Pokemon Red

Page 1464

Sakagi was silent. If possible, he certainly didn't want to face the bare hands in the Youth Cup and then snatch Meloetta, because the risk of this matter is really great.

It was previously announced that Chi appeared in the Youth Cup in order to use the audience to coerce Chi and hand over Meloetta, but this also gave the alliance and Interpol time to prepare.

If there is a mistake, the Rockets will all stay in the Youth Cup. Even for the Rockets, the loss of [-] elites is a very heavy blow.

So this is an adventure, an adventure that will determine the future of the Rockets. If it fails, it will take a very long time to restore the scale to the current level!

"Is there any news about the real red?" Sakagi was silent for a long time, and then he spoke slowly. He was not asking about Lance. After all, Lance was in charge of gathering people and contacting Dr. Seger during this time. What he asked was Standing beside him, the real bird who came from the Kanto area to help.

"It has been confirmed that Zhen Hongchi arrived at Xiaobo Town and is with Lila, the Minister of Interpol and Shenao Champion Zhulan." Zhen Bird slightly pushed her glasses and replied.

Sakagi pondered for a while, looked at the real bird beside him, and asked, "If there is an attack on Ma Hongchi now, how sure is it that Meloetta can be taken away?"

"There are a lot of trainers in Xiaobo Town, and many of them are from the Alliance. If we take action rashly, the lackeys of the Alliance will encircle and suppress us. At the same time, we can't be sure whether Meloetta is right now. In Xiaobo Town..." Zhen Bird estimated, shook his head, and replied.

It is very difficult for the Rockets to fish in troubled waters in Xiaobo Town, because what the Rockets can think of, and the alliance can think of, since they know the Rockets' plan, the alliance will never be easily taken away by the other party. Meloetta, so A large number of alliance personnel were deployed in Xiaobo Town.

"What about the Plasma team? Didn't they agree to us, wouldn't they drag the attention of the league?" A trace of anger appeared in Sakagi's eyes, because he found that there seemed to be something wrong with his plan.

"Plasma team..." Zhen Bird was silent for a while, and his expression was not very good. "The last time I contacted the plasma team was thirteen days ago."

"So, the Plasma team broke the agreement with us?" Sakagi asked rhetorically with a cold expression.

"It should be..." Mayu said bitterly, because it was her who made the agreement with Team Plasma.

Chapter 1 Rockets Trends-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"It should be..." Mayu said bitterly, because it was her who made the agreement with Team Plasma.

Sakagi endured the anger in his heart. For this long-planned 'Operation Tempest', he finally felt a trace of regret in his heart. He regretted that he should not ignore the last words left by his mother, and just wanted to infect the legendary elves.

Like the fantasy clone plan many years ago, if it wasn't for the desire to clone the fantasy, it would not have hurt the Rockets' vitality, leading to the opportunity being seized by the league and weakening the Rockets' influence in Guandu and Chengdu.

And now, because he wants to capture Sanyun God, he has dragged the Rockets into a very delicate situation. If he retreats now, Sakamu is unwilling, but if he does not retreat, the consequences are likely to make the Rockets recover some. again in crisis.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

If the legendary elves had not been tainted, the current Rocket would not have fallen into the current situation. According to the previous development, the Rockets may have completely occupied the underground forces in the Hoenn area, and even the Shenno area can be Erosion one or two.

"Stay still and let Dr. Seger find a way to break the seal as soon as possible!" Sakagi sighed deeply. After several blows, he began to feel a little depressed.

Mato looked at Sakagi and felt a pain in his heart, and Lance, who was half-kneeling on the ground, also felt the strangeness of Sakagi, and he was very self-blaming for his inability to do anything.



"How is Team Rocket?" In a huge castle, the seven sages of Team Plasma were gathered in the conference room, discussing the previous matters, and the one who spoke was the current leader of Team Plasma, Kui Qi think!

"There is no trace of Team Rocket at the moment, but they have always wanted to contact us..." Yoggs, one of the seven sages in charge of intelligence, said.

"Ignore them for now, and wait for them to reply the day before the Youth Cup. Now let the Rockets be anxious..." Kui Qisi, who was sitting in the first place, sneered.

Although the Rockets promised them a lot of things, but if you want to let the Plasma team help them attract attention, you can't promise the Rockets so easily!

"I think so too." Yoggs slightly smoothed his beard and nodded.

"How is our plan going now?" After nodding to Yoggs, Kui Qisi looked at another sage, Gero.

"The situation in the Dragon Spiral Tower is too complicated. Until now, our manpower is still unable to fully understand the situation in the Dragon Spiral Tower..." Jello shook his head slightly, talking about his current situation.

"While the Alliance's attention is now on the Rockets, we have to speed up our pace, you know?" Kui Qisi nodded slightly, then looked around the other six sages.

(For flowers, for tickets, for custom).

The first thousand five hundred and seven chapters of the text

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"Prickly ammonite beast, please." In the early morning, Chi got up early in the morning, went to the sundae's room and took the prickly ammonite beast's elf ball from the sundae, then came to the beach and had a daily breakfast. practice.

"Prickly—(Leave it to me.)" The Prickly Ammonite was not sleeping at first, and after being called out, he understood what was going on, and glanced at the giant Tyrannosaurus carp dragon that was training in the sea, After a flash of surprise in his eyes, he nodded slightly to Chi.

"Double scabbard, your task today is to follow the spiny ammonite beast, do whatever it asks you to do, do you know?" Chi looked at the twin who was floating beside him and had a good impression of the spiny ammonite beast. said the scabbard.

"Double swords—!" The double scabbard swayed his body slightly, indicating that he understood.

Chi nodded slightly to the two spirits "One Four Seven", and then went to the other side to train Vulcan Moth personally. Vulcan Moth's current strength has reached a bottleneck, and high-intensity training is required to break through this bottleneck. , If you rely on Vulcan Moth alone, it is difficult to do it.

The sky began to light up, the sun began to rise, and the beach was dyed with a layer of golden yellow, which looked very dazzling. The people in the villa also got up one after another and went to the beach for their own training.

"I had so much fun yesterday!" Xiaozhi and Tiantong said with a smile when they landed on the beach from the villa area.

Yesterday's bonfire party was very successful. Everyone and the elves had a great time. Even Shinji, who usually doesn't speak with a cold face, changed his indifference and had a great time.

"Yes..." Tian Tong nodded slightly, yesterday's party was indeed a good memory, "This experience will become our precious memory, after many years, when we open it again, we can also feel its It smells like old wine!"

"I'm saying something I don't understand again..." Xiaozhi looked at Tiantong speechlessly, shook his head, and then looked at Chi who had already undergone a lot of disappearance training on the beach, "Brother Chi is still so early, even if He's already so strong, and he still doesn't relax at all in terms of training!"

Xiaozhi and Tiantong didn't bother Chi's training, they went to the other side for training, while Shinji, Ah Thun, Chuangyi, and Kenny Yang also came one after another, and after a few chats, they also started their own training.

The girls were relatively late, but everyone came together, and they were training on the beach like this.


"Quick--!" Above the sky, two powerful elves are fighting, one is the quasi-legendary elf Kuailong in the Guandu area, and the other is the quasi-legendary elf in the Hezhong area, the three evil dragons !

The strength of the two elves is very strong, and they are both at the quasi-championship level. Judging from the situation in the fight, the strength of the two is not comparable, and there are back and forth!

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