Pokemon Red

Page 1235

The hot flame spewed out from the mouth of the burning worm, and swept all the foam that was hitting him in front of him, bo bo bo bo... Although it was affected by the rainy weather, the power of the flame dropped a lot, but all those who came into contact with the flame The bubble still burst almost instantly!

"It's right now, light and fluttering, rush over to make the water wave at close range!" Xiudi didn't care that the bubble was broken. His purpose was never to let the bubble cause damage to the burning insect, but a pretense, when the burning insect dealt with the bubble. , use this time to rush over, launch an attack at close range, and make the burning insects unavoidable!

Chi didn't expect Xiudi's real purpose to be a close-range attack. Although he reacted, the burning worm was still breaking the bubble, unable to change his current actions, he could only watch the light and fluttering approach!

In the light and wide hands, an energy ball formed of water attribute energy is maintained. It quickly comes to the side of the burning worm, aims at the burning worm, and pushes out the water waves that have been prepared for a long time in the hand!

"Boom!" The energy water ball burst suddenly after hitting the burning worm, turning into a huge water wave to devour the burning worm, and the impact of the water even drove the burning worm to hit the tree trunk!

"Success—!" Emperor Xiu tightened his right fist and waved it excitedly. This was the first time he had let his elf hit a red elf since the start of the war!

"Very good tactic, it seems that you have begun to understand...〃々..." Chi didn't care that the burning worm was hit, although it was restrained and strengthened in rainy days, the burning worm would not be easily defeated.

Just as Chi thought, when the water flowed away, the burning worm lay on the ground soaked wet, but the fighting spirit in its eyes was still not extinguished, and it still had the ability to fight after being hit hard!

"Come back, Burning Worm!" Chi did not continue to fight the Burning Worm. Such weather conditions were too unfavorable for the Burning Worm. Besides, the lithe strength was in line with that of the Burning Worm, even if there was a huge gap between the trainers. Can't beat it.

"Go, Xiao Guen!" After Chi took back the burning worm, he kept moving, and immediately took out a new elf and sent another elf, Xiao Guen, whose strength has been promoted to the elite level!

"Xiaoguo—!" Xiaoguo appeared on the battlefield with a cheerful smile, feeling the rain falling from the sky, it became more cheerful, because it prefers rainy days to sunny days!

"Oh? It's actually Xiao Guen?" Adek, the referee, looked at Xiao Guen sent by Chi with great interest, and he could naturally see that this Xiao Guen's strength was weaker than Liao Piao Piao.

"Light and fluttering, making the waves of the water—!" However, Emperor Xiu didn't care about Xiao Guen's strength. As long as he did his own thing well, he could hope to win!

Chapter 1 The Changes of Emperor Xiu-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Light and fluttering, making the waves of the water—!" However, Emperor Xiu didn't care about Xiao Guen's strength. As long as he did his own thing well, he could hope to win!

The water-attribute energy ball gathered in Qing Piao Piao's large hands again. Without the special order of Xiudi, Qing Piao Piao smashed the water ball to the ground, turning into a huge wave and attacking Xiao Guen!

"Small sure enough, mirror reflection!" Chi Huan hugged his arms. If it was a concentrated water wave, Chi might still have scruples. After all, the concentrated water wave has a complete power, even if the elite Xiao sure can withstand it. It will also take a lot of damage when it comes down, but the diffuse... Chi shook his head, this level of power is just used to exercise Xiaozheng.

Facing the huge wave that was many meters higher than himself, Xiao Guen showed a hint of timidity in his eyes. He looked back at the red eyes. After seeing the encouragement and affirmation in the red eyes, he was sure to put his eyes on the huge wave again.

As soon as Xiao Guen closed his eyes, his super power was activated at this moment, and the pink-purple light was attached to Xiao Guen's body, forming a mirror-like reflection wall!

Mirror reflection, super power attribute move, when receiving a special attack, counterattack with double damage to the opponent!

The wave instantly submerged the tiny little ones. However, in the water waves, a pink-purple light did not dissipate, and even more dazzling light erupted, forming a beam of light that penetrated the wave and bombarded Qing Piao Piao!

"Boom!" The beam of light reflected by twice the damage burst suddenly on Qing Piao Piao's body. The unexpected power caused Qing Piao Piao to be blown away, and Xiu Di looked at the young man with a surprised look on his face. Sure enough, as if I couldn't believe it, such a powerful attack was actually sent from it!

Although Xiao Guen bounced off the attack, it also suffered some damage. Its strength is not strong enough, its physical strength is not strong enough, and its defense and special defense have not grown up, so at this time it has been a little out of breath, but it is not strong enough. Forgot to look back at Chi, hoping that his actions just now could be praised by Chi.

".々 Well done, Xiaozheng." Chi looked at Xiaozheng's attacking eyes, and naturally understood what Xiaozheng meant, smiled slightly, and nodded at Xiaozheng.

In fact, with more training, Xiao Zhennen would be able to directly rebound the attack just now without taking the damage of the water fluctuations, but it is a pity that Xiao Zhenren's control of specular reflection is still too bad.

