrated Book and said

"Machinedramon, who was transformed by someone unknown, is a steel + coefficient codemon born entirely for destruction"

"The unique skills are [Extinction Attack] which fires unlimited organic missiles from both hands, and [Ultimate Slash] which uses steel claws to cut through everything.】"

That's right, although it's called"Machinedramon", it's the same as Gyarados.

You just have a"dragon" in your name, but you're not a real dragon.

Why are you shouting"Crazy Dragon"?

The green face turned green after being ridiculed by everyone.


A bunch of ignorant people!

But it was really careless to forget that Machinedramon is not a dragon.

I should go back and write the summoning words.

Anyway, this habit cannot be lost.

How can you not recite poetry when summoning?

Xiaozhi, Xiaomao and other middle school boys present did not express any opinions.

Instead, their eyes lit up.

That's right!

How can you not recite poetry when evolving?

PS:The attributes of Light Warrior and Dark Warrior are basically determined to be Psychic + Fighting and Evil + Fighting.

The plan is to give it to Caidou and Mary.

Unfortunately, these two are too tight, there is really no choice but to let Wind Warrior and Water Warrior come.

The picture is Machine Dragonmon..

Added by kuteangelxxx

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