"The elves and trainers in the competition, please come to the starting line to prepare!" the commentator shouted loudly!

Chi and the others came to the starting line to prepare, some were riding iron armored rhinos, some were riding Nidolino, some were riding Kentero, and some were even standing on Naughty Bomb!

"Prepare!" shouted the narrator!

At the same time, the display light showing the countdown of the game is also counting down!

"[-]! Let's go!"

Some contestants rushed out of the starting line almost at the same time when the lights turned green!

"Feng speed dog, let everyone see your speed!" Chi shouted vigorously!

"Ow!" The wind speed dog yelled, responding to Chi. .

Chapter [-] The game begins

After rushing out of the field, there is a straight road ahead without any obstacles.

At the beginning, all the elves were prepared to retain their physical strength and did not sprint at a high speed, but there was a team of competitors who rushed out, it was Duduli and its trainer, Dulifu.

"Appeared!" the narrator shouted excitedly, "As expected of a bird spirit who is good at running, not flying, the speed is really fast! But, if you use all your strength from the beginning, will he be able to persevere to the end?"

Suddenly, chaos broke out in the rear, and Kentaro was not under the control of the trainer and ran rampant in the rear!

"Kentaro! What's wrong with you! Calm down!" Kentaro's trainer panicked and controlled Kentaro, but it didn't work.

During the rampage, Kentaro hit Nidolino beside him, causing a big commotion!

Nido Lino was attacked by Kentaro, so he stopped running, ignoring the trainer's order, and directly fought Kentaro!

"Wow! Kentaro and Nidolino fought, what happened? Is it a lack of training?" the commentator said excitedly, "If you can't start again, then the two will be taken in the front. The troops stretched farther and farther, and in the end they were powerless!"

After the straight road, a steep uphill road appeared in front of the contestants, which tested the stamina of the elves.

Duduli is still in the lead, followed by the wind speed dog and the little fire horse.

After the uphill road, there is a steep downhill road. This is a test of the coordination of the elves. If you lose your footing, you will roll down the hill and lose your qualifications for the competition!

On the downhill road, all the elves slowed down at the same time, placed too fast, and accidentally rolled down the hill, but one elves stood out, and in a blink of an eye, surpassed the wind speed dog and the little fire horse, and approached Duduli!

"What!" Chi and Fuzi both looked at the elf that surpassed them in surprise, it was Naughty Bomb!

Naughty Bomb rolls all the way down, and there is no idea of ​​slowing down at all. In fact, even if you want to slow down, with Naughty Bomb's figure, you can't slow down. The trainer on it is like acrobatics, constantly swinging his legs to maintain balance .

In an instant, even Duduli surpassed it!

Suddenly, the naughty bomb disappeared from everyone's sight!

"What's the matter! Naughty Bomb disappeared ¨〃!" The narrator was excited, but the camera suddenly everything, Naughty Bomb and its trainer were lying in a pit.

"It turned out to be an accident, and the naughty bomb fell into the pit on the ground!" After seeing the figure of the naughty bomb, the commentator shouted in surprise!

Taking this opportunity, Duduli, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Little Fire Horse, Jewel Starfish, Ironclad Rhinoceros, and Big Rock Snake instantly surpassed Naughty Bomb.

The naughty bullet in the pit suddenly started to turn red!

"It's not good!!!" The commentator said excitedly: "Naughty bomb seems to be going to use his own trick, and it exploded!"

Just after I finished speaking, I saw an explosion on the broadcast screen, and the big explosion of the naughty bomb broke out. Not only did I lose the qualification of the competition, but even the contestants who did not pass through it were affected and lost the qualification of the competition!

After crossing the mountain, what appeared in front of the contestants was a small stream with scattered stones for the elves to settle on.

Duduli took the lead and rushed into the stream first, and the stones on the stream kept jumping forward!

"Wind speed dog, don't keep your hands, let's go!" Chi decided not to keep his hands anymore. Duduli's speed and physical strength have slowed down a lot. It can be seen that although the full sprint can temporarily get the first place, it consumes physical strength. It is not small.

The wind speed dog has been running at an average speed, and his physical strength is almost not consumed. Now that half of the race is over, he can exert his strength!

The wind speed dog, who had been ranked second, was very unhappy with Duduli who was crawling in front of him. After hearing Chi's order, his footsteps quickened and he rushed out. The stones on the water kept jumping, passing over a few stones at a time. Catch up with Duduli in an instant!

"Appeared!" When the commentator saw the big scene, he immediately explained excitedly: "The wind speed dog accelerated, and in a blink of an eye it caught up with the first place Duduli! No! Now it surpassed Duduli and became the First place! And the distance keeps getting wider!"

"What? How can it be so fast!" Dulifu said incredulously, looking at the speeding wind dog in shock.

"Mr. Chi's wind speed dog is really fast, little fire dragon, let's do our best!" Fuzi saw Chi and wind speed dog surpassing Duduli in an instant, and he was also cheered up.

Chapter 1 The game begins -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Mr. Chi's wind speed dog is really fast, little fire dragon, let's do our best!" Fuzi saw Chi and wind speed dog surpassing Duduli in an instant, and he was also cheered up.

"Xu!" The little fire horse responded to his trainer, speeding up, following behind Duduli and crossing the creek.

The little Gang and Big Rock Snake at the back had already withdrawn from the competition because of his body size, and the Iron Armored Rhinoceros did not believe in evil.

Xiaoxia easily glided across the water on Jewel Starfish, but because she was too far away from the first group, she had lost her hope of winning.

The three of the first group came to the final obstacle level in a blink of an eye!

"This level requires the elves to eat the feed before they can continue the game!" The commentator explained the rules of this level.

"Fengsugou, hurry up and eat" Chi helplessly persuaded Fengsugou.

The wind speed dog struggled to eat the feed in front of him, and was used to eating delicious energy cubes. These feeds were too unpalatable for him.

Duduli and Xiao Huoma also came here and began to eat the feed in front of them.

Because Duduli has three heads, he wants to eat more feed and keeps fighting.

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