Five minutes later.


The dark arrows came with a strong wind from above and below.

It hit Houndoom's back hard.

The intense pain from his back made Houndoom's eyes bulge out, and he vomited some gastric juice.

The next second, he fell to the ground in a state of extreme embarrassment.

The referee quickly stepped forward to observe, then raised the flag and announced::

"Houndoom loses its ability to fight, and Black Lionmon wins"

"Since all three of Ye Yue's Pokémon lost their ability to fight, the winner is Marie from Alola.~"

On the electronic screen, after Flammel and Dreaming Tapir, the third Poké Ball icon next to Ye Yue's head also dimmed.

Ye Yue clenched his teeth, stroked his forehead and shook his head.

The gap is too big.




The screams of the Shouting Team reached the sky.

The Internet also set off a wave of heated discussions

【I checked and found that Ye Yue is quite strong. He has participated in the Caiyou Conference in Hoenn and the Silver Conference in Johto in the past few years and has made it to the elimination tournament.】

【It's not that he is weak, it's mainly because his opponent is too strong】

【This girl is really handsome, she transformed herself into a】

【I'm a little curious, is it considered a foul for a trainer to play in person? If she loses but there are backup Pokémon, how will the victory be calculated?】

【Yes, yes, yes, I also thought of this problem, and then asked the alliance customer service】



"Transform yourself and fight... It's so cool, I want it too."

Xiao Mao walked over from the ice field of Arena No. 2 and said with emotion

""Eh? Xiaomao, why are you here?"

Xiaozhi was startled when he saw Xiaomao suddenly appear beside him.

"Nonsense, the game is over, of course I have to come."

Xiaomao rolled his eyes at the idiot.

It was similar to Marie's situation. Xiaomao also achieved a one-on-three victory with a Nidoqueen.

Xiaogang scratched his head in embarrassment.

He originally wanted to drag Xiaozhi to the No. 2 venue to watch the big shots... oh no, to watch Xiaomao's battle.

In the end, the other team had finished the battle, but he and his group hadn't gone yet. Marie's battle was too eye-catching.

He was addicted to it without realizing it.

"My opponent is quite similar to Xiaozhi, not only in appearance but also in lineup.……"

As Xiao Mao was talking, he cast a contemptuous look at his friend.

"Hmm? Xiao Mao, who is your opponent?"

Su Xuan became interested after hearing this.

"Ah? I remember it was……"

Xiao Mao frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly realized:

"Ah, ah... Hiro! Yes, that's Hiro. When I saw that guy, I thought he was Aunt Hanako's third son. He dresses like Satoshi, and his lineup is similar, using Pikachu, Charmeleon and Butterfree."

Su Xuan didn't know how to complain for a moment.

Good guy.

Mary met the person who eliminated Satoshi in the original Silver Tournament.

Xiao Mao met the person who eliminated Satoshi in the original Quartz Tournament.

But Ye Yue's level is indeed much higher than Hiro.

Hiro, the pirated Satoshi, was able to make it to the quarterfinals in the original work, and it was all thanks to his peers.

If Lao Pen hadn't failed at the critical moment, even if Satoshi couldn't win the league championship, he wouldn't have lost so aggrievedly.

He won't meet the person who eliminated Satoshi in the Caiyou Tournament or the Lily of the Valley Tournament next, right?

Su Xuan guessed in his heart.

After all, Satoshi has lost too many times in the League Tournament.

No championship for 20 years, and then you get banned directly after winning a championship.

That's miserable.

But if he can meet the beast man, Su Xuan is quite looking forward to it.

If he doesn't kill him, Serena and the others will be considered hungry.


The first round of the preliminaries of the Quartz Conference continued in full swing.

New players continued to enter the four small arenas, and the winners were filled with joy, while the losers were filled with dejection.

There were more than 500 contestants.

And the rules were 3V3.

The preliminaries had to last for three days.

Although after Ye Yue and Ahong, no new player was seen who defeated Xiaozhi in the original work.

However, another"strong rival" of Xiaozhi was seen."

""Monarch Snake, use Dragon Tail!"

In the arena, a boy with brown shoulder-length hair and a cold and arrogant expression, about the same age as Xiaozhi, gave the order with a grim smile.

The tail of the Monarch Snake, the final form of the three great Unova, glowed green. It whipped out like a whip, whipping the opponent's Zubat away and crashing into a rock in the Rock Arena.

"Zubat lost his ability to fight, and Serpenti won. Since all three elves of Duowu lost their ability to fight, the winner is Xiudi from the Unova region!"

The referee announced the result of the match.


The young man named"Xiu Di" raised his mouth almost to the corners of his eyes, revealing a standard"Dragon King smile""

"This guy really looks like Xiao Mao.

Seeing Xiudi's smile, Xiaozhi complained

"I won't laugh so stupidly."

Xiao Mao cursed.

Su Xuan, who happened to pass by, also found this scene funny.

Just now, he met Gogo, who was Xiaozhi's worst teammate in all regions.

