Pokemon Red

Page 1683

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in response, speeding up to finish breakfast, and then after cleaning up, they followed Dr. Xianxiong and walked towards the Dragon Spiral Tower.

Around the Dragon Spiral Tower, many members of the archaeological team are already studying the building materials of the (cbcf) Dragon Spiral Tower. Because this material is unprecedented, they want to know if they can find this material. composition of materials.

Dr. Xianxiong greeted the members of the archaeological team along the way. After arriving at the gate of the Dragon Spiral Tower, he did not enter the first time, but explained to Chi and others what to pay attention to when entering the Dragon Spiral Tower. thing.

"The inside of the Dragon Spiral Tower is intricate and complicated. If you walk around, you will definitely get lost, so after you go in later, you must follow my footsteps." Dr. Xianxiong said.

"Also, the elves living in it are very strong, and the weakest are at the gym level. If you can't provoke them, don't provoke them. Although I know that everyone's strength is very strong, especially Xiao Chi, but inside The elves are very united, and if you provoke one, it is very likely that dozens of them will appear." Dr. Xianxiong said here, and seemed to have some lingering fears.

In order to explore the Dragon Spiral Tower before, their archaeological team also lost several personnel, and finally determined this route, which is both safe and easy to remember.

"Is it so terrifying in the Dragon Spiral Tower..." Ellis didn't know what was going on in the Dragon Spiral Tower. After hearing the words of Dr. Xianxiong, she said with some tongue-tied words.

"The Tower of the Dragon Spiral is listed as one of the forbidden areas for human beings. In the past, trainers and adventurers with unclear numbers entered it, but they did not come out in the end." Tiantong explained to Alice.

"Let's go, let's go in." After Dr. Xianxiong explained everything he needed to a few people, he led the crowd towards the inside of the Dragon Spiral Tower.

Walking into the Dragon Spiral Tower, everyone found that they seemed to have come to another world, and the space inside was very vast, not as simple as it looked on the outside.

"This is only the first floor, there is nothing, but after reaching the second floor, the situation inside is very different. The road behind is like a maze." Seeing Xiaozhi and the others, they were puzzled when they saw the empty first floor. , Dr. Xianxiong explained.

"How many floors are there in the Dragon Spiral Tower?" Xiaozhi followed in Dr. Xianxiong's footsteps, walked towards the direction of the stairs, and asked with some doubts.

"We don't know how many floors there are, but so far, we have found six entrances, that is, the highest place we can reach is the sixth floor. As for how many floors are left... I don't know." Dr. Xianxiong shook his head slightly.

"Sixth floor..." Chi looked around and was a little surprised. Although the outside area of ​​the Dragon Spiral Tower is not large, after entering the interior, even the power of the waveguide can cover less than half of the area. It is estimated that there are at least [-] square meters, or even [-] square meters.

(For flowers, for tickets, for custom).

Text Chapter [-] Entrance to the White Ruins

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"It's really big..." Under the careful leadership of Dr. Xianxiong, everyone has reached the fifth floor. The space on each floor is very huge, and starting from the second floor, the roads on each floor are very complicated. , A person who is not careful will go wrong, and the elf who is waiting for opportunities around is also very strong. Just as Dr. Xianxiong said, the weakest elf also has the strength of a gymnasium.

Chi and the others even saw the quasi-champion-level elf, but the elf just glanced at them from a distance, and did not come over, nor was there any hostility, just like Dr. Xianxiong's warning, as long as you don't mess with them, They don't usually come to provoke humans.

"The above is the sixth floor. Although the sixth floor is also very large, there are very few elves, but..." Dr. Xianxiong stopped on a staircase and looked back at Chi and others, "But the sixth floor is small. Elves, their strength is above the level of heavenly kings, don't mess with them, as long as you don't mess with them, you can still talk well."

"Heaven, Heavenly King..." Hearing Dr. Xianxiong's words, even Chi felt a little troubled, but fortunately, the elves here will not take the initiative to attack humans, which is a good thing.

"Before we found the entrance to the White Ruins on the sixth floor, but not long ago, we also found another ruins on the sixth floor. Afraid of Yun Yue, Jing Lian, Mu Zai, cowardly, hot and counseling?/p>

"# Jun 敝 谌 Song ⑽ ⒁ paralyzed    Jie from his legs bluffs  words  H 绻  inlaid miscellaneous  sincere @  back to the curtain of Egypt  knocked from the washing and removal of miscellaneous  temple Yi returned to the relics, It's not impossible, after all, didn't you say that Reshiram and Zekrom had appeared here before?

"That's right, but now we haven't even deciphered the ancient text at the entrance of the Baizhi Ruins, so we are arrogant to climb up Xinjun! I hurriedly persuaded to find the word, and I hope that the entrance to the ruins of Napu's shank and waist will be cracked."