After getting Chi's affirmation, Xiao Guen laughed happily, the timidness in his eyes dissipated, and the only thing left was a firm look. Go to the outside world, so it wants to do something for Chi, for example, elf battle!

"Although this specular reflection can use double damage to reflect the attack, it also has to suffer damage..." Emperor Xiu suppressed the consternation in his heart and began to think about how to defeat this little sure-footed. decided.

"Qiao Piao Piao, use diffused foam light again!" Xiudi shouted confidently to Qing Piao Piao, he wanted to repeat the old trick, use diffused foam light to block and confuse Xiaoguo, and then unexpectedly attacked with another attack other side!

"Piao Piao--!" With a soft cry, a large amount of foam spewed out of the mouth and continued to spread around. In an instant, a wall composed of foam appeared in the battle field, and continued to move towards Xiao Guen. past!

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-five chapters of the text

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"Is this the trick again?" Chi saw Emperor Xiu's thoughts at a glance and shook his head. The same trick was used on the same person in a short period of time. Unless the opponent was mediocre, how could he not see Emperor Xiu's thoughts? .

"Liao Piao Piao, always be ready. After Xiao Guen makes a mirror reflection, immediately rush over, you know?" Emperor Xiu reminded Liao Piao Piao behind the foam wall.

"Piao Piao--!" Qing Piao Piao nodded, it understood what it meant, just like the previous time.

"Sure enough, take three steps to the left and resist the bubble attack!" The situation did not proceed as Xiudi thought. Since Chi had already seen through Xiudi's tactics, how could he continue to let the opponent continue and directly break the opponent's common sense? Let the small really hard against the attack of the bubble light!

Of course, it wasn't that Xiao Guen was completely resistant to all the attacks of the foam light. Chi saw the weak spot in the foam wall and let Xiao Guen suffer the least damage, so as to retain the mirror reflection to deal with the following attacks!

Xiudi, who was behind the foam wall, didn't know that Chi didn't let Xiao Guen make a mirror reflection. When it saw several bubbles suddenly shattered, its eyes lit up, and immediately let Qing Piao Piao rush over to attack, "Qing Piao Piao, use 090 water. The fluctuations, pay attention to the specular reflection of Xiaoguo!"

While rushing towards the place where the bubble burst, the light fluttering condensed the fluctuation of the water in his hands. However, what faced it was not the beam reflected by the mirror, but the little sure-footed radiating pink-purple light!

"What?!" Emperor Xiu looked at Xiao Guen who was using mirror reflection in shock. He didn't expect that in the face of the bubble light just now, Chi actually caused Xiao Guo to suffer head-on damage, and then only at this moment did he use mirror reflection to counterattack. !

Qing Piao Piao can no longer control his movements. Even if he wants to stop, he can't stop now. He can only watch his hands push the waves of water to Xiao Guen!

"Bang——!" The blue energy ball bombarded Xiao Guen's body, but on the surface of Xiao Guen's body there was a layer of energy as smooth as a mirror surface. After resisting the attack of the wave of the water, it took the form of double damage. Make a pink-purple beam to counterattack lightly!

"Boom!" The beam of light reflected from the mirror once again bombarded the fluttering body, and the force of twice the fluctuation of water counterattacked the fluttering. , before falling powerlessly to the ground!

"Qiao Piao Piao lost the ability to fight, Xiao Guen wins——!" Adek saw at a glance that Qing Piao Piao had lost his ability to fight, and immediately announced the result, while looking at Xiao Guen with some surprise.

"This little one is really not easy. It has suffered three attacks, but only shows a hint of fatigue. It is indeed an elf that is seen by the real red..." Adek took a deep look at the slightly panting little sure, with an elite level His physical strength has endured three quasi gymnastic attacks, which is not something that any elves can do.

"Come back, Liao Piao Piao!" Emperor Xiu took a deep breath, took out the Poke Ball and took Liao Piao Piao back. After Qing Piao Piao fell down, he realized that Chi had seen through his tricks, and took advantage of his own psychology. Makes Xiao really able to use the mirror reflection to counterattack the attack behind, he learned!

"Ivy Snake, please!" Emperor Xiu put down the fluffy Poké Ball, took out the Green Ivy Snake's Poké Ball again, and threw it out!

The ivy snake reappeared on the battlefield, but it suffered a lot of damage from the previous battle with the burning worm. Now it looks sluggish and obviously has not recovered.

"Qingteng Snake, come on, thank you for your hard work!" Emperor Xiu gritted his teeth and waved his right hand abruptly when he saw the wilted appearance of the Qingteng Snake, "Go, Qingteng Snake, use the vine whip to attack!"

"Qingteng--!" Qingteng Snake whispered, and two emerald-green vine whips extended from the two leaves behind, with bursts of thorns and whistles breaking through the air, stabbing towards Xiaozheng!

"It's so naive..." Chi shook his head, Xiao Guen, or (bdbf) said that the elves of the Guen Weng family know more than just mirror reflections, "Xiao Guen, use double return!"

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