Before the iceberg cut by Sky-Soaring V-dramon fell to the ground, bang, the cane in Liu Bo's hand hit the ground again, making a crisp sound.

Whoosh, a bigger iceberg rose from the ground, lifted up the body of the Ivory Pig, and prepared to approach Sky-Soaring V-dramon in the sky.

Large-sized Pokémon like Ivory Pig are naturally lacking in speed.

And with its bloated and four-legged body, it is obviously impossible to become a flexible fat man like Xiaozhi's Snorlax.

However, Liu Bo actually used this to make up for the mobility of Ivory Pig.

After all, it is restrained by the four-fold attribute.

The oncoming coldness made Sky-Soaring V-dramon very uncomfortable.

Spreading its wings, it flew away in the opposite direction, trying to distance itself from the Ivory Pig.

However, the ice under the Ivory Pig's feet suddenly turned like a continuous stream of water at this moment, chasing after it in a curve!

This scene is very similar to Gaara in"Naruto" who obviously does not have the ability to fly, but can use quicksand to hold himself up and chase Deidara in the sky.

"How could it be?!"

Kona's charming eyes almost popped out of her glasses. Isn't this too exaggerated?

Ice is not a popular attribute among many attributes.

There are very few people who are proficient in this attribute above the King level.

Kona has always thought that as a champion, she should be the strongest ice trainer in the world.

However, Liu Bo's use of ice completely subverted her worldview!

"There are still experts! ?"

Yu Longxiong, the president of the Johto Alliance, was also scared to death.

Like Yu Longdu, he always thought that the strongest owner of the Johto Alliance was his daughter Yu Longzhu.

However, seeing the ability displayed by Liu Bo... Damn, this old man is really good at hiding things.

"Father, should we take action?"

Yulongzhu, dressed in blue, walked to his father and asked.


Yu Longxiong didn't react for a moment.

"Su Xuan is recruiting strong people from all over the world to supplement Alola's combat power……"

Yu Longzhu reminded him, and Yu Longxiong also remembered.

Damn, I almost forgot!

Yu Longxiong didn't care about watching the game, and quickly packed up and ran to Kaji Town.

He was afraid that Liu Bo would be kidnapped by Su Xuan.



At the Kaji Gym, Liu Bo tapped the cane in his hand again.

Crash! Crash! Crash!

The fear around the dwarf ivory pig possessed by the ice version of Gaara quickly condensed.

It turned into countless ice javelins around the body!

It was a real ice version of the King's Treasury!


Endless ice javelins rushed out.

""Fight back, Sky-Soaring V-Beast."

Su Xuan ordered.

The soaring Sky-Soaring V-Beast's eyes turned fierce upon hearing this.

He turned around abruptly, and with the agile body of the sky king, he wandered among the endless ice spears.

At the moment when he rushed to the last five meters away from the ivory pig, he endured the discomfort from the four-fold attribute restraint 510, and suddenly grasped the ice spear flying from the right direction. It was covered with a layer of green dragon energy as if it was wrapped in armed color.

He threw it back with his backhand.

The ivory pig's pupils condensed.

The thick ice wall rose suddenly.

Bang - the ice spear coated with dragon energy collided with the ice wall.

But it seemed not enough.

The attack power and speed were weakened at a visible trend!

"Dragon God dives."

After hearing the order from the trainer, the Tianxiang V beast's body glowed with purple light, and it flew out, kicking the lower end of the ice spear thrown a second ago.


The ice spear completely pierced through the"absolute defense" of the ice wall.

At such a close distance, ordinary ivory pigs would never be able to avoid it.

At the critical moment,

Liu Bo's ivory pig once again controlled the ice under his feet.

He lifted himself to the side like a somersault cloud.


The dragon energy ice spear passed through the right face of the ivory pig, tearing all the way to its right hind leg, cutting a huge gash!

But before the wound could bleed, the ice had frozen the cut, minimizing the damage.

The ivory pig's face was even more fierce.

He controlled the iceberg under his feet, and turned it around like a big hand, moving himself behind the Tianxiang V dragon beast in an instant.


The sound of Liu Bo's crutch hitting the ground this time was obviously heavier.

Quick freezing ray!

"Dragon Claw!"

Tian Xiang V-mon's right claw ignited a blue-green color.

It turned into a huge three-pronged machete. With a golden hook, he turned around.

The machete claw rushed towards the freezing ray.

The two sides collided and stalemated for a second.

The next scene was accompanied by Tian Xiang V-mon's strength, constantly suppressing the freezing ray and approaching the ivory pig.

Finally, Tian Xiang V-mon completely suppressed the freezing ray of the ivory pig.

The big hand clasped the center of the opponent's forehead.

"Earth Throw!"

Sky-Soaring V-mon picked up the Ivory Pig and flew to the top of the gym's ceiling.

Then they headed down and rushed to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

In his previous life, he liked to use this move when he saw Xiaozhi.

At this time, Su Xuan couldn't help but cosplay it.

