The Quartz Plateau is the symbol of the entire Kanto region, and even the entire Elf Alliance!

The Kanto Alliance and the Quartz Arena, the core of the alliance, are located here.

And this year's Quartz Conference is finally about to start.

"The preliminaries and preliminary rounds are held in small arenas, and only the knockout rounds will be held in the largest quartz arena," a middle-aged man in a white coat with a tanned complexion due to years of sunshine introduced to the boys and girls behind him who were about the same age as Satoshi and Shigeki. They were Professor Kukui and Suiren Maou and the others."Doctor, you really know Kanto."

Kachi, who had a darker complexion than Kukui and could only see a pair of eyes in the dark, said in amazement.

Kukui scratched his head awkwardly,"After all, I used to come here every year to apply for Alola to join the league……"

""We in Alola are now fully capable of joining the alliance, right? Haven't we already started building gyms?" asked the little fat boy Mamane curiously.

Shui Lian blinked twice, recalling the past.:

"Dr. Su Xuan seemed to say don't rush, now is not the most appropriate time……"

"Anyway, let's meet up with the professor and the others first. We came all the way from Alola to cheer on the kings and gym leaders of Alola."


""Mom! Will we build such a great arena in Alola in the future?"

Liliae was wearing a slim white dress in front of the quartz arena in the style of the ancient Roman Colosseum.

She was holding the big-eared beast in her left hand and pointing at the arena behind her with her right hand.

"Of course, but Xuan's idea is really exaggerated. I really look forward to what kind of sensation it will cause when the alliance is officially established.……"

When Lusamine thought about the idea that Su Xuan discussed with her and Kukui, she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It was too exaggerated, too shocking!

"Heh~ Anyway, let's go and meet up with Brother Su Xuan! I really miss him and Sister Sonia!"

Lilia excitedly took her mother's arm.

The same beautiful face, the same gorgeous blonde hair, the same slim white dress.

The two of them walking together don't look like mother and daughter at all, but like sisters with a big age difference.

"It's a pity that Brother Gladion is busy challenging the Kalos League and has no time to come."

Liliae grumbled again with some regret.

"Lilia, you have to call me Uncle Doctor, okay?

Although she thought it was useless, Lusamine still tried to correct her.



Another entrance to the Quartz Plateau

"Quartz Conference, we have finally waited for this day, let's cheer together! Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi, wearing a red baseball cap and thick sweatpants, raised his arms and shouted

"This guy is probably only happy for a while now."

Xiaoxia, who was walking behind, complained silently

"Well, don't say that. No matter what, at least Charizard has obeyed, right?"

Xiao Gang said with a smile

"I think that would at most make him lose less awfully."

Xiaoxia's words were heartbreaking, but she had to admit that this was the truth.

Xiaogang could only secretly pray for his friend not to run into those freaks too early.

"Is the difference in strength really that big?"

Auntie Hanako, who came with the trio to cheer on her two sons, asked.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia didn't know how to answer for a moment.

It's not a question of whether it's big or not... It feels like they are in a completely different dimension.

"It's great that you're so energetic, Xiaozhi."

A familiar voice came, and everyone turned to look.

Xiaogang said in surprise:

"Mr. Daigo! ?"The person who came into view was none other than the former champion of the Hoenn League, Daigo, whom he had met in Shuijing City before.

"Now you have to call Daigo-kun, everyone."

Mikoli, still wearing extremely seductive clothes, came from the back.

"Mikoli is here too, are you two here to watch the game?"

Xiaoxia's eyes were filled with admiration.

Although her idol was Kona, she also had a longing for Mikoli, who was also a water expert.

"It's not just us~"

Mikoli raised his hand and pointed to the right.

Xiaozhi and others looked in the direction of Mikoli's finger.

"Mr. Dante! Please sign for me!"

"Is that Mr. Dante's trump card, the Charizard? Can I touch it?"

"Champion Dandi, who do you think is stronger, you or Champion Yulongdu?"

Dandi landed on the back of his fire-breathing dragon in the Quartz Square.

As soon as he landed, he attracted a large number of tourists and reporters.

Daigo said with emotion:

"The whole league is very interested in Alola's strength."

""Hey! Over there!"

Mikoli spoke again, motioning everyone to look at the registration desk in the contestant village.

As Mikoli said this, not only Xiaozhi and his friends, but almost everyone in the square shifted their attention to that side.

Serena, Marie, Qinglu, Xijiana, Xiaoyao... everyone walked towards the registration desk in groups.

This scene was comparable to the oppressive feeling when the three admirals of the navy appeared during the war at the top.

The atmosphere of the entire Quartz Square froze for a short time.

"Good, amazing momentum.……"

Xiaoxia muttered in a low voice.

