Pokemon Red

Page 1136

"Even the power of the waveguide..." Calamus looked nervously at the space channel above her head and hesitated, "Why don't you just leave it like this, I feel like it will be very dangerous inside."

"No--!" Mudan was the first to object, she seemed a little excited, "It was so difficult to collect all the unknown totems, and then opened the real Askarna ruins, how can you not go in and see!"

"But..." Calamus' face was a little stiff, and she was still reluctant to take risks.

"Don't worry, there is Chi, and even if there is danger inside, he will protect us." Peony looked at Chi confidently, "Right, Chi!"

"That's right..." Chi smiled bitterly, "But if something goes wrong, it's still very dangerous, and I actually don't want to enter this space passage."

Chapter 1 opens the space channel-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"That's right..." Chi smiled bitterly, "But if something goes wrong, it's still very dangerous, and I actually don't want to enter this space passage."

Because of the warning of the power of the waveguide, he has deep fear of this space channel, and always feels that there is something very dangerous at the other end of the space channel.

"Then raise your hand to vote, raise your hand in favor of entering!" Sakura glanced at the other three and said, raising her right hand at the same time.

"I agree too!" Peony immediately raised her right hand, and she also agreed to enter the passage.

"I, I oppose..." Calamus said weakly, she was still reluctant to enter this unknown space, she looked at Chi with anticipation, and if Chi did not agree to enter, then it would be a two-on-two draw.

Chi was a little hesitant. On the one hand, this space channel gave him a bad feeling; on the other hand, the adventure factor in his body urged him to enter the channel...  

Gritting his teeth, Chi raised his right hand and looked at the calamus apologetically, "calamus, I'm sorry, I still decided to agree to enter this space passage."

"That's great!" Peony jumped excitedly and held Sakura's hand to celebrate.

Calamus was a little lost, but he quickly adjusted his mood and smiled faintly, "Since Big Brother Chi also agreed to enter the space channel, there is no other way."

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect your safety!" Chi grabbed the little hand of the calamus and said firmly, even if he was in danger, he would not put the three girls in danger.

"However, how do we get into this passage, just jump like this?" Sakura looked up at the space passage above her head. The distance between the two was more than [-] meters. Humans couldn't jump to such a high level.

Just as Sakura finished speaking, the space channel opened by the unknown totems above his head began to descend, shrouding the four of them.

"It's here! It's coming down on its own!" Although Mudan was excited, there was also a trace of nervousness in her heart. She held Sakura's hand tightly, while the other small hand also grabbed Chi's clothes.

Calamus was close to Chi, and even though she was mentally prepared, she was still afraid.

"Hold tight, let's not be separated." Chi looked at the three girls and said.

"Hmm--!" The three of Sakura nodded and finished speaking. The space channel above their heads had completely fallen, covering the four of them at 5.7. After a burst of strong light, the entire stone room returned to silence and gloom again, as if it had never been there. Nothing ever happened.

The three girls, Chi and Sakura, only felt a dazzling light, and could not help but close their eyes, but suddenly felt a light wind blowing over their bodies, and immediately opened their eyes, when they saw the scenery in front of them, they were slightly startled.

What appeared in front of Chi was not the imaginary relic stone room, but a grass-green plain. A slight wind blew, gently pressing down the grass on the grassland, and some flowers swayed slightly.

And their location is on a small hillside, under the hillside, is a small town?

Chi looked at the strange town, a little incredible.

(Cold, just got back from the hospital, so sorry).

Text Chapter [-] Beyond the Channel

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"Here... this is actually the outside world?" Chi was shocked by the scenery in front of him, not because of the beauty, but beyond his expectations. After passing through the previous space passage, was it the outside?

"Why did you go outside?" Sakura also opened her eyes, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

"Is that space passage not going to the real Askarna ruins, but directly teleporting us outside?" Mudan was also confused, she thought her reasoning was correct.

"What do I do now?" Calamus breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the other end of the space passage was outside, "Should we go to that strange town and ask, where is this place?"

The town under the hillside looks very strange. It is completely different from the modern architectural style. Instead, it looks like the ancient architectural style, but a few people don't care. Maybe it is a small town left over from ancient times.

"Actually, you don't need to ask me to know." Chi looked at the high mountain in the distance that seemed to go straight into the sky. This was also the scene he was shocked by. "There is Tianguan Mountain. 19 In other words, it is in the Shenao area!"

"Shen'ao area?!" Sakura exclaimed, looking at Tianguan Mountain, and found that it was indeed very similar to the pictures she had seen, "We traveled from the space passage of the seven islands to the Shenao area?"

"It's incredible!" Peony was excited, "The space channel opened by the unknown totems actually leads to the Shenao area. This is a major discovery!"

But Chi was a little puzzled. He always felt as if he had seen this area before, or that he had been to this area before.

"Wait until I take out the navigator and take a look." Chi took out the navigator from his backpack, preparing to use its navigator function to leave here and head to the nearest city.

However, when the navigator was turned on, in the navigator interface, Chi looked at the map display, his eyes shrank suddenly, as if he saw something incredible.

"What's wrong?" Sakura looked at Chi in confusion, "Could it be that the navigator lost its effectiveness?"

"No, it didn't lose its effect..." Chi shook his head, with disbelief in his eyes, "Where we are now, if the navigator makes no mistake, it is near the town of God!"

"God and Town?!" Sakura was stunned for a moment, then looked at the town not far down the hillside, "Is that the town you were talking about? But why is it different from the photos I've seen?"

"Eh...Is that town different from what Sister Sakura has seen?" Peony looked at the town in surprise.

"That's why I think it's incredible. I've been to Shenhe Town, which is Zhulan's hometown, and I stayed there for a while, but Shenhe Town and this town look completely different!"

"No, one thing is the same." Chi carefully looked at the town with his powerful eyesight, then clenched his fists, "In God and Town, there is a shrine, and this town also has The same shrine!"

"So, this is indeed the God and the town?" Sakura asked suspiciously, "Could it be that during this time, the God and the town were transformed?"

"I don't know..." Chi shook his head and called the contact interface, ready to ask Zhulan, her hometown has changed so much, she probably won't be unaware.

However, when he dialed Zhulan's number, the interface showed that he could not connect!

"Can't connect, is it a signal problem?" Sakura also saw the navigator in her bare hands and looked around, "But the navigator, especially this special navigator, doesn't the whole world have a signal?"

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