The fire-breathing dragon turned his head slightly to look at Xiao Zhi, showed a proud smile, and gave a thumbs up to his right hand!

And Chi took a look at the fire-breathing dragon after taking back Sidoranen, and he found a problem. Compared with the previous bond evolution, the current bond evolution between the fire-breathing dragon and Xiaozhi seems to be missing something!

I closed my eyes and pondered for a moment, the picture kept skipping in my mind, and suddenly a flash of inspiration!

"That's right, the energy didn't condense, didn't change, it just exploded!" Looking at the fire-breathing dragon bathed in flames, Chi recalled the evolved form of Shanaido and Bidiao!

0 ...

Shanai Duo's butterfly, Bidiao's wings, all condensed the power they burst out, but the fire-breathing dragon did not condense this power, and let it explode like this!

Seeing Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon in a state of excitement, Chi smiled slightly and shook his head, "It seems that there is no need to continue to shoot, the fire-breathing dragon and Xiaozhi can't support it anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, the originally proud fire-breathing dragon's face froze, the flames that appeared outside the surface suddenly dissipated, and the fire-breathing dragon was attacked by cold sweat in an instant, exhausted his physical strength, lost consciousness, and lay on the ground!

And Xiaozhi also felt a huge rush of fatigue, and had to support his knees with both hands to keep himself standing!

"What's the matter?!" The narrator looked at the fallen fire-breathing dragon and the tired Xiao Zhi in surprise, not knowing what happened!

The same is true for Michael, looking at Xiao Zhi with puzzled eyes!

"This is an incomplete evolution of fetters!" Chi looked at the fallen fire-breathing dragon with a pity in his eyes, "The wanton burst of power will only speed up the physical consumption of elves and trainers!

After reaching the critical point, in order to protect itself, the body's instinct cuts off the connection with the trainer, closes all the consciousness of the elves, and enters a state of self-protection. "

Chi shook his head regretfully, "If the fire-breathing dragon can control this power well, his stamina won't be exhausted so quickly!"

The five hundred and ninety-eighth chapter of the body is tired of Xiaozhi

Fetter evolution has just been discovered, many people do not understand the preconditions required for fetter evolution, and even the sequelae it will bring when fetter evolution!

The narrator and Micoli were no exception. Looking at the fire-breathing dragon that suddenly fell, they didn't know what to say.

Xiaozhi understands why the fire-breathing dragon fell, and also knows that the fire-breathing dragon will not have any major problems. After a short rest, he took out the Poke Ball and retracted the fire-breathing dragon!

"Fire-breathing dragon, you did a great job, come back and rest!" Xiao Zhi forced a smile and said to the Poke Ball.

Chi looked at Xiao Zhi, who was in poor condition, shook his head, and took the lead in throwing the Poke Ball, "Giant Golden Monster, please!"

With the red light, a giant golden monster with metallic luster appeared on the somewhat dilapidated battle field, slightly floating on the ground!

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a while, he felt that he was very tired now, and he just wanted to sleep hard. He also knew that he could no longer maintain the fetters and evolution, so he sent Kabi beast!

"Kirby beast, please, try to take down the giant golden monster!" Xiao Zhi smiled at Kirby beast with a tired face.

Seeing Xiaozhi's state, the Kirby beast nodded to Xiaozhi with a very serious look. It knew that Xiaozhi couldn't give it much help now, maybe this battle needs to be dealt with by itself!

The current strength of the giant gold monster is at the level of quasi-championship, while the Kirby beast is the top of the king. Although it is a bit worse than the giant gold monster, it is not far behind!

What's more, Xiaozhi's Kirby beast is different, and the body's agility is even much stronger than that of ordinary elves!

"The game starts!" The referee saw that Xiao Zhi did not abstain and continued to fight, so he announced that the game would continue!

"Giant golden monster, take advantage of speed, move at high speed, meteor fist!" At the beginning of the game, Chi immediately launched a quick attack!

The speed of the giant gold monster itself is not fast, but it is above the average. With the blessing of high-speed movement, it shuttles through the battle field at a fast speed and sprints towards the Kirby beast!

In an instant, the giant golden monster came to the side of the Kirby beast. On the right fist, there was a scene like a comet, and it bombarded the Kirby beast fiercely!

"Kapimon, flame fist!" Although Xiao Zhi was tired and couldn't even concentrate on the battle, he still responded immediately!

As soon as the words fell, the right hand of the Kirby beast burned with a fiery flame, and suddenly blasted out, slamming against the meteor fist of the giant gold monster!


Two powerful forces collided together, making a huge muffled sound!

The giant gold monster actually retreated a little under the mighty strength of the Kirby beast!

And the Kirby beast is slightly inferior to the giant golden monster. It stepped back two meters in a row before stabilizing its pace and stopping!

"In this collision, it seems that the Kirby beast fell slightly to the downwind!" the commentator said.

"Yes, the strength of the Kirby beast is at the level of the king, but the red giant golden monster has reached the quasi-champion level. In terms of attack, it is stronger than the Kirby beast!" Mikuri nodded.

The narrator was not surprised that Mikri could see the strength of the two elves at a glance. For these heavenly kings and champions, seeing through the strength of their opponents was as easy as breathing.

"Kapimon, Mount Tai is on top!" Xiao Zhi couldn't organize effective thoughts, so he could only give the general direction to the beast. In terms of details, he had to rely on the beast to measure it himself.

Kirby nodded and charged towards the giant golden monster. In the middle of the journey, it jumped suddenly, jumped into the air, and used the body's gravity to accelerate and press down on the giant golden monster!

"The giant golden monster, move at high speed to avoid it, and then use the arm hammer!" Chi shook his head as he watched the door wide open, revealing many flaws.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-eight of the tired Xiaozhi -->> (Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"The giant golden monster, move at high speed to avoid it, and then use the arm hammer!" Chi shook his head as he watched the door wide open, revealing many flaws.

The giant golden monster left the place instantly, and the Kirby beast pressed on the original position of the giant golden monster with its huge weