Under the sunlight, the feathers on Latias' body glowed.


The original Sonia, who was holding Gulemon, was stunned.

Before she could react to what Latias was going to do, she saw the"other me" in front of her holding Su Xuan's arm, standing on tiptoes, and kissing the corner of his mouth.

"You, you, you!"

The original Sonia was so scared that she almost threw the ancient music beast in her hand away.

After traveling with Su Xuan for so long, she has seen many big scenes.

However, this kind of scene is really the first time.

What is this called?

Clone flow?

Cuckolding yourself?

As mentioned before, Latias's ability is not transformation.

She can only change the impression of herself in the eyes of others.

In the final analysis, it is an illusion.

But no matter what, Latias is now using Sonia's face


Pirated Sonia made a puzzled sound.

When she sneaked out to play with Gulemon before, she often saw Sonia doing this to Su Xuan.

She thought it was a way for humans to express"love"

""Okay, okay, change back."

Seeing Sonia's angry expression, Su Xuan quickly waved his hand to signal Latias to return to the original state.

So the clone flow is poisonous.

Hearing this, the pirated Sonia's watch flashed with daylight for the second time. She turned into a little female dragon.

Seeing Sonia's obviously unhappy look, she hid behind Duolumon.

Just now, before leaving, Latios observed the Digimon in Su Xuan's team. A fat dragon with a kidney-deficiency look, two female cats with a bitch smell all over their bodies...

After looking around, he felt that Duolumon was more reliable.

So he asked her to take care of Latias in the team in the future.

Let her not be bullied in the team.

I thought that the one who looked like a colonel chicken The guy with the bigger body should be better than the other fat dragon with a face full of kidney deficiency.

But Latios always felt that the way this guy looked at his sister was not right.

After thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to ask Dolumon.

After all, they are both female dragons, so they should be able to get along better.

And when seeing Latias's transformed Sonia kissing Su Xuan, Agumon's background turned white.

Why did it turn out like this... For the first time, I have a dragon I like, and a master who I swear to be loyal to for life.

Two happy things overlap, and these two joys will bring me more happiness.

This should have been a happy time like a dream...

But... Why did it turn out like this?……

"V V"

V-mon, who had transformed back from Sky-flying V-mon, patted Agumon on the back.

He laughed wildly.

Oh, that's great.

If such a beautiful little female dragon could really be picked up by Agumon,

V-mon felt that he would be miserable and unable to eat for at least half a year.

He had brought Agumon and Little Lisa together before, in addition to wanting Agumon to stay away from him.

Another important reason was that Little Lisa was not very pretty.

V-mon said he didn't feel bad about giving Little Lisa to Agumon.

But if Latias was picked up by Agumon ,

V-mon really couldn't accept it.

He was afraid that his brother would suffer, and he was also afraid that his brother would drive a Land Rover.


"Is it that serious? Are you jealous of the elves?"

After the matter was settled, Su Xuan took great effort to hold Sonia's hand and said with a smile:

"Isn't it normal for Pokémon to be intimate with their trainers?"

"I don't think it's normal for a Pokémon to kiss its trainer."

Sonia said sourly.

Su Xuan said that you are not very knowledgeable, there are still many Pokémons who get married.

But Su Xuan suddenly felt that in his previous life, there should be many male compatriots who would be happy to marry Gardevoir.

After all, marrying Gardevoir does not require a gift of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"But this is a bit troublesome.

Kona finally found an opportunity to interrupt the conversation between the two.

"The battle scene just now was broadcasted through the on-site camera, and the information that the guardian of the water city actually lived in this city was also known to the whole world."

Kona held his chin with one hand, with his index finger on his chin, exuding an intellectual beauty.

"Even though Latias was subdued by you, Professor, Latios is still here. There will definitely be countless trainers who desire the legend and even deserving poachers who will covet Latios."

That's right. This time the twin dragons guarding the Water City made a public appearance.

It was equivalent to telling the world that Latios and Latias were in the Water City.

Latias was taken away by Su Xuan.

But Latios is still there.

Never underestimate human greed.

Su Xuan dared to guarantee it.

Tomorrow, or even an hour later, the number of tourists coming to Alto Mare will increase exponentially.

And there's no need to think about the reason.

It 's 100% for Latios.

Didn't Su Xuan and Kukui use this trick to drive the GDP growth of Alola's tourism industry? It's just that Su Xuan and Kukui were just talking.

Wild Digimon don't exist at all.

And Latios really lives here.

Ordinary trainers may not be able to find Latios, let alone capture him.

But who knows what kind of tricks those poachers will come up with.