Just when everyone went to the sixth floor, everyone felt that the atmosphere on the sixth floor was completely different from the atmosphere on the previous floors. The atmosphere here seemed heavier. Although the environment did not change much, it made People feel a burst of pressure.

"What's going on? Why do I feel a little uncomfortable..." Alice caressed her heart, looking around for unknown reasons, she always felt that there was a strange pressure in the air, oppressing her, making her a little bit The feeling of being out of breath.

"It's the breath of elves. There are at least two or three hundred elves here. Their strength is above the level of the king, and they are very united, and their auras are integrated with each other. Although there is no target, even if they are affected, they will feel depressed. Without waiting for Chi to explain, Dr. Xianxiong said that they have already thoroughly researched this layer, and they only need to decipher the ancient texts of two entrances.

Walking towards the entrance of the White Ruins, most of the elves you see along the way are dragon-type elves, like the red-faced dragon. Although it is known as the shame of the dragon family, it is indeed a dragon-type elves. In addition to the red-faced dragon, there are also many dragon-type elves in the Hezhong area, such as the two-axe dragon and the three-headed dragon.

There are also dragon-type elves from other regions, such as fast dragon, fierce bite land shark, violent flying dragon, strange jaw dragon, sonic dragon, etc. It is really doubtful that this is the lair of dragon-type elves!

In addition to dragon-type elves, there are also some other types of elves. Most of these rare elves are at the level of quasi-championship, and only when their strength reaches such a realm, these arrogant dragon-type elves will be willing to let these elves stay here.

"We're here..." After a thrilling journey, under the leadership of Dr. Xianxiong, Chi and the others finally came to a stone wall scattered with many stones, each of which was engraved with ancient characters. , and from the arrangement of these stones, it seems that these ancient writing stones should be arranged in a certain order.

Chapter 1 Entrance to the White Ruins-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"We're here..." After a thrilling journey, under the leadership of Dr. Xianxiong, Chi and the others finally came to a stone wall scattered with many stones, each of which was engraved with ancient characters. , and from the arrangement of these stones, it seems that these ancient writing stones should be arranged in a certain order.

"This is the entrance to the Baizhi Ruins..." Dr. Xianxiong greeted several members of the archaeological team who stayed here, and brought Chi and others to the side of the stone wall, pointing to the words on it, "According to our deciphering Judging from some of the information that came out, as long as these words are arranged in a certain order, the entrance can be opened."

"Doctor, have you found the sequence?" Xiao Zhi curiously looked at the text on the stone wall and asked Dr. Xianxiong after seeing that he didn't understand what it meant.

・・・ Flowers・・・・

"Part of it was deciphered. According to the deciphered information, it should be the White Palace recorded in historical documents." Dr. Xianxiong gently stroked the ancient text, "In it, there may be Reshiram, or there may be everything. No, it's also possible... there is something left by Reshiram, and we don't know what the situation is inside."

"That's why I want Xiaochi to come over in order to decipher all the ancient texts as soon as possible." Dr. Xianxiong looked back at Chi, "After all, Xiaochi has had contact with Reshiram, and you may know that the meaning of these ancient texts is also said. indefinite."

As Dr. Xianxiong thought, Chi did know the meaning of these ancient words, but not because of his contact with Reshiram, but because of the will of the world, after Chi stroked the ancient words on the stone wall, the will of the world The ancient text has been completely translated to Chi Zhi.

......... 0 0

The general meaning of the ancient text is that this is the place where the legendary elf, Reshiram inhabited, and the ancient text next to the stone wall means that if you want to enter the palace, you must arrange the ancient texts.

Chi doesn't know whether this mechanism was built by the ancient people or by Reshiram. This is too strange. If Reshiram didn't want to be discovered, he shouldn't have built such an institution. But if it was built by human beings, it would be even more strange. Who is capable of building such a mechanism at the gate of Reshiram's palace is incredible.

"I do know the order of the arrangement, but...are we going to open it now?" He put down his hands and turned to look at Dr. Xianxiong.

"Really? It's too good!" Although Dr. Xianxiong had expected that Chi might know about it, after he really confirmed it, he still felt incredible, "Indeed, we can't open it now, we don't know what is inside. What, so you have to prepare before you can go in!"

Next to him, one of the members of the archaeological team, after hearing the conversation of Chi and the others, his eyes flickered, and he tapped on the keyboard of the computer in front of him a few times, and then took advantage of the others not paying attention to his actions. When the time comes, send the message...

(Begging for flowers, asking for tickets, asking for a custom order) Shi.

Text Chapter [-]: White Ruins and Bright Stones

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

However, it does not take too much time to prepare things. In order to prepare for the possibility of deciphering ancient texts, there are always capsules prepared at the entrance, and the substance in each capsule is enough to support the needs of an adult for a month.

After everyone put on a backpack, under Dr. Xianxiong's signal, Chi returned to the stone wall again, and pushed the stones on it in order to arrange them.

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