The game ended quickly, not even ten minutes, and the trainer left the Golden Gym in frustration.

But Chi frowned, and Nazi's battle just now had a taste that he was very familiar with...

At noon, Nazi returned home with a few people. The Qiuyuan couple had already left the golden city a few days ago and went on a trip, so unnecessary trouble was avoided.

Although they are very satisfied with Chi, it doesn't mean they are satisfied with Chi having several girls...

After lunch, the gym welcomed a challenger again, and Nazi quickly resolved the battle again, but unlike the battle in the morning, although the challenger failed, the badge was handed over to him.

Obviously Nazi believes that this challenger has enough strength to challenge the current Quartz Conference.

Gym trainers don't necessarily give the badge to the opponent after the challenger has won.

As long as the gym trainer thinks that the challenger's strength is good, and they are qualified to challenge the regional conference, they can hand over the badge to the opponent. After all, not every gym trainer has elves of various stages of strength in their hands.

Although the challenger failed, but after obtaining the badge, he left the gym happily, and in the afternoon, he never challenged this again and came to the golden gymnasium to challenge.


In the evening, Calamus and Sakura were preparing dinner in the kitchen, Peony was teasing Laluras, leaving time and space to Nazi and Chi who had not seen each other for a long time.

Chi and Nazi were sitting on the bench outside the house. Both of them were sullen people. They didn't talk much, but they actually shifted the topic to the elf battle.

"Chi, I feel like I'm at a bottleneck now." Nazi felt a little depressed, "I already have six elves that have reached the level of the king, but I can't defeat the king."

In this year's Heavenly King Challenge Qualifying Tournament, Nazi defeated several other trainers who came to challenge the throne of Heavenly Kings, and successfully obtained the qualification to challenge the Heavenly Kings.

However, when facing Kona, his powerful strength could not be exerted at all, and he was suppressed to death by Kona, and he did not have the strength when he defeated others before.

After Nazi's failure, Kona just shook his head and said to Nazi: "Nazi, your strength has reached the level of a heavenly king, but if you want to become a heavenly king, you are still a little short of something."

After she finished speaking, she didn't explain too much, and Nazi had to comprehend everything by herself.

And Nazi thought hard and didn't know what she was missing.

Chapter 1: Nazi's Question-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

And Nazi thought hard and didn't know what she was missing.

Now that Chi is back, Nazi is ready to ask Chi what is missing between herself and the King of Heaven.

Chi thought of Nazi's fighting stance today, and looked at Nazi solemnly, "Have you not noticed that your own fighting style is different from what you used to do?"

"Different?" Na Zi was stunned for a moment, thinking back to the past, she shook her head, "I didn't notice it."

"You've traveled with me before, maybe influenced by my style..." Chi pondered for a while, "Your battle has made me see my own shadow, but that quick-attack style doesn't suit you at all."

Nazi thought for a while, indeed, because of Chi's strength, she seemed to have unconsciously changed her fighting style from coordinating the situation to the same quick-attack style as Chi's.

"And you are different from me. Although I am also quick-attack, I have my own layout and calculations." Chi looked at Nazi's eyes and said seriously, "But you are quick-attacking for the sake of quick-attacking, which is wrong."

Nazi recalled the battle with Kona. Indeed, she only wanted to end the battle quickly and let the world see her strength.

Although Chi is also a quick-attack, in battle, he will pay attention to the slightest changes in his opponent to adjust his combat details.

"So, you have to find one that suits your own style, and then specialize in it!" Chi-handed pulled Nazi's shoulders over Nazi's shoulders and let her face him, "Only the one that suits you best is the strongest!"

Nazi seemed to understand something, but she felt that she didn't understand something, and she was a little confused, "So what style is suitable for me?"

"Although you can study this yourself!" Chi shook his head, "There are several styles of fighting, but why the King of Heaven can become the King of Heaven is to change these styles into his own unique style."

"Then use these to suppress or even restrain the opponent. So when fighting against an opponent of similar strength, you can always let the opponent fall into your own rhythm, and then erode the opponent!"

"Your fighting style?" Nazi thought of her previous appearance and fell into deep thought.

Chi didn't bother her. If you want to become a king, you don't have to be strong enough!

Until 503 at dinner time, Nazi didn't figure it out, Chi also comforted her, because this is not a simple thing, it can be done easily, let Nazi slowly look for it in the usual gym battle own style.

Just like Ah Ju in the past, he likes to plan everything and then fight, but he lacks the ability to adapt to the situation. When he spent a year traveling, learned to adapt to adaptability, and integrated it into his own style, He is now one of the new Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu!

After dinner, several people stayed in the guest rooms, and Peony was going to sleep with Nazi at night because she had the best relationship with Nazi.

After the play, Peony lay on the bed and fell asleep, but Nazi couldn't sleep, thinking about her own affairs.

"Fighting style..." Nazi murmured, gradually, while thinking, she fell into sleep...


In the distant Guandu area, on a desolate mountain, three legendary holy beasts gathered together, sharing what they saw and heard in the world with each other.

Emperor Yan hesitated for a moment, and under the gaze of the two holy beasts, he said, "I seem to have seen the masters and them..."

"Master?" Lei Gong and Shui Jun looked at Emperor Yan in confusion, suddenly widened their eyes, thought of something, and stared at Emperor Yan in shock and excitement.

"I don't know if it's them, but..." A flash of nostalgia flashed in Emperor Yan's eyes, "But it's really similar!"

The [-]th chapter of the main text is preparation, goal, Caiyou Conference!

After staying in the Golden City for two days, the three of Chi and Sakura had to say goodbye to Nazi, because Chi was going to travel again to the Hoenn area to challenge this year's Caiyou Conference!

Although there is still almost a year before the Caiyou Conference will be held, Chi has his own plans for this trip, so one year may not be enough at all.

Although Nazi was reluctant to give up, she did not hold back. She knew that Chi had her own goals and would not hinder Chi.

After returning to Hualan, Chi was busy preparing the things he needed for the trip, and the house had already begun to lay the foundation. Not far from the side, the sound of the construction team could be heard.

And Chao Meng, since he left the habitat, has not come back for a long time, Chi can't contact it, and I don't know where it went.

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