Su Xuan suddenly remembered something, the Ragnarok battle in the original movie.

The Water City brothers and sisters can MEGA evolve on their own like Rayquaza.

Thinking of this, Su Xuan took out the Poké Ball and released Latias.


"Latias, call your brother over here"


Ten days later.

In the backyard of Kona's house on the Seventh Island, far from Mizunoko,


Gulumon jumped from Latios' back into Sonia's arms

""Latios, try again."

Su Xuan said.

Latios closed his eyes, and his body began to emit a colorful halo.

If Karen was here, she would recognize it at a glance - this is a MEGA evolution!

Whoosh - finally, the strong light dissipated.

Latios has appeared in a brand new posture!

His body, which was originally a circle larger than his sister Latias, has expanded by more than half.

The blue and white feathers have also turned purple and white.

The huge wings allow him to complete the transformation from a"jet" to a"bomber"!

MEGA Latios!

"Very good, this way no poacher in the world should be able to catch you."

Su Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

In ten days,

Su Xuan helped his brother-in-law complete the self-propelled MEGA training.

The specific method is to let Gu Lemon use the power of the source of evolution to let Latios gradually get used to the MEGA body.

Then slowly master this change.

Finally, achieve the goal of self-propelled MEGA.

It's a bit like a child learning to ride a bicycle.

At first, parents need to hold the back seat.

Then slowly let go of the hand.

Latias excitedly flew around MEGA Latios.

Then he directly used the dragon form to"boo" Su Xuan's cheek.

Sonia's face darkened again. It

's endless, right!?


Duolumon looked at Tailmon and Black Tailmon with some curiosity. The two female cats seemed to be in heat at any time.

When Latias first joined the team, she was worried that Latias's affection for Su Xuan would cause a conflict with these two bitches.

As the big sister, it might be difficult for her to protect Latias and fight two people alone.

But afterwards, she was surprised to find that these two bitches did not react at all to Latias's intimate behavior towards her master.

This made Duolumon feel strange.

Are they so generous?

""Meow~ meow~ (A little female dragon can't turn into a human, what's there to be afraid of?)"

Tailmon said with disdain as he licked the back of his hand.

That's right, although Latias has the ability to transform

, it's just a trick.

In essence, she is still just a little female dragon.

Can she compare to Angewomon?

Tailmon and the others even think that Sonya, the human girl, is so childish.

What else can that little female dragon do except peck a few times?

She can't take away a few drops, is there any need to get angry for her? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dolmon was shocked.

But Tailmon's words also woke her up.

So that's it, she has to be able to turn into a human, right?

Brother Di's words made me see the light, and my mind was suddenly opened~


Su Xuan rubbed the place where he was attacked by Latias, and then said:

"Although I can't say that I can deal with all the poachers in the world, at least if you want to run, I don't think anyone can catch up with you."


MEGA Latios nodded, and before leaving, he said to Latias,"Come home often."

He burst out with a terrifying speed that was completely different from the previous fight against Chimeramon, soaring over the sea.

Return to the water city of Odomare

""Why don't you let Latias practice with you?"

Sonia asked curiously.

Su Xuan said that both Latios and Latias have the ability to MEGA evolve.

After all, training one is training, and training two is also training, right?

Why not take this opportunity to let Latias learn MEGA evolution together?

"This little girl has a poor foundation. It is impossible for her to master MEGA evolution in just ten days like her brother."

Su Xuan gently stroked the dragon horn on Latias's head and said:

"And to be honest, even if she mastered the Mega level, her strength would be just that. In that case, she might as well play happily with Gulemon."

If V-mon is a substitute in Su Xuan's team, then Latias is just a cheerleader.

There is no point in training.

The upper limit is just that.

In that case, she might as well form a cheerleading team with Gulemon happily. Anyway,

I can afford you.

"I feel a little pitiful. Is there no way to help this child break through the limit?"

Sonia couldn't help but put her hand on Latias' neck.

Latias's situation reminded her of herself when she was a child.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up with the genius around her.

"Emmm, yes, but let's find a test subject later."

Su Xuan silently glanced at a super precious item with a ten-digit price in the system mall -


"Oops! Now let’s not talk about such serious topics.���Come, let me kiss you."

Su Xuan pulled Sonia into his arms.

"" Ah! Damn it! Gu Le Beast and the others are watching us!"

The back door of the villa was opened with a bang.

A 29-and-a-half-year-old aunt roared:

"Get out of my house!!!"


The reason why Kona's house was chosen as the special training base for Latios is mainly because the number of tourists in Water City has skyrocketed in the past few days as Su Xuan expected.