Now he met Xiudi, the worst rival.

Even though Xiaozhi's performance in the Unova chapter was so bad that Su Xuan didn't have much impression of this chapter.

But even so, he still remembered Xiaozhi's worst rival.

""When there are no heroes, the young ones become famous" is the best way to describe Xiudi.

His personality is similar to Shinji, but he is more arrogant than Shinji.

However, his personality cannot support his strength. He was defeated by Xiaozhi in the first round of the Higaki Tournament.

Su Xuan was really dumbfounded.

Of course, Xiaozhi's performance in Unova was not much better.

I seriously suspect that he was traumatized by the beast man.


Time came to evening in the blink of an eye.

The first round of preliminaries is far from over.

In Su Xuan's team, only Marie, Xiaoyao, Lurina, Xiaoguang and Xiaomao have finished the first round.

Serena, Qinglu and others have not yet played.

And Xiaozhi's first round will have to wait until tomorrow.

Red has finished the game.

Pikachu defeated three without any pressure.

At least among the contestants found so far.

There is only one Red who can put pressure on Su Xuan's team.

As for Xiaozhi... Su Xuan said he couldn't say for sure.

After all, this kid's characteristics are"50-50".

The upper limit can slap Arceus, and the lower limit can't beat a level 5 Serpentine.

In the spacious hotel box

"sorry for disturbance……"

Aunt Hanako brought her two sons into the private room with a shy smile.

She was not a member of Su Xuan's team, but she was using other people's things every day, which made this single mother feel a little embarrassed.

""Mom, there's no need to be so formal. We are all so familiar with each other."

Xiaozhi said heartlessly.

""Tsk! Who knows you?"

Xiao Mao was the first to come out and refute.

But he just said it, while he helped Hanako pull out the bench and motioned for her to sit down.

"Xiaozhi, let me introduce them to you. They are the captains of the Alola Islands Tour like me, Suiren, Mao, Mamane……"

Kachi, who is currently the best with Xiaozhi in Su Xuan's team, took the initiative to help introduce

"Island Tour? Captain? What is that?"

Xiaozhi was puzzled.

"It is similar to the gym challenge and gym leader in other regions, except that after completing the island tour, the reward is not the president but Z pure crystal."

Professor Kukui explained enthusiastically.:

"But in the future, it will probably be gradually replaced by the regular gym challenge."

When Kukui said this, there was still some reluctance in his tone.

When the Alola League is established in the future, the gym challenge will definitely replace the island tour.

But... I still feel a little reluctant.

"Traditional festivals should still be preserved, and the prizes should not only be limited to Z-Crystals, but also be replaced by Digimon or Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the difficulty should be increased."

Su Xuan said.

Traditional customs are still very important.

The meaning of the island tour to Alola is just like the meaning of New Year's Eve to flower planting in the previous life.

If Alola gives up the island tour, it would be like not having a holiday on New Year's Eve in the previous life.

Is it possible? Huh?

"Can Digimon really be used as prizes?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

"Hehe, can you beat our Alola captains? They all have Digimon."

Xiao Mao sneered.

Xiaozhi's face turned pale. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Damn, in the preliminaries tomorrow, I must let Xiao Mao see my strength!

"By the way, Brother Su Xuan, I found two very strong contestants.

Lily suddenly remembered something and said


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room became interested.

Liliae immediately took out her phone, clicked on the contestant's information and put it in front of everyone.

The first one was a young man with slightly curly gray hair, about the same age as Lurina and Sirona, around 20 years old.

Name: Darko.

Then in the second line,"Use Spirits" column, there were four words written -


"Oh, it's really here.……"

Su Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud

"Hmm? Brother Su Xuan, do you know this person?"

Xiao Yao asked curiously

"This is not important. You just need to remember not to lose. At least, you can’t lose before you meet your own people."

Su Xuan glanced at everyone present and said

""Hi (Yes)!!!"

Everyone, including the gentle and reserved Serena and Xiaoguang, shouted excitedly.

"What is Darkrai? Bitmon and I will kill him!"

Xiao Mao waved his fist.


At this time, Xiao Mao clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, be quiet, everyone, be quiet, all eyes on me.

Just when Su Xuan suspected that Qinglu was about to say"I am a fool" in his declaration of independence, he heard the other party say:

"This Quartz Conference is the first time for Alola to show its strength to the world."

"Simply defeating the opponent is not enough to prove the strength of our Alola"

"Therefore, I have a suggestion now. Before our Alola civil war, we will encounter other���To defeat opponents in the same zone, you must defeat three opponents with one on your side!"

"If anyone uses two Pokémons against trainers from other regions, they must accept the punishment, how about that?!"

After hearing Green's suggestion, everyone on the scene had a very interesting expression.

Daigo, Mikoli, Chisato and other people from other regions looked at each other. Oh my god, are you so confident?

Serena, Marie, Shijiana and other strong ones showed quite interested expressions.

It felt quite interesting.

