There was less than half an hour left before the closing exhibition match of the Galar All-Stars Game.

The seats were already packed with spectators.

Trainers and fans from all over the world were also waiting in front of their phones or TV screens, waiting for the live broadcast.

"Judging from the experience of the professor defeating Karuna before, his strength should not be inferior to yours, right?"

At the headquarters of the Hoenn League in Caiyou City, Mikoli, who has the same hair color as Hatsune Miku, asked Daigo, who is of similar age.

The two are also the current and former champions of the Hoenn League.

Mikoli, who travels around the world to promote the gorgeous competition.

And Karuna, who spends more time making movies than training elves.

The strength of these two champions who are not doing their job properly can be said to be on par.

After watching the video on the Internet that Su Xuan defeated Karuna with an almost overwhelming advantage,

Mikoli did not think he could beat the other party.

"There are always winners and losers in elf battles, and I am more interested in the newly discovered Digimon in the Alola region."

Yesterday, Daigo checked the information.

The gearmon is indeed a steel-type.

This makes Daigo, who specializes in steel-type, very interested.

Although the elf he most desires is Carlos's Diamond Princess Diancie


"I have been looking forward to this match for a long time. The champion of Dandi should bring out the fire-breathing dragon, right? And that Dr. Su Xuan must be the big mechanical dinosaur, right? I am so looking forward to it. I wonder which of these two dragons will win."In the Dragon Town of the Unova region,

Alice sat in a chair, staring at the TV. Her two little feet swayed.

Next to her, Granny Long, the current top manager of the Dragon Town and the president of the United Alliance, reminded her.:

"Charizard is not a dragon type."

This girl, it is necessary to make up for it later.

Granny Long reminded her again,"Also, in exhibition matches, both sides usually don't go all out, and the most important thing is to play excitingly."

That's right, exhibition matches are not held to let two trainers decide the winner.

The main purpose is to make the audience happy.

Generally, they exist as appetizers in some large-scale events to ignite the emotions of the audience.

For example, in the Youth Cup of Unova,

Shirona and Cattleya played an exhibition match.

When Su Xuan saw this plot in his previous life, he was expecting the champion and the king to stage a hearty offensive battle.

In the end, the two of them showed off their skills, and then it was gone.

Damn it


"Phew... I'm getting more and more nervous. Who do you think will win?"

Cerulean City in Kanto.

Because he wanted to watch today's game, Xiaozhi stayed in Cerulean City for an extra day.

"There will probably be no winner, after all, it's an exhibition match, everyone should stop when they are done and let the audience enjoy it."

Xiao Gang, the most mature of the three, analyzed.

""Hahaha! Is there any need to say more? Of course, Dr. Su Xuan wins. We Alola are invincible!"

Before Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia could answer, a familiar laugh came from behind.

"Xiao, Xiao Mao, why are you here! ?"

Xiao Zhi was startled and pointed at the other party and shouted

""I heard you were here, so I came over to watch the game with you. You must be grateful, Xiaozhi!" Xiaomao said proudly.

This was a chance to show off his Digimon to Xiaozhi, how could he miss it?

"You are a traitor who betrayed Guandong!"

"Humph! What a loser's wail~"

Just as the two were fighting as usual, the TV camera was already giving the commentator

"The annual Galar All-Star Game is about to come to an end again!"

"But President Luo Zi has a gift for everyone, which will bring this competition to a perfect end."

"Next, let's enjoy the final exhibition match brought to us by our Galar's undefeated champion Dante and Alola's digital doctor Su Xuan!"

The commentator raised his hands high.

Dante and Su Xuan slowly walked out of the passage on both sides.


As the two of them appeared, the cheers from the audience seemed to burst through the sky.

"It feels more exaggerated than the atmosphere of yesterday's finals."

The Galar gym leader seat, Aunt Meirong's son, the rock gym leader Magua, complained.


The next second, his mother hit his head on the back.

Magua turned around with an angry face.

He saw his mother staring at him and gave a look to Caidou who looked disappointed.

Magua realized that he had said the wrong thing. Caidou lowered her head and stared at the two people in the field. Her little fists were clenched and sweat was coming out.

She secretly vowed that she must reach that level in the future.


"I've been looking forward to fighting you, Doctor."

In the field, Dandi's eyes revealed eagerness.

Although his temperament is very different, Dandi is essentially a battle maniac like Yulongdu.

Otherwise, Gearmon would not have evolved into a warlike Tankmon instead of a gentle Guardmon.

"I hope we can fight longer."

To be honest, Su Xuan didn't care about the outcome of this exhibition match.

He just hoped that the match could last longer.

It would be convenient for him to collect more reputation points so that he could summon the Ancient Music Beast.

PS:Although the number of comments will not add to the score, I still hope that everyone will speak more so that I can know what my readers think.

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