Pokemon Red

Page 1575

"Not necessarily..." After Alice's voice fell, Chi shook her head slightly, denying Alice's statement, "On the surface, it seems that the arrogant pheasant has the advantage, but in fact, don't forget, When the old craftsman was built, he used rock attribute moves, even if there is no bonus with the same attributes, it is an unbearable attack for the arrogant pheasant, so really speaking, the two are half a catty."

After hearing Chi's words, except for Xiaogang, who was not there at the time and was on his way, and Zhulan who hadn't come to the Hezhong area, everyone else suddenly realized that they both restrained each other. The attack, so who can win depends on the tactical use of both sides, who is better!

"Battle match...start!" The referee glanced at the old craftsman, and then announced again that the matchup would continue.

"Old Craftsman, use a falling rock attack!" At the moment when the referee's voice fell, Emperor Xiu immediately asked Old Craftsman to launch an attack, and it was a rock-type move that restrained the flying attribute. However, from the previous performance, this time the attack , obviously it's just a test!

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-four chapters build the old craftsman to fight -->> (page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Old Craftsman, use a falling rock attack!" At the moment when the referee's voice fell, Emperor Xiu immediately asked Old Craftsman to launch an attack, and it was a rock-type move that restrained the flying attribute. However, from the previous performance, this time the attack , obviously it's just a test!

The purpose of this attack is to allow the old builders to adapt to the rhythm of the battle, so as not to be caught off guard by the arrogant pheasants.

The old builder's hands suddenly folded together, and the energy of the rock attribute continued to condense along his arms in his palms, and shot out at the sky. The brown energy group suddenly turned into a huge rock above the sky, falling from the sky and smashing towards the sky. Proud pheasant!

"Proud pheasant, dodge the attack with a flash of lightning, and then use Yan Hui to attack the opponent!" It was naturally impossible for Xiao Zhi to fail to react to such an attack. At the moment when the rock appeared, he immediately issued an order to the arrogant pheasant.

The translucent general attribute energy gushed out from the body of the proud pheasant, and the surging energy continuously turned into power, making the proud pheasant turn into a bolt of lightning, leaving the place and leaving the area covered by the falling rocks extremely fast. Then, the energy maintenance of the flash of electric light was cancelled, and instead the energy of the flight attribute was output, and with a wisp of airflow, it rushed to the old building craftsman!

"Building an old craftsman, use a concrete pillar to resist this blow, and then directly use the stone pillar to knock the opponent flying!" Build a craftsman!

"¨~Bang——!" Almost at the same time as the arrogant pheasant attacked, the old builder grabbed the stone pillars with their big hands, and crossed them in front of him. After a crash, the old builder slightly stepped back. After sliding for a certain distance, he completely resisted the attack of the arrogant pheasant, and then waved the stone pillar and knocked the stunned arrogant pheasant into the air!

"Old Craftsman Jian, attack with sharp stones!" When the arrogant pheasant was knocked out, Emperor Xiu again issued an order to the old Craftsman Jian Jian, and this time he used all his strength to use a powerful sharp point. Stone attack!

A flash of coldness flashed in the eyes of the old builder, and the rock attribute energy surged again, converging on the right fist, and a punch hit the ground fiercely, smashing a small hole at the same time, the rock attribute energy blasted into the ground, Spreading rapidly, the sharp rock protrusions extended towards the proud pheasant who had not adjusted his body!

"This move... Isn't this how Douzi's super-armored rhino used the sharp stone attack?" In the stands, Bai Lu's eyes narrowed slightly, and some couldn't believe that this method of use actually appeared On Xiudi's construction master!

"The arrogant pheasant, hurry up and dodge the attack!" Xiaozhi frowned. The stamina of the arrogant pheasant was only half of the initial one. If he was hit by this, he would probably lose his fighting ability directly!

The arrogant pheasant that was knocked into the air by the stone pillar tried to adjust its body, made a sharp cry, spread its wings, and quickly lifted into the air, but the rock on the ground that had come to the bottom of the arrogant pheasant was an urgent pursuit. , and finally stopped when he was about to hit the proud pheasant, but it also reached a height of seven or eight meters!

"It's a pity, if this blow can hit, it will cause very serious trauma to the proud pheasant!" The commentator's voice was about to jump out. Sighed.

(For flowers, for tickets, for custom).

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-five chapters of the text

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"The old builders, continue to attack, don't give the opponent time to breathe, and use the rock collapse!" Emperor Xiu was not shaken by the failure of this attack, and asked the old builders to attack again, using continuous Attack, so that the other party can not respond!

The power of the rock collapse is not as strong as that of the sharp stone attack, but the sharp stone attack requires too much physical strength and cannot be used continuously in a short period of time. Rockslide in the middle to attack!

The energy of the rock attribute hit the sky from the right hand of the old builder, forming a huge rock, holding a concrete pillar in the left hand, throwing it into the sky, smashing the huge rock in the sky, turning it into pieces of different shapes. Yan, fell from the sky and hit the proud pheasant!

The arrogant pheasant, who was a little scared in his heart, was still looking at the sharp stone that was only one meter away from him. Before he could react, he felt a shadow covering him. He raised his head slightly, but found that there were countless gravels in the sky. Fall to yourself!

