Pokemon Red

Page 1336

Just when Chi didn't know how to respond to Xiao Ju'er's invitation, the navigator he carried with him once again played its role, and at this moment it rang, which made Chi Xin feel slightly relieved, but his face did not change. Xiao Ju'er waved her hand and signaled that she would talk later. Under Xiao Ju'er's depressed look, she took out the navigator and found that the communication request above was actually an unfamiliar number, which caused Chi to frown.

The navigator's number is very secret. In addition to the top leaders of the alliance, only friends such as Ash, Shigeru, Mikri, girls such as Kona, Nazi, and elders such as Dr. Ogi and Dr. Odamaru know. That's it, outsiders can't know this number at all, but now there is an unfamiliar number calling in. If it's not a mistake, then someone leaked this number out.

"What's wrong?" Lila, who was sitting next to Chi, immediately noticed Chi's slightly weird look, her heart tightened slightly, thinking it was what happened, so she asked, and Xiao Ju'er felt a little bit after hearing it. He looked at Chi nervously.

"It's nothing, it's just that the 070 number has never been seen before..." Chi shook his head and glanced at the navigator to Lila and Xiaoju'er, and under the look of some doubts on both of them, he motioned Victini to be quiet, The communication request is switched on.

After the communication was connected, a strong middle-aged man with a mustache appeared in the navigator. After the communication was connected, a sense of relief appeared on his face. .

"First meeting, Mr. Chi!" The middle-aged strong man took a breath, smiled, and said to Chi, "My name is Dong George, and I am the manager of the Battle Club in Mouge Town."

"Hello... Excuse me, what's the matter?" Chi looked suspiciously at the middle-aged man who called himself Dong George, then looked at Lila and Xiao Ju'er next to him, and saw that the two nodded slightly to confirm that the other was indeed Dong. After a member of the George family, he responded to the middle-aged man.

"That's right, I got your contact information from Xiao Zhi, and I also learned that you are in the Hezhong area, so I want to invite you to come to Xuge Town to be the guest of the upcoming battle conference." Dong George did not Talk about other things and go straight to the topic (caaf).

"Wait a minute, you mean, the Battle Tournament?" Chi asked suspiciously, because he actually didn't know much about this Dong George. As for the contact information leaked by Xiaozhi, Chi felt nothing, Xiaozhi passed by. After several years of experience, he is not too reckless, as long as the whole world does not know about it.

"Yes, do you have time to come to Muge Town? Of course, it's paid!" Dong George nodded quickly. In fact, the reason why he invited Chi over was because he knew that Xiao Zhi and Chi were very familiar. There is also a plan to increase the reputation of the Battle Tournament.

After the incident of Ain Dook, Chi is now famous again. Almost all TV programs that talk about the Three Dragons of the Dao and the Trinity Dragon will mention Chi. After all, Chi appeared next to the Three Dragons of the Dao, and even more so. He holds the key items that allow the three dragons of the Tao to merge into the three-in-one dragon.

"Wait, let me know first... Because I'm not from the Hezhong area and don't know you very well, so... I'm sorry!" Chi said apologetically to Dong George, but he was already inclined to agree, because it happened to use This excuse declined Xiao Ju'er's retention.

"It's natural..." Dong George nodded happily and agreed, without any other emotions. He knew his own affairs and went out of the Hezhong area. Almost no one had heard of the fame of the Dong George family, let alone A battle tournament held by the East George family.

Chapter 1 Invitation from East George-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"It's natural..." Dong George nodded happily and agreed, without any other emotions. He knew his own affairs and went out of the Hezhong area. Almost no one had heard of the fame of the Dong George family, let alone A battle tournament held by the East George family.

"Lila..." Chi nodded apologetically to Dong George again, then looked at Lila next to him, and asked Lila to explain to him what the Dong George family had to do with the battle meeting.

East George, this is not the name of a person, but the name of a family. This family is similar to the Joey family and the Junsha family. For some reason, the members of the family are almost all printed with the same mold. .

Like the Joey family in charge of the elf center and the Junsha family in charge of the police department, although the East George family is not as large as the two families covering the whole world, it is also an existence in the Hezhong area that cannot be ignored. Yes, it's a battle club in the United States area.

The battle club is an organization that can only be seen in the United States area. The biggest purpose is the same as the name of the club. In addition to this, there are other content that is closely related to the battle.

For example, under the guidance of the club, train members' elf moves; another example, in the battle club, according to the member's level and points, the member's elf can learn a variety of moves; even through points, it can be exchanged for various Various props, this is also one of the benefits of the battle club.

There are three sources of points, one is through the tasks issued by the battle club, and the task is not difficult, it is to point some members to the elf training moves; the second is through the sale of props, and then exchange for points; the third , is the most difficult, but also the most direct way to get a lot of points. Participating in the East George Battle Conference held by the Battle Club will get different points according to the ranking.

The battle meeting held by the East George family is very popular in the Hezhong area, just like the Gorgeous Tournament in Hoenn and Shenno areas are similar, but out of the Hezhong area, few people will mention this battle meeting.

