Pokemon Red

Page 1558

"Gym trainer?" Alice murmured in a low voice, her eyes gradually firmed, and she turned to look in the direction of Shuanglong Gym. Although she didn't know if Xia Ka could hear it, she still shouted loudly, "Xia Master Ka, I will definitely grow to the level you expect, become a trainer that matches the Shuanglong Gym, and then grab the Shuanglong Gym from your hands!"

Looking at Alice's actions and listening to Alice's declaration, everyone around Alice seems to have seen a lesson in the rising of tomorrow's stars, especially Chi, who is really interested in Alice's talent. He is very optimistic. Now Alice has become more mature and has goals. He believes that within a few years, there will definitely be a place for Alice in the future Hezhong, even at the peak. Not impossible!

"I can't lose to Alice..." Ash seemed to be inspired by Alice's declaration, clenching his fists and looking at Pikachu on his shoulder, "This year's Higaki Conference, I must win, and then be qualified to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge, be promoted to become the Four Heavenly Kings, and then the next goal is to be the champion!"

"Pikapi!" Pikachu nodded and responded to Ash's words. It accompanied Ash all the way, knowing how hard Ash was working, and from a rookie trainer who knew nothing and knew nothing , has grown to this point, it believes that one day, its own trainer will definitely achieve his goal, and this day will definitely not be too far away!


After arriving at the elf center, Alice handed over the two injured elves to Joey for treatment, while the others registered their rooms and planned to stay here for a day in Shuanglong City, and set off for Higaki City tomorrow morning. There is not much time left for the meeting.

Although it was the afternoon, it was still some time before the evening, so everyone decided that until the evening rest, everyone would act at will and do whatever they wanted.

Chi was originally going to rest in the spirit center. After all, there was nowhere to go outside, but he couldn't bear the tug of Bailu, Victini and Meloetta, so he could only bring two spirits and Bailu. Go for a walk outside.

Chapter 1 The sudden phone call -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Chi was originally going to rest in the spirit center. After all, there was nowhere to go outside, but he couldn't bear the tug of Bailu, Victini and Meloetta, so he could only bring two spirits and Bailu. Go for a walk outside.

Bai Lu just wanted to go shopping with Chi and have some alone time with Chi, while Victini was very simple and wanted to go to the street to see if there was a snack shop and buy some macarons Eat, as for Meloetta, she's simpler, she just wants to see the city.

Although Shuanglong City is a big city, there is not much entertainment in it, and it seems that because there is an academy here, most of the shops are related to the things that the academy needs to use, and there are even the original ones in the sundae. The battle simulator seen in the academy.

The battle simulator is a kind of thing similar to a game machine. After the coin is put in, a genie will be randomly selected from the battle machine. If there is no opponent, it will fight step by step in the form of passing levels, and each time you pass a level. , the strength of the elves will be improved, until the last opponent to face is Adek, the champion of the United States.

If you defeat Adek, you will not only get the prizes presented by the store, but you will also be able to leave your name on the fighter planes. There are rankings on the fighter planes. Yes, that is, if you take the least amount of time, anywhere in the world, as long as there is this battle simulator, someone will be able to see your name.

Bai Lu was very interested in this simulator. After pulling Chi to play for a while, he failed even without winning the league championship. Chi also played for a while, and the elf that was drawn was a carp king. None of the trainers in the first level were defeated, which made Bai Lu keep laughing at Chi.

When it was time for dinner, Bai Lu didn't want to go back to the elf center to eat, so 770 greeted the other two Zhulan and Lila who were shopping outside. After the four of them met, they dined at a popular restaurant on the side of the road.

After the meal, I returned to the Elf Center and found Xiao Zhi and others. From Alice's mouth, I learned that the dragon head gopher and the fast dragon are not serious problems. As long as they take a night's rest, they will be better tomorrow before returning. room to rest.

"Dililili..." Just when Chi finished grooming and wiped her hair out of the bathroom, the navigator on the table suddenly rang.

"Huh?" Chi went to the table in confusion and picked up the navigator. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. How could someone still call and look at the contacts above, and found that they were not among the contacts. The number registered, could not help but hesitate.

The navigator rang for a while and stopped because Chi was not connected. Chi had just put down the navigator, but the navigator rang again, and the number was still the one that was called before.

"Hello, may I ask..." Before Chi had finished speaking, an old man appeared in the navigator's picture. The old man had a long and thick beard.

"President Damalanqi?!" Chi looked at the old man who appeared on the screen and exclaimed. He didn't expect that the person who contacted him was actually the manager of the torch, Damalanqi.

(For flowers, for tickets, for custom).

Text Chapter [-] Invitation by President Damalan

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"Haha, long time no see, Xiao Chi, didn't you scare you?" After hearing Chi's exclamation, President Damalanchi laughed. Although he was old, he was still full of energy.

"A little..." Chi took off the towel on his head, looked at President Damalanqi in the navigator's screen, and found that President Damalanqi had not seen each other for a year. President Ma Lanqi, is there something wrong with me looking for you so late?"

"There is indeed something looking for you." President Damalanchi nodded without any nonsense, "You should still be in the Hezhong area now, haven't you left?"

