On the island, there are farms that breed edible animals cloned from fossil genes, such as cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, etc., not elves.

There are also fish farms, where many fish are cultivated, and these fish are also cloned from the genes extracted from the fossils.

The Huangyan Island is divided into two cities, the one that specializes in farming is Meiqi City, and the city where Chi and others are located is Ouqi City.

Ouqi City is a city that connects Chiyan Island. Unlike Meiqi City, Ouqi City is a city with orchards and terraced fields.

Chi and the others set off from Meiqi City and arrived at Ouqi City after half a day's journey. They found that there was still more than an hour before the ship left, so they decided to fill their stomachs.

The liaison ship is not like a cruise ship, and there is no food for human consumption on it.

And because of this decision, Chi and others missed today's liaison ship... 17

"It's all because of you!" Xiaoxia looked at the liaison ship that gradually disappeared from view, and slapped Xiaozhi on the shoulder.

"How can you say it's because of me?" Xiao Zhi touched the place where he was beaten, and it hurt a little.

"If it wasn't because you didn't feel full after you finished eating, and continued to order three portions, would we be late?" Xiao Mao shouted at Xiao Zhi with anger in his eyes!

Ash was at a loss for words, indeed, it was because he was late after ordering three orders...

"There's no other way, we can only wait for tomorrow." Chi said helplessly, although the tyrannical carp dragon is big, but the vortex islands are too dangerous, there may be a vortex suddenly appearing, carrying so many people, the tyrannical carp dragon can't protect it.

"What? Waiting until tomorrow?" Sundae asked somewhat unacceptably.

Even Xiao Zhi, Xiao Mao and the others looked at Chi in astonishment. They didn't expect to wait until tomorrow.

"Didn't you pay attention to the guide?" Chi Huang shook the pamphlet in his hand, "But it clearly stated that there is only one connection ship between each island every day. If you miss it, you will have to wait until the next day."

"Then what are we going to do before we set off tomorrow?" Xiaoxia asked helplessly. Porkby seemed to feel the master's mood and also fell down.

"I see, I can only go to the Elf Center for a day." Xiaogang said weakly.

At this time, a beautiful woman with burgundy long hair came over. Her refreshing dress made her whole person full of enthusiasm and charm. She was pushing a small car with some diving equipment on it.

The woman noticed the conversation between Chi and others. After seeing Chi, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes lit up, and then she smiled and said, "Hello, do you want to go to Chiyan Island?"

Chi and the others followed the voice and found the visitor.

Xiaogang's eyes lit up, and he instantly regained his energy. He came to the beautiful woman and knelt down on one knee, "Hello, beautiful lady, I'm called Xiaogang below, and she's an elf breeder! Please tell me your name. !"

The woman smiled heartily, not being frightened by Xiaogang's sudden action, she said cheerfully, "Hello, my name is Lujia, I'm studying the elves that live nearby."

"Please, let me join..." Before Xiaogang finished speaking, Xiaoxia grabbed his ear and pulled him aside, "It's okay, don't harass others!"

Lujia looked at Xiaoxia with some surprise, but didn't care, she said with a smile, "Since you guys want to go to Chiyan Island, why don't I take you there by boat."

"Really?" Xiao Zhi asked happily.

"Yes, because I'm preparing to go to Chiyan Island now, and it's on the way anyway." Lu Jia nodded.

"Chi, you don't think it's a little strange." Sundae quietly touched Chi with his elbow and whispered.

Chapter 1 Mysterious Legends-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Chi, you don't think it's a little strange." Sundae quietly touched Chi with his elbow and whispered.

"Indeed." Chi nodded. Ordinary strangers wouldn't upload others at will, would they?

Lu Jia noticed that Chi and Sundae seemed to be talking about her, and after thinking about it for a while, she understood what they were talking about.

"Hello, Mr. Chi, it's a pleasure to meet you here." Lu Jia walked to Chi and stretched out her right hand.

"You know me?" Chi raised her eyebrows, not rejecting the other's kindness, she shook hands a little, then let go.

"Mr. Chi of the world, I think there should be few people who don't know you." Lu Jia smiled slightly, "Actually, I have something I want to ask you."

"If I can do it, I won't refuse." Chi smiled slightly, admiring Lu Jia's straightforwardness.


Chi and the others followed Lu Jia to her boat. The boat looked a bit old on the outside, but it was really old on purpose, and the facilities inside were all the latest models.

Lu Jia started the boat and headed towards Chiyan Island, with Chi and his party beside them, waiting for Lu Jia to express her request.

"Our family has been studying the elves in this sea for generations, and my great-grandfather is one of them." Lu Jia held the rudder with one hand and pointed at the photo placed beside her with the other.

The photo is very old and is a portrait of a man.

"One day, when I was tidying up the attic, I found my great-grandfather's diary..." Lu Jia showed a look of memory.

"I will never forget the elf I saw that day, it was full of silver and white light, very beautiful, and its sound was like beautiful music, which made people addicted.

A piece of feather fell from it, I searched for a long time, and finally found the piece of silver-white feather, I think, I know who it is..."

"This is the information recorded in the diary." Lu Jia came out from her memory.

"Silver feathers?" Chi Yi was stunned, aren't the feathers on Lugia's body silver-white?Is it Lugia?

In terms of time, Lujia now looks like she is only in her 740s. Looking at the photos, her great-grandfather is estimated to be Lugia who met in [-] [-] years ago...

"What kind of elf feather is that?" Qin Yin asked curiously, she had never seen Lugia, so naturally she didn't know.

"I don't know." Lu Jia shook her head, "I only know that it is a mysterious elf."

"Then what happened later?" Xiaomao frowned and asked. He seemed to have some clues, but he wasn't quite sure.

Xiao Mao's knowledge storage is very large. After all, he has a grandfather, an elf doctor, who has been exposed to information that ordinary people can't access since he was a child.

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