They are all big dreamers who daydream of conquering Latios.

There is no doubt that there must be poachers who want to get rich overnight by conquering legends.

So Kona took the initiative to propose to give her own home to Latios for special training.

But she has regretted it, the reason...

Su Xuan:"Can I peck this little thing?"

Under the moonlight, the small cinnabar mole on Sonia's right side exudes a suffocating charm.

Sonia:"I don't know"


Then, there was the kind of voice that everyone understands.

Kona, who lived on the second floor of the villa and was holding a doll, was so angry that she wanted to go downstairs and kick the couple in the guest room.

What do they think of other people's homes?!

Kona secretly made up his mind that he would make these two mean husbands and wives get out tomorrow!

As he listened, the doll that was originally held in Kona's arms began to move down.

If Su Xuan and Sonia came to Kona's room to take a look.

They would find that this bedroom was unexpectedly girlish.

There were all kinds of dolls inside that almost covered the floor.


Who would have thought that the bedroom of the Ice King, who looked like a queen in the eyes of outsiders and would be thirty in a few months, would be like this.


It's breakfast time.

Sonia's pretty face, which was in good spirits, showed a bit of embarrassment.

"Ko, Kona King, we will say goodbye from today.…"

"…Get out of here."

Kona, biting his cereal, didn't bother to be polite with the two and replied coldly with three words.

Sonia was immediately more embarrassed.

She vaguely guessed why Kona's attitude was so bad.

Because when Su Xuan and Lu Lina got together, she had experienced the same thing before.

Unexpectedly, she became the person she hated the most without realizing it.

Su Xuan's expression was still calm.

Just get used to it.


Before the three of them parted, Su Xuan suddenly said:

"This world is not black and white."

Sonia and Kona's faces changed slightly after hearing this.

"Ah Xuan, what do you mean?"

Sonia asked curiously

"It's nothing, I just thought of this sentence and said it directly."

Su Xuan said nothing more, pulled Sonia away quickly.

Only Kona was left standing quietly in the living room. After a long time, he said to himself:

"That guy... knows something?"


Yuhong City Game City.

This is the Rocket Team's largest secret base in Kanto.

In the spacious underground laboratory, hundreds of people wearing uniforms printed with"R"The Rockets members gathered here in their iconic black uniforms

"Hey, Xiao Sanshi, what's going on? Four generals and three beast soldiers, so many elite cadres have been gathered together."

Yellow-haired and twin-tailed elite member of Team Rocket, Amado, approached his partner and asked

"It's Kosaburo! We've been partners for so long, you should at least remember his name, right?"

Kosaburo said furiously.

Noticing that people around them were looking at them with dangerous eyes, the two of them quickly shut up.

They didn't want to be like a certain idiot trio, just an extra member, foolishly chasing a Pikachu around.

"I heard that Lord Sakaki wanted to test the power of the new ace."

Kosaburo lowered his voice and said

"New ace?"

Yamato looked curious.

At this moment, in the center of the training ground,

Sakaki put one hand in his pocket, and a bee-shaped Digimon with huge cannons all over its body was flapping its wings at high speed, hovering above his head.

""Let's go together."

Sakaki said these three words calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the four generals of Team Rocket, Apollo, Athena, Lance, and Lambda, attacked together! The four ace elves, Houndoom, Tyrannosaurus, X-bat, and Double Bomb Gas, attacked together.

Facing the attack of the quartet of Big Word Explosion, Sunshine Flame, Air Slash, and Sludge Bomb,

Sakaki said calmly.:

""CannonBeemon, Sky Rocket."

CannonBeemon's whole body made a"click-click-click" sound like a machine gun being loaded.


The muzzle-seeking missiles were fired at the same time.


Stormy Pear Blossom's rocket launcher collided with the special moves of the four elves on the opposite side.

The terrifying air wave spread out in a ring shape.

The Rocket Team members standing in the front were directly flipped into the air.

Amado and Kozaburo, who were standing a little bit behind, also stumbled and almost fell.

When they steadied themselves and looked forward, the four elves of the four generals had all fallen to the ground!

"Too, too awesome! It's really awesome!"

"As expected of Master Sakaki's new trump card! He defeated the four generals with one move.……"

"Is this the only thing that the Dragon Crossing Emperor can do?"

Hundreds of players at the scene immediately offered flattery.

However, Sakaki ignored these flattery and said calmly as always.:

"Sachi, Chakra, and Kaka, the three of you step forward."

After the three beast warriors stepped forward, Saka's words made everyone in the room change color.

"I want to try the power of the Ultimate Form"

Share: Apollo555

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