Watamichi didn't directly refuse as before, knowing that he couldn't be too hasty, "The second thing is about Team Rocket's plan!"

"Team Rocket?" Chi's eyes turned cold when he heard Du's words.

"That's right." Du affirmed, "The reason why they were able to easily invade Shiluf Company yesterday was because they bought some assholes in the alliance." Having said this, Du paused, his eyes changed, "Or, in the alliance, There's the Rockets' internal response."

"So what's up with me? Do you want me to deal with the internal affairs of your alliance?" Chi rolled his eyes.

"No." Du shook his head and said, "We are already investigating this matter. The second thing is that they took away the production materials of the Master Ball yesterday."

"Although we have been prepared, the Rockets still stole the data." Chi Xin said unwillingly.

"That's right, now we don't know what the Rockets' purpose of stealing the Master Ball production materials is." Du also said with a headache.

The master ball is a prop that forcibly recaptures the elves. If it is produced, the whole world will reproduce the original scene. The trainers with insufficient strength forcibly recapture the elves that they cannot control, and finally the elves counterattack.

Chi didn't think the Rockets would use the Master Ball to make money, but instead thought it was for the dream clone plan, so he told Duo about it.

"Dream Clone Project!" Chi said to Du.

Du was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then his expression became solemn, "... Do you also know about the Dream Clone Project?"

"Yes, in Ziyuan Town, I met the old man Fuji. He was one of the doctors who participated in the plan, wasn't he?" Chi looked at Du, he didn't believe that with the intelligence of the alliance, he would not know that the old man Fuji lived in Ziyuan Town. .

"That's right." Du also knew the origin of the old man Fuji, and he also knew about the cloning plan from Xiabo of Red Lotus Island. The alliance also went to find the island they provided, but it was destroyed. After Xia Bo escaped, he moved the research institute to another place.

Now that Chi brings up this matter, Du Weiwei thinks about it, and then thinks of a terrifying thing.

"Could it be that they have successfully cloned the dream?" Du said with wide eyes, incredulously, but immediately shook his head and refuted his own words, "No, although the master ball can capture any elves, but with the legendary elves' strength , the Master Ball can't restrain them at all. If the Rockets really clone the Fantasy, the Master Ball can't restrain the Fantasy."

Chi Yi couldn't think of what the Rockets wanted Li (Qian Lihao) to do with the master ball, so he could only helplessly give up and continue to think about it.

"Just come here today, and I'll let you know when there is new information next time." Du couldn't imagine what the Rockets were going to do with the Master Ball, so he planned to return to the two ability headquarters first and discuss with the think tank.

"How is it? Chi, have you decided whether to join the alliance?"

Before leaving, Du asked Chi one last time.

"What obligations?" Chi Xin was already more inclined to join the alliance. Although he would lose a little freedom, he would have wages and benefits, and would not interfere with his daily life.

Du heard that Chi was ready to agree, and smiled happily, "Don't worry, after you join, except for some major events, you usually pay attention to Team Rocket's actions."

"In that case, please take care of me in the future." Chi extended his right hand to Du.

"Welcome to join us, Alliance Special Operations Advisor!" Du also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Chi with a smile. .

Chapter [-] Notification

Special Operations Advisor...

Chi silently sent Du away. When Du was about to leave, he said that someone would bring the documents over in the afternoon. After Chi learned about it, he did not hold back any more and sent Du directly away.

Back at the house, the Akimoto couple and Nazi were already sitting in the living room.

"How is it? Xiao Chi, what did Mr. Du tell you?" Qiu Yuan- looked at Chi with a gossip on his face.

Caizi pinched her husband and grinned Qiu Yuan's crooked teeth, "Xiao Chi, ignore your uncle, you can say it, if you can't say it, don't say it."

Chi came to a few people, sat down, and shook his head, "It's nothing, he came to invite me on behalf of the alliance."

Chi didn't tell a few people about the Rockets, only about becoming a special operations adviser.

"Wow! Xiao Chi, that's ok." Qiu Yuan gave Chi a thumbs up, and then continued to ask, "Did you promise them?"

Chi nodded, "Well, I have already agreed to become a special operations consultant..."

"Special operations advisor?" Nazi, who had been paying attention to Chi, asked inexplicably.

"Well, Du said that I can still do whatever I want, and only notify me to deal with major events." Chi took a sip of tea and found that the tea cup was empty, so he had no choice but to put it down, "and the salary is also Yes, so I agreed."

Nazi filled Chi's cup with tea, and Chi nodded her thanks.

"That's really good, why didn't the league invite me?" Qiu Yuan jokingly complained.

"Just you?" Caizi cast a disdainful glance at her husband, "As far as your level is concerned, gym trainers are reluctant and even special advisors."

Qiu Yuan was a little embarrassed by his wife's choking, and smiled, "I'm not joking." Then he immediately changed the subject and asked Chi, "Xiao Chi, when are you going to continue the trip."

As soon as the question came out, Na Zi looked at Chi quietly, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Caizi pinched her husband again, "You want Xiaochi to leave so much?"

"Well, it's fine, no accident, I'll continue to set off to challenge other gyms tomorrow." Chi waved his hand and said it didn't matter, and he had been disturbed here for a few days, so he was not too embarrassed to stay.

"Tomorrow? Why don't you stay for a few days in such a hurry?" Aunt Caizi asked anxiously.

"No, I'm sorry to disturb you for a few days, and after the challenge to the gym, I still have something to do." Chi shook his head and said.

"Well, in that case, auntie will cook a delicious meal for you tonight!" Caizi stood up and prepared to go out to buy ingredients for tonight's dinner.

"No, no need to be so troublesome!" Chi quickly stopped.

"It doesn't matter." Caizi didn't care about stopping him at all, "Damn old man, go, help me get something!"

Seeing this, Qiuyuan got up with a wry smile, "Understood, wife."

The two left the house and went out to buy food, leaving Chi and Nazi at home.

After hearing that Chi was leaving tomorrow, Na Zi, who had been silent, finally said, "Chi, are you really leaving tomorrow?"

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