Such a simple victory surprised everyone!

"As expected of the legendary elves, even if the attributes are restrained, they are still so strong!" Some unidentified audience members sighed at the power of the legendary elves.

However, some people of insight saw that the difference in strength between the two was too great, and they were not opponents at the same level!

"It's a pity that I was defeated so easily!" Naturally, the commentator did not have that sharp vision, and only thought that the strength of the legendary elves was indeed extraordinary!

However, Mikri shook his head and explained his opinion, "The ground attribute of Dun Armor does restrain the fire and steel Sidoran, but the difference in strength is too great, and the ground cannot weaken the power of the flame.

Under the attack of the quasi-champion-level Sidoran, he was only a quasi-king-level Dunjia, and could not effectively organize his own offensive at all! "

Text Chapter [-] The Gap

Some unidentified audience members were relieved after hearing Michael's explanation. It turned out that the difference in strength between the two elves was too great, so they were easily defeated!

Xiao Zhi reluctantly put away his armor, but he didn't expect to be defeated so easily.

"Even if the attributes are restrained, you won't necessarily lose, don't you?" Chi looked at Xiao Zhi, "You should understand this best, Xiao Zhi!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, that's right, didn't he use his inverse attribute to defeat his opponent in many battles?

"Come on, put aside other factors, let me see if you are growing up now, have you caught up with Xiao Mao!" So far, Chi only sees little improvement in Xiao Zhi's overall strength!

Compared with Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi can only be regarded as standing still!

"Xiao Mao...?" Xiao Zhi clenched his fists, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Chi, "Brother Chi, I will surpass Xiao Mao, surpass everything, become stronger, and one day, I will surpass you too. !"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Zhi threw the elf ball and sent his third elf, "Fire-breathing dragon, please!"

The orange-red figure appeared on the battlefield. As soon as he came out, he let out a huge roar, and the blazing flame spewed out of his mouth, hitting the sky, showing his power to everyone!

It's the fire-breathing dragon that Ash stored in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley!

After the training in the fire-breathing dragon valley, the current fire-breathing dragon's strength has improved a lot. From the strength of the gym level at the beginning, it has reached an astonishing quasi-champion level!

This level is enough to rank in the top ten in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley!

Back then, Chi's fire-breathing dragon swept across the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley with absolute strength and the power at the top of the champion, while Xiao Zhi's fire-breathing dragon could only rank at the lowest end of the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley.

But now, it is about to become the king of the fire-breathing dragon valley. This time, it was also called by Xiaozhi to fight this battle!

The fire-breathing dragon saw Chi's familiar figure, his eyes widened, and he let out a roar!

"Want to fight my fire-breathing dragon...?" Chi understood what the fire-breathing dragon meant and smiled slightly, "You are not qualified now!"

The fire-breathing dragon's expression changed, and he looked at Chi fiercely, but under Chi's cold and stern gaze, he gradually shifted his gaze, not daring to continue to look at Chi!

In the fire-breathing dragon valley, it has heard the deeds of Chi and the fire-breathing dragon. With absolute power, he defeated the top ten fire-breathing dragons in the fire-breathing dragon valley at the same time. Now it is indeed not qualified to fight against the fire-breathing dragon of Chi!

In desperation, the aggrieved fire-breathing dragon could only throw his irritable temper on Sidolane!

"Game start!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use a jet of flame!" Ash shouted at the fire-breathing dragon!

The fire-breathing dragon really looked down on Xiao Zhi before, thinking that he was not his ideal trainer, but after a series of things, he was finally realized by Xiao Zhi and admitted to Xiao Zhi.

Therefore, regarding Xiao Zhi's order, the fire-breathing dragon did not hesitate at all. He took a big mouth and shot out a fiery flame, hitting Sidoran!

Chi's eyes narrowed. Although he could see the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, he did not expect that the fire-breathing dragon had improved so much in the power of flames!

Although it is not comparable to the power of the legendary elf, the flame bird flame, but it is almost the same!

But... in front of Siddallane, such a powerful flame is nothing!

"Sidoran, use a jet of flame!" He smiled coldly, preparing to teach a lesson to this still somewhat arrogant fire-breathing dragon!

Chapter 1 Gap -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Sidoran, use a jet of flame!" He smiled coldly, preparing to teach a lesson to this still somewhat arrogant fire-breathing dragon!

The crimson flames condensed in Sidoran's mouth. The color of the flames was much darker than the flames of the fire-breathing dragons. It even made people suspect that it was not flames, but magma!

Suddenly bombarded out, facing the jet flame attack of the fire-breathing dragon!

There was a flash of disdain in the fire-breathing dragon's eyes. Now it is not what it used to be. It is confident that it can defeat this strange and ugly elf in front of it!

However, when the two flames met, Sidoran's flame instantly covered the flame of the fire-breathing dragon, extending all the way, and bombarding it under the frightened gaze of the fire-breathing dragon!


The fire-breathing dragon felt a scorching pain in his body, and his body was involuntarily pushed away by the flame force!

"Xidoran is a legendary elf. After being in the volcano for a long time, how can you easily resist the power of the flames in your body?" Chi shook his head and glanced at the fire-breathing dragon whose temper had not changed much!

The reason why legendary elves are called legendary elves is not only because of their high aptitude and small number, but also because they have powers that ordinary elves do not have.

It's the sophistication of energy!

Under the same strength, the competition is energy refinement. If the flame of the fire-breathing dragon is [-], then the flame of Sidoran is [-], or even [-]!

Chi has gradually understood the conditions for entering the realm of the gods. In addition to comprehending the law, another item is the degree of energy cohesion!

Whether it is the flame of the God of Fire, the flame bird, or the flame of the King of Phoenix, they separate a trace of flame, which can last for a long time. This is the energy gap!

Even if the elves entering the realm of the gods are limited to the champion level, they can easily crush the champion elves, because the energy is more refined than ordinary elves!

This is why, most of the gods are legendary elves, thinking that they have innate advantages, not just their race value!

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