But to be honest, the power of the Earth Throw is not that good.

It is a typical move that is more ornamental than practical.

Well, it looks very much like the never-extinguishing flame Amaterasu that sounds cool.

I have never seen it burn anyone to death.

In comparison, Kamui is not much more awesome?

It's just that the visual effect is not so pretentious.

However, when Sky-Soaring V-mon uses the Earth Throw, it is still different from the old spray.

While half of it is holding the opponent and falling at a high speed.

Also Spinning at high speed like a gyroscope.

That's right, the object of reference is the Lotus Flower!

Amidst the loud noise, the ice ground of the Kaji Gym shattered like a mirror.

In the smoke, the Ivory Pig slowly stood up.

He is worthy of being the only master-level trainer in the world.

Even if the one sent out is not the absolute main force.

It is not so easy to be killed.


This time, the sound of Liu Bo hitting the ground was obviously heavier.

For a moment, the ground of the entire venue melted and suddenly rose.

Turned into an ice tsunami.

Oh my god, an ice version of the quicksand waterfall?

No, that's not right!

The rising ice was quickly fixed and formed on the way up.

It turned into an ice giant with a hideous face.

An ice version of Susanoo, right?

In the live broadcast room

【Who the hell is this old guy? He's really good at using ice. I doubt if Kyurem the Ice Dragon is as good as him.】

【Liu Bo from the Johto Alliance, I challenged him when I attended the Silver Conference two years ago. At that time, I thought he was letting me win. Now it seems that he is more than letting me win, he is letting me win!】

【I suddenly felt that the pressure that Dialga and Palkia brought to Su Xuan at Tianguan Mountain was probably not as much as that of this old man.】

【That can't be said. After all, Su Xuan only has the complete form now, and hasn't revealed the ultimate form yet.】

【I think the person who is suffering the most right now is Yulongdu. He was humiliated by Su Xuan with the ancient music beast, and now he has encountered such a pervert.】

【It's true. Based on the strength Liu Bo has shown so far, he is definitely a top champion on par with Dan Di and Yu Long Du. However, with his ice attribute, I think he can beat Yu Long Du.】

【That's right, no matter whether it's Dragon or Flying, they are completely defeated by Ice.】



At the scene, under the control of the tusk pig, the ice giant covering the top of his head raised his right arm and opened his super palm, which was enough to cover 70% of the area inside the venue.

From the perspective below, this slap was like the sky falling!

"The old man is excited?"

Su Xuan was also a little surprised.

He thought at first that Liu Bo might stop fighting.

However, after a few rounds of fighting,

Liu Bo revealed more and more strength.

First he was at the king level, then at the champion level, and now he was at the peak level of the champion.

But it didn't feel surprising.

After all, if a trainer doesn't like fighting, how can he improve his strength to the level of perfection?

If you want to become stronger, the premise is that you like fighting.

Don't you see that Son Gohan has such a strong talent, but because he doesn't like fighting, he becomes a Nobita fan in the later period.

And Liu Bo is the same.

He has been letting it go for the past few decades because he has never met an opponent who can make him take it seriously.

And this time, he was really excited for the first time in a long time.

Su Xuan suspected that if the fight continued, this old man might reveal his strength at the level of a master?

"Then let me see it... Dragon Charge!"

Tian Xiang V-mon opened his arms wide, forming a"big" shape.

Endless blue light continued to condense, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a bright flying dragon.

With a dragon roar, it quickly met the"Tathagata Palm" of the ivory pig.

Boom boom~

The huge impact made the entire Kaji Gym shaky.

In the crazy shaking camera.

Thousands of viewers in front of the screen saw the ice giant's exaggerated hands being destroyed by the dragon light.

Under the continuous explosion sound. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It can be clearly seen that Tian Xiang V-dragon is constantly approaching the ivory pig protected in the center by the ice giant.

It can't be stopped!

"Brother Su Xuan won!"

Serena said excitedly outside the screen.

Through the judgment of the headmaster, she analyzed that if the ivory pig was hit by this move, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

Liu Bo did not knock the ground with the crutch in his left hand.

Instead, he used his right hand, which had been in his arms, to gently pat the small wild boar in his arms, which was the initial form of the ivory pig.

Without any signs, the bone-chilling frost instantly dyed the entire gym white, whether it was the ground, walls, or ceiling.

Sonia and Yulongdu, who were at the scene, felt that in an instant, the world in front of them turned completely white.

"What happened...Ah!"

Sonia didn't react until she shivered violently.

She couldn't help but sneeze again.


Sonia hugged Tailmon tighter.

Tailmon's face was dark.

Damn, he must find a chance to take revenge on this female human in the future.

Yulongdu looked at the center of the field with a stinky face that everyone owed him money, shocked and even a little terrified.

Tianxiang V-mon stopped abruptly at the last moment when he was less than five centimeters away from the Ivory Pig.

He was frozen into an ice dragon sculpture.

It was definitely not done by the Ivory Pig!

Who did it!