Chi was slightly startled, then nodded, facing President Damalanqi, he did not need to hide his whereabouts, after all, President Damalanqi was not only an acquaintance, and he would not reveal his whereabouts, just this Chi Chi was wrong.

"Since you are in the Hezhong area, and Miss Zhulan has not returned to the Shenao area, she must be with you, right?" President Damalanqi asked Chi with a smile, although it was a question. , but the tone is certain.

"Indeed, Zhulan is traveling with us, as well as Xiaozhi and the others." Chi nodded slightly, he seemed to already know what was going on with President Damalanqi looking for him, and he couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Haha, it seems that you already know what I have to do with you..." President Damalan knew what Chi was thinking when he saw Chi, he couldn't help laughing, then looked at Chi, "How is it? Are you interested? If you are not interested, you can also refuse."

"You have invited me in person, how could I refuse, but I can't help her agree with Zhulan, and Zhulan's identity, I don't think it is suitable to appear at the Hiyuan Conference as a guest, after all, Zhulan No matter what you say, Lan is also the champion of the Shenao region." Chi nodded slightly, and agreed to the invitation that President Damalanchi had not yet said.

In fact, there are only two things that require President Damalan to personally issue an invitation, one is the transmission of the torch, and the other is the guests of the league match.

The reason why it was determined to be a guest of the Higaki Conference and not a guest of other league tournaments is very simple. President Damalan has just asked if he is still in the Hezhong area. This is obviously to determine whether Chi is still in the area. Here at Hezhong, if it is not, there is no need to open the invitation afterward.

"Indeed, in terms of Zhulan's identity, it is indeed not suitable to appear at the Higaki Conference as a guest. After all, she did not go to this year's Linglan Conference, but appeared at the Higaki Conference, which is not suitable... ..." President Damalanqi nodded, then smiled, "But I never thought about having Zhulan as a guest."

"Actually, I just want you two to be the torch passers, the last torch runners in the torch pass of the Higaki Conference. I didn't expect you to be a guest, Xiao Chi. Since you said so, so do I. I'm sorry to refuse, let's decide like this, when the flame runners arrive, I will find Xiaozhi to serve as him." President Damalanqi laughed.

In fact, President Damalan really wanted to find Chi and Zhulan as the torch runners of the Higaki Conference, but he didn't expect Chi to be wrong, thinking that he was here to find Chi as a guest, now it's alright , will be wrong, let Chi become the guest directly.

Chapter 1 Invitation by President Damalan-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

In fact, President Damalan really wanted to find Chi and Zhulan as the torch runners of the Higaki Conference, but he didn't expect Chi to be wrong, thinking that he was here to find Chi as a guest, now it's alright , will be wrong, let Chi become the guest directly.

"This..." Chi's eyes widened, he didn't expect to reach President Ma Lanqi to find him just as a torch runner, but after the words were spoken, Chi didn't regret it, he could only nod his head with a wry smile, "Now I'm in Shuanglong City, it is estimated that we will be able to reach Higaki City in two or three days, and we will go back to find you at that time.”

"I'm really bothering you, Xiao Chi!" President Damalanqi laughed, and after expressing his thanks to the equator, his expression slightly restrained and became serious, "But Xiao Chi, you are concerned about the theft of the Qibao Museum before. thing?"

"I heard about it, but I didn't pay attention..." Chi Wei shook his head slightly. When the Qibao Museum was stolen, it was the time when Team Rocket was carrying out the so-called storm plan. At that time, his attention was all on Team Rocket. Didn't pay attention, just heard about it later.

As for this matter, Lila's staff is also investigating, but there is obviously a team behind the thief to cover up all traces for him, and even Interpol cannot trace the thief.

"Then you know...the thing that was stolen is the skeleton of a pair of fast dragons?" President Damalanqi nodded slightly, and then continued to ask Chi.

"I do know that." Chi nodded. With the relationship between him and the alliance, how could he not know what was stolen in this theft incident, but he didn't understand that the thief stole this picture What is the use of bones.

Judging from the appearance of the skeleton alone, there is no doubt that this skeleton should have been a fast dragon when it was alive, but it is impossible to determine how strong the skeleton was when it was alive, but if the thief has the means of resurrection, take this If the fast dragon is resurrected and sold on the black market, it is estimated that it will be able to sell a lot of money.

"¨~ To be honest, the only thing that was lost in this theft incident was the skeleton of the fast dragon. That is to say, the target of the thief was very clear, that is, the skeleton of the fast dragon..." President Damalanqi frowned slightly. He frowned, "I thought you would know something, maybe the thief would be Team Rocket or something, but I didn't expect you to know."

"Forget it, leave this matter to the league to investigate. You have already done a lot for the Rockets." Jian Chi was thinking about what he had just said. The chairman laughed and put the matter aside, "Then the guests of the Higaki Conference will ask you, Xiao Chi."

"No problem..." Chi came back to his senses, nodded with a wry smile, and after a few more words with President Damalanqi, he hung up the phone, Chi put the navigator on the table, and then thought about the previous The question is, who stole the skeleton of the fast dragon, and whether the skeleton hides any secrets.

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