The one walking in front of these young men and women was Su Xuan.

At the registration counter, Su Xuan raised his finger to signal Serena and the others to go and register.

The reporters around finally reacted and rushed over one by one like a catdog smelling meat.

"Dr. Su Xuan, are so many registered trainers from Alola coming to participate in the Quartz Conference to disrupt the event?"

"I heard that Dr. Kukui had come to Kanto many times to apply for joining but was rejected every time. Are you doing this to vent Dr. Kukui's anger?"

"Can we talk about the Chimeramon eating humans incident?"

"Now many people on the Internet think that Digimon are too dangerous and will actually attack their owners. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Some members of the parliament said that Alola cannot join the alliance unless Alola can find a way to solve this problem."

The reporters wanted to put the microphone into Su Xuan's mouth.

The reporters who had just surrounded Dan Di were gone. They did n't pay any attention to Daigo and Mikoli, the current presidents and champions of the Hoenn Alliance, who were less than ten meters away.

The three of them smiled bitterly at each other.

But they were also curious about how Su Xuan would answer.

Especially the Chimeramon incident, the heat it caused was no less than the Tianguanshan God War and the Shuijing City God War.

They didn't know whether there had been elves eating people before.

But the elves eating people and being broadcasted was indeed the first time since the establishment of the alliance.

"Get out of here!"

Shijiana released her dragon beast and scared away the reporters who were rushing to the front with a roar.

Qinglv, who had just taken out the Poké Ball, gritted his teeth secretly.

Damn, I was one step slower than this crazy woman.

I wanted to take this opportunity to gain some goodwill.

Su Xuan raised his hand to signal Shijiana and her dragon beast to retreat. He stepped out and smiled faintly.:

"Serena and the others are all trainers with ID cards and fully qualified to participate in the competition. Why can't they participate? You say that I am doing this to vent my anger on Professor Kukui. I can only say... guess what?"

"Uh... can you talk about the Chimeramon incident? Many people think Digimon are too dangerous because of this incident, and some people have even complained to the league that the use of Digimon should be banned."

One of the reporters scratched his head and asked

"Every year, people go out to the wild and are attacked by elves and die accidentally. I haven't seen you prohibit the use of elves."

Su Xuan said jokingly.

"But Chimeramon is the child's Digimon, and doing that to his master... This is the first time in the history of the alliance."

Su Xuan said righteously:

"That's because of the dog... Oh no, Xiaohao is too obsessed with power. He should have chosen a basic growth or juvenile Digimon as his partner, but he chose Chimeramon, who is a perfect Digimon and even has the power of an Ultimate Digimon."

"It's like when you just became a novice trainer and went to the Giant Cave to catch Kyurem, but Kyurem killed you. Do you want to say that it's Kyurem's fault? No, it's only your fault."

Fuck, that makes sense... Wait

, that's not right. Since Xiaohao can't control Chimeramon, why did you give him such an awesome Digimon?

Isn't that your responsibility?


The reporter was still able to ask questions, but Qinglu had already walked up angrily, slapped the microphone and pointed at the camera and cursed:

"But what but? The doctor has already said that this is all caused by that dog-something-hao who overestimated his own abilities!"

"Don't you only see these trivial things and fail to see that the Doctor saved Sinnoh and Hoenn from fire and water twice?"

"You, the reporter who only wants the world to be in chaos, please get out of here! There are so many good things that you haven't reported, but you keep complaining about such a small thing all day long! Do good people deserve to be pointed at with guns?!"

"Damn, if the doctor hadn't persuaded me, I would have wanted to join Team Rocket to kill you ungrateful bastards! And Chimeramon has already apologized, what else do you want?!"

Shijiana's eyes widened.

She never expected that this little jerk Qinglu would be so good at flattering.

And Dr. Oak almost fainted when he heard his grandson's words.

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Join Team Rocket?

Is that something you can say? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) What made

Dr. Oak even more upset was that his grandson looked eager to try.

It seemed that he regretted that he didn't grab the microphone

"That's right, this kind of thing is something none of us want to see happen, just like you can't ban all flights in the world because of an accident, right? Dr. Su Xuan is the benefactor of Hoenn, and this will never change."

Dawu also walked up quickly and said to the camera.

No matter what, Su Xuan really helped them clean up the mess left by his father.

This is ironclad anyway.���The Emperor of Dan also said:

"That's right, the Chimeramon incident was entirely caused by the boy named Xiaohao. I suggest that all elf schools include this incident in their teaching materials to warn students, so that they don't make the same mistake as Gou... oh no, as Xiaohao."

When Mad talked to Su Xuan about this matter before, he always heard him calling"Gouhao Gouhao".

He led himself astray.

Seeing so many big figures come out to support....

The reporters had no choice but to give up.