? Yulongdu was not only surprised by the power of this"Ice the World".

What surprised him even more was that as a champion, he hadn't found out who did it!

This was what surprised him the most.


At least it can be confirmed that it was definitely Liu Bo who did it.

But what Pokémon did he use? At this time, Yulongdu noticed the little boar curled up in Liu Bo's arms? That, that thing? How, how is it possible? Yulongdu's expression was even a little horrified.

What does this feel like? It's like Sun Wukong is fighting with Cell.

And when Sun Wukong was about to be killed by Cell.

Krillin came to the rescue!

It even feels a bit exaggerated to say Krillin.

Yamcha is more like that.


At this moment, the frost on the skin of Tianxiang V-mon broke.

Tianxiang V-mon shook off the ice chips on his body fiercely.

The feeling of four times restraint made it very uncomfortable.

"You win."

Liu Bo raised his eyes and spoke.

When he asked the little pig to save the situation, the victory or defeat was decided.

"It's just a competition, there's no need to worry about winning or losing."

Su Xuan walked up and patted Tianxiang V-dramon on the shoulder.

"But I didn't expect you to be so serious, Grandpa."

Although he didn't send the core players directly into battle, Uncle Liu actually asked the little pig to stop it.

Su Xuan was still quite surprised.

"……I just don't want my elves to get seriously hurt."

He was able to save the lives of two elves for decades.

It is enough to show that Liu Bo's love for elves is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In the middle and late stages of the fight, Liu Bo realized that he had exposed too much of his strength.

This would not be convenient for his future actions.

But if Tianxiang V-beast's move hit, the ivory pig would definitely suffer a heavy blow.

After hesitating for a moment, he still let the little mountain pig, who was the main force, take action to stop it.

It was considered to have exposed a bit of the strength of the headmaster.

"Why do you want to hide your strength?" Su Xuan asked knowingly.


Although it had been decades since he felt the blood boiling again, after calming down, Liu Bo immediately felt that the gain was not worth the loss. He had a premonition that many people would come to bother him for a long time. This would be detrimental to his plan to capture Celebi.

"Maybe this is not a good place to talk. Come to Alola, we can have a good talk. If the discussion result is not to your liking, we will send a special plane to take you back. How about that?"

Su Xuan said while the iron was hot.

Hearing this, Liu Bo was silent for more than half a minute.

Then he moved his eyes to the ancient music beast above Su Xuan's head.

"Digimon... have a lot of weird abilities.……"

I saw in the newspaper that Gulemon had the ability to freely control the evolution and degeneration of other elves.

Even Liu Bo, who was at the head level, was dumbfounded.

This was also the reason why he accepted Su Xuan's invitation to fight today.

Because he also wanted to see with his own eyes the specialness of Digimon and ordinary elves.

However, it was a pity that although the Tianxiang V-mon sent by Su Xuan was powerful, it did not have the special ability that could be called a bug like Gulemon.

And the ability that Liu Bo most desired was naturally to travel through time!

"Well... we can talk about this slowly."

Su Xuan smiled.

The Ultimate Digimon do have all kinds of incredible abilities.

Not to mention the Super Ultimate Digimon.

But for the moment, Su Xuan couldn't remember who the Ultimate Digimon were that could travel through time.

So let's get on board first and buy the ticket later.

Let's trick the people over first.

"……I'll consider it."

Liu Bo thought silently for a while.

He didn't agree immediately.

After all, in his cognition,

Celebi, who was called [Time Traveler], was the first choice.

Su Xuan's appearance only provided him with a backup plan.

Su Xuan saw that Liu Bo was a little shaken.

He didn't continue to press step by step.

Celebi is not so easy to catch.

It can be seen from the fact that Liu Bo, the head of the sect, has been staring at it for so many years but has never succeeded.

Even if you use the Master Ball to catch it in the ball, don't forget its special ability - time travel.

What can you do if you are caught in the ball? I jump to another time and space, leaving you with an empty ball to stare at.

Do you accept it? This is why Liu Bo went through so much trouble to collect the feathers of Phoenix King and Lugia in the original comics, wanting to make a special GS ball that can seal the abilities of elves.

It is to prevent Celebi from using time-travel ability to escape after being captured.

However, Su Xuan found it a little funny that Liu Bo might have thought of it in his dreams.

Later, Team Rocket developed a"dark ball" that could control the thinking of elves.

It also let a third-rate cadre control Celebi.

In the end, it had to rely on Suicune to save the day...

Oh no, it was Suicune back then.

Two balls, one to seal the ability of elves, and the other to control the thinking of elves.

Obviously the latter is more cost-effective.

But the price is to seriously overdraw the vitality of elves.

I am a little curious about what Liu Bo's expression would be if he knew that what he, a dignified head, had not been able to do for decades was dealt with by a third-rate cadre of Team Rocket in two days.

It is probably equivalent to the feeling of Shuijing who spent his entire life trying to get Suicune's recognition.

And then in the blink of an eye, he saw that the other party was captured by Gouhao with one ball..

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