"So Mr. Dong George, did you invite me over because you wanted to increase the popularity of the competition through me?" After Chi learned about it, he looked at Dong George in the navigator and asked straight to the point.

"Yes..." Dong George didn't hide it at all. Some competitions and the like will invite guests, isn't it just to attract more people's attention?

Chi pondered for a while. At the timing, he had a good impression of this East George Battle Conference. Although he only learned from Lila's mouth, who is Lila?Interpol's head of the United States area, there is nothing she does not know about the entire United States area, and Lila has such a high regard for this battle conference, which is naturally good.

In addition, in order to find an excuse to decline Xiao Ju'er's retention, Chi Wei nodded to Dong George without asking for the reward, he believed that Dong George would not perfunctory him, "No problem, when will the battle meeting be held? Woolen cloth?"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Chi!" Dong George thanked Equator in surprise, he didn't have any hope at first, but he didn't expect it to succeed, "There are still ten days before the battle meeting held in Mouge Town. , where are you now?"

(For flowers, for tickets, for custom).

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-one chapters of the text go to a certain town

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"I'm in Raven City now." Chi didn't hide his whereabouts, he believed that East George would not reveal the news if he didn't want to offend Chi.

"Then I'll send someone to pick you up to Muge Town now. We have our own vehicles. If we take the main road, we can reach Muge Town in two days!" , make a suggestion immediately.

"No need, I'm going to walk there, I should be able to make it in ten days." Chi shook his head and rejected Dong George's kindness. He prefers to appreciate the scenery along the way step by step rather than fast travel. Passed by.

"In this case, I will send the shortest route from Raven City to Guge Town to your navigator." Dong George didn't insist, after nodding his head, he continued, "Then I won't bother you. , I will be waiting for your visit in the town of certain Ge."

"Well..." Chi nodded slightly, and waited for Dong George to hang up the phone before putting away the navigator, then looked at Xiao Ju'er with apologetic eyes, "Sorry, Xiao Ju'er, I...-..."

"It doesn't matter..." Xiao Ju'er shook her head a little disappointedly, but she didn't care too much. After all, Chi still has business to do, and she can't let Chi stay here because of herself. No extra _ time.

Lila didn't know what to say. After all, she was by Chi's side, so she didn't need to part with Chi, so she fell silent, and the three of them seemed a little embarrassed for a while.

"Tini... uh..." Just when the three of them were silent and embarrassed, Victini, who was eating macarons, burped, lay comfortably on the table, touched his belly, and then Looking at the three of Chi, I don’t know why the three of them didn’t eat snacks, but because they ate too much, Victini didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the three of them. He flapped his wings vigorously and flew into Chi’s arms. , lie inside and close your eyes to sleep.

"Haha..." Looking at Victini's cute appearance, the embarrassment of the scene was immediately swept away. After the three looked at each other, they burst out laughing...


"Did you leave so early? Don't stay for a day or two?" The next day, Xiao Ju'er sent Chi and Lila to the gate of the gym in a depressing manner. He was about to leave the next day.

"East George sent a map over here. Muge Town is between Fukiyo City and Snowflake City. The road from Raven City to Muge Town is not short. If you walk there, even if you don't take a fork in the road, you won't stop at unnecessary places. , and it will take about eight days." Chi shook his head, he didn't expect that the town of Muge was so far away, if he knew it would be better to let Dong George take a car to pick him up.

"Okay..." Xiao Ju'er nodded helplessly, then came to Lila's side, pulled Lila and whispered some secrets, after all, after the two separated, it is estimated that there will be no way to see each other for a long time.

Chi glanced at the time, then hugged Victini who was lying on his head, "Victini, we're going to buy you macarons later, so you go back to the elf obediently now. Go inside the ball, okay?"

Victini struggled a little reluctantly, but because of the macarons, and seeing Chi's determined eyes, he could only nod his head aggrievedly, and then flew to Chi's waist and touched it. Touch the luxurious ball that belongs to you and enter it.

"Okay, we should go too, and we have to buy some supplies for the road." After waiting for five minutes, Chi saw that Xiaoju'er and Lila hadn't finished talking, so they could only go forward to interrupt the two of them. Talk, after all, it's getting late, and the journey is a bit rushed.

"Humph..." Seeing Chi's appearance that she couldn't wait to leave, Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but snorted and wrinkled her little nose, but then sighed, came to Chi's face, spread her arms around Chi, and whispered softly beside Chi's ears Said, "Be careful along the way."

Chapter 1 Go to a town-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Humph..." Seeing Chi's appearance that she couldn't wait to leave, Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but snorted and wrinkled her little nose, but then sighed, came to Chi's face, spread her arms around Chi, and whispered softly beside Chi's ears Said, "Be careful along the way."

Chi Wei was startled, and under Lila's strange smile, she hugged Xiao Ju'er stiffly, and nodded slightly, "You too, take care of yourself."

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