"The arrogant pheasant, hurry up and dodge!" Xiao Zhi has no choice, now he can only keep letting the arrogant pheasant dodge, he also wants to let the arrogant pheasant fight back, but the interval between each attack is repaired The emperor caught very accurately, and he didn't give him a little leeway at all!

The arrogant pheasant hurriedly left the place, but there were too many rubble, even if it had avoided a few pieces, it was still hit by other large and small rubble, screamed in pain, fell from the sky to the ground, and continued. Hit by rubble.

"Very good, the old builder, don't give the opponent a chance, use a sonic punch to rush over!" Emperor Xiu suppressed his excitement, waved his right hand, and let the old builder attack again, ending the arrogant pheasant who had not lost his fighting ability. chicken!

The old builder put aside the concrete pillars he held in both hands, and the fighting attribute energy suddenly poured out. Driven by the energy, it turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared on the spot, and rushed towards the proud pheasant lying on the ground at a very fast speed. Solve this opponent!

"The arrogant pheasant, hurry up and show your strength, cheer up, and use the brave bird to attack!" Xiao Zhi naturally won't stop there. Although the arrogant pheasant has little physical strength, he can reluctantly use the brave bird to attack, but After this blow, no matter what the opponent's result is, he will lose his ability to fight because of the recoil!

The arrogant pheasant lying on the ground slightly raised his head and looked at the old builder who was rushing towards him. An unyielding flame flashed in his eyes. He struggled to stand up. Flap your wings, use your last physical strength, and prepare to sprint to the old craftsman!

However, just at the moment when the arrogant pheasant was ready, the face of the sprinting old craftsman became slightly grim, the speed suddenly climbed, the figure disappeared, and the next moment appeared next to the arrogant pheasant who was still indomitable. The fist of the right hand wrapped with the power of crimson fighting suddenly swung out and bombarded the body of the proud pheasant!

"Bang——!" A heavy collision sounded, and the crimson power broke through the sky-blue energy layer and bombarded the right wing of the proud pheasant. Chicken hit fly out!

"High..." The arrogant pheasant lost consciousness after feeling the pain. It rolled and bounced continuously on the ground, and after drawing a ravine, it stopped and attacked outside the battle field, losing its ability to fight!

"The arrogant, arrogant pheasant loses its ability to fight, and the old builder wins!" The referee was slightly startled. He thought there would be a last-ditch confrontation. The showdown kills before the showdown!

Chapter 1: King Yanwu goes to battle-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"The arrogant, arrogant pheasant loses its ability to fight, and the old builder wins!" The referee was slightly startled. He thought there would be a last-ditch confrontation. The showdown kills before the showdown!

After Xiaozhi looked slightly startled, he slowly revealed a bitter smile. He didn't expect that the arrogant pheasant would still be defeated by occupying such a large attribute advantage, but he soon adjusted his mood, and he still had the last one. Elf, although the old craftsman is powerful, it also consumes a lot of physical strength. There is still a chance in this battle!

"Come back, the arrogant pheasant, you have worked hard (cech), and have a good rest!" Xiao Zhi put the arrogant pheasant back into the Poké Ball, put it back on his waist, and then took out a Poké Ball and weighed it slightly. After a moment, he threw it on the battlefield, "Go, King Yanwu, it's you!"

The elf ball slammed open over the battle field, and the sturdy King Yanwu appeared on the battle field. He watched it slightly, and after discovering the old craftsman, his expression became awe-inspiring. It is also a fighting elf, it can I can clearly feel that the strength of this old builder is very powerful, on par with myself.

"King Yanwu, the third elf sent by Xiaozhi is the king of Yanwu!" The commentator was a little excited after seeing the king of Yanwu, "Is player Xiaozhi going to have a power contest with player Xiudi?!"

King Yanwu's strength is at the level of a quasi-celestial king. It is the same as the strength of the old builders. There are only slight differences. Both are elves with fighting attributes. Only King Yanwu has more fire attributes, and he is not considered an advantage in attributes. It's a close match.

The expressions of the people in the stands were different. Some people nodded affirmatively, thinking that King Yanwu would definitely win the battle, but some people believed that the old craftsmen of Xiudi had extraordinary strength, but more, they still felt that Xiaozhi would win. The advantage is too great.

"Battle match, start!" The referee raised his right hand and announced that the match would resume!

"King Yanwu, shoot flames!" At the moment when the referee's voice fell, Xiao Zhi immediately gave an order to King Yanwu. It was not a duel of power as imagined by others, but prepared to use fire attribute moves to attack from a distance!

King Yanwu paused for a moment, the fire attribute energy suddenly condensed in his mouth, and a circle of flames around his neck ignited, aiming at the old builders, and the spouting mouth condensed the ultimate flame!

"It's useless!" Looking at the crimson flames whistling, Emperor Xiu shook his head slightly, "Old builders, block the jet flames!"

The old builder holds a pair of concrete stone pillars and spins them with himself as the axis. The air flow rolls up with the action of the old builder. When the flame touches this tornado-like air current, not only does it fail to penetrate the air current , but was rolled up by it and turned into a flame tornado!

"Of course I know it's useless!" However, seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi smiled. Until now, he still remembers what happened in the fighting competition. How could he not know that his own flames were useless, and the reason why he still did it, for the next move!

"King Yanwu, give up the jet flame and use the stored-energy flame attack!" While the old builder was resisting the jet flame, Xiao Zhi asked King Yanwu to use another attack!

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