And Xiaoguang, Xiaomao, Lurina and other weaker ones couldn't help but get nervous.

They didn't think they would lose before they met their compatriots.

But it would be a bit difficult to win three games in a row?

If they met Red... it would be even more troublesome.

"If you can't do it, take off all your clothes and run around the Quartz Arena ten times!"

Xi Jiana pointed at Qinglv and shouted

"Okay! What if you didn't do it... Uh,"

Qinglu hesitated for a moment.

Xijiana was Su Xuan's person anyway, so she shouldn't go too far.

After thinking about it, she decided:

"If you fail to do so, stand at the entrance of the arena and shout"Uncle Qinglu" three times, I give up!"

"Damn it, if I didn't do it, would I still have to go to Luo Ben?"

Xiao Mao felt that he was tricked by his brother.

"What a terrifying self-confidence."

Shirona shook her head and laughed secretly.

But on the other hand, it also highlights the absolute self-confidence of the young people in Alola.

Shirona just looked at the information of Dakoto.

He is from Sinnoh. Maybe he can be trained to be a new king in the future.

But I feel that my boyfriend doesn't like him very much.

I don't know why

"By the way, Lilia, who is the second person?"

Ignoring Qinglu and others who were making a fuss, Su Xuan remembered something and asked.

Lilia just said that she found two very strong contestants.

One is Dakdo, what about the other one?

Upon hearing this, Lilia quickly retrieved the information.

"Brother Su Xuan, look……"

Su Xuan lowered his eyes to look.

The photo showed a young girl of about eighteen years old.

She had a slightly dark skin that was naturally tanned by the sun, black hair in a single ponytail, a strand of green bangs in front of her eyebrows, and a school uniform.

She showed the charm that she should have at her age.

The freckles on her nose did not detract from her beauty, but instead revealed a youthful flavor. Her appearance was not like Serena and Mary, who were the type that were stunning at first glance.

Instead, she was the type of class flower that was very attractive and friendly.

Su Xuan took a look at her information -

Name: Nemo

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Padia


Four days later, a bright and sunny day arrived again.

At 10 a.m., contestants and tourists from all over the Elf Continent flocked to the four arenas.

Among them, the No. 2 Ice Arena

"Hello everyone, welcome to the live broadcast room 2 of the official account of the Quartz Conference. Now we are going to broadcast the ice field competition. I am the special commentator of this live broadcast, Hu Tao."

In the live broadcast room, a young girl with pink curly hair, about 18 years old, introduced herself.

It's not the Hu Tao of the Rebirth Hall, but the star announcer Hu Tao of the TV station in the Johto area. It

's a coincidence.

"The first to appear was one of the favorites to win the Quartz Conference. In the first two qualifying rounds, he defeated three other Pokémons with just one Darkrai. He was from Sinnoh!"

With long curly hair and a red cloak that almost covered his entire body below the neck, Darkrai walked out of the left player channel with a stern look on his face.

Walnut Broadcast Report:

"On the other side, there was a contestant from Galle... oh sorry, I said it wrong, Caidou from the Alola region! She also used only one Digimon named Gaomon in the first two rounds, evolved into Gaogamon, and easily defeated her opponents in the two qualifying rounds."

"The match between these two favorites to win the championship has become the most watched match in today's third qualifying round!"

The other three arenas were less than half full.

But the Ice Arena where Caidou was was full.

Even the public big screen outside the arena was full of people.

This was a clear sign.

"What a pity, it wasn't Xiaozhi who fought him."

Su Xuan said with regret.

He was looking forward to Xiaozhi's successful"revenge".

"Doctor, if Xiaozhi says this, he will be beaten to a pulp by the other party, right?"

Xiaomao said with a wicked smile

"Bastard! I'm going to fight you!"

Xiaozhi suddenly rushed over and pinched Xiaomao's nose, and the audience was in chaos.

"Stop it!"

The two elder brothers Qinglu and Chihong spoke up to stop them at the same time.

"I'm not afraid of Digimon."

Dakto suddenly spoke, and then his right hand stretched out from under his cloak and threw out the Poké Ball in his palm.

A sinister and ominous aura, the dark energy moved with the wind like a flame.

【Nightmare God】Darkrai!

"As expected, it’s here! Darkrai, the signature Pokémon of Darko!"

Hu Tao in the live studio introduced the Pokémon with the microphone.:

"Will contestant Caidou take out Gaomon that she used in the previous two rounds?"

"What? Caidou didn't take out the Poké Ball, she took out the Tyrannosaurus! Wait! Is she going to...——"

Before Hu Tao finished speaking, Cai Dou's right hand holding the Tyrannosaurus Rex was pointing upwards, and her left hand holding the data ring was pointing downwards."Z"

Cross with diagonal lines

"Armaments - Evolution!!!"

In the Kanto headquarters building, Dama Lanqi, the Kanto Four Heavenly Kings and other senior staff who were watching the game on the big screen were all excited. You are here too! Again?.

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