They thought that tomorrow's headlines would have to blame that dog.

The main reason was that Xi Jiana and Qinglv had just stared at the names on the nameplates in front of their heads.

It was obvious that they wanted to get all their names.

The reporters had no doubts.

If they went back tonight and wrote a negative report about Su Xuan, these two people would chase after the names in the report tomorrow and take down the entire newspaper.


In the evening,

Serena, Green, and Haruka, who are already candidates for Alola, or Satoshi and Red, who are the original protagonists who have not yet joined, all entered the contestant village after completing the registration, and temporarily separated from Su Xuan and his group.

They made final preparations for the competition that will be officially launched in three days.

Su Xuan, Sonia, Brock, Misty, Aunt Hanako and other spectators usually stayed in hotels.

However, due to the hot season of the competition, the hotel prices in the Quartz Plateau have skyrocketed.

In the past, Aunt Hanako would definitely go down the mountain to find a cheap hotel in Nibi City at the foot of the mountain to save money, and come back on the day of the competition.

But this time she came with Misty and Brock.

In addition, she and Sonia are more familiar with each other, so naturally they will not treat her badly.

At the warm invitation of the president, Dama Lanqi, everyone came to the Quartz Alliance headquarters building.

A group of senior members of the alliance gathered here to hold a grand banquet.

Aunt Hanako was stunned.

She never thought that she would be able to come to such a place one day.

Su Xuan said that in fact, when your eldest son reaches the level of a sect leader in a few years, you can enter this kind of place at will.

"Nana, grandma, you are here too~"

In the banquet hall, Su Xuan found two familiar figures -

Shirona and Mustard Orchid.

"Didn't you invite us here?"

The current president of the Sinnoh League, Mustard Orchid, said unhappily.

Garchomp and V-mon jumped out of the Poké Ball with a"bang".

They picked up Gingermon

"How has Garchomp been doing lately?"

Shirona raised her hand and stroked the side of her pet's face.

Garchomp said that it was good that he was not mad at V-mon, the damn scum dragon.

But in order not to worry his master, he still pretended to be nothing and smiled and nodded.

Seeing that Garchomp was doing well, Shirona also smiled brightly.

However, just when she was halfway through her smile, the long-lost touch from behind made her shiver violently and almost fell to the ground

"What's wrong with you!?"

Shirona tried to lower her voice and cursed at Su Xuan.

Why does this bastard like to pinch there so much?

Doesn't he know how many people are here?

If he is seen, will he still be alive?

"It was so hot, I couldn't help it."

Su Xuan opened his hands and said.

Shirona's eyes widened.

Unfortunately, the damage was 0.

At this moment, Shirona wanted to say or do something to teach this shameless bastard a lesson.

But she was afraid that this bastard would do something unbelievable in front of her grandmother.

For example, after stepping on him, he would say something like"Remember to wear black stockings next time."

If this guy really said this in front of the 4.9 milk,

Shirona felt that she would never be able to go home in her life.


Seeing her granddaughter's embarrassment, Mustard Orchid coughed twice to attract the two's attention.

After secretly sighing,"Young people nowadays really know how to have fun," she brought up a serious topic.

"How's the preparation going for that new champion you're planning to use to connect to Sirona?"

"Oh~ She said that she will be able to take office soon after the Quartz Conference."

Su Xuan smiled and then put his arm around Shirona's waist,"Then Nana can transfer to another country~"

Shirona clapped her hands repeatedly, trying to take down the pig's hoof that Su Xuan had wrapped around her waist.

After several unsuccessful attempts, she had no choice but to let him do it.

"Hey, where is your little daughter? Why don't I see her?"

Su Xuan suddenly remembered something and turned his head left and right to ask

"What little daughter?"

Shirona held Su Xuan tightly and held the pig's hoof on her waist to prevent him from moving his hand up or down.

"That super flat-chested girl"

"Super power... What are you talking about, you pervert!"

Shirona immediately understood who Su Xuan was referring to and rolled her eyes.:

"The Unova region has been annoyed by Team Plasma recently. As one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Unova, how could Cattleya want to travel all the way to Kanto to watch the game?" said Mustard Orchid.:

"If the Unova Alliance cannot solve the problem on its own, it can only ask for help from the Alliance Headquarters."

Unless it is absolutely necessary, an alliance region will not ask other alliances for help.

This will reveal the incompetence of its own alliance.

In the original work, Groudon and Kyogre both fought.

Daigo and Mikoli's first thought was to go to the Sky Pillar to see if they could use some trick to lure Rayquaza over, instead of asking for help from other regions.

But given the current situation in Unova... it seems that there is no other way except to ask for help from other regions.

Unless the real hero chosen by White Dragon is on the side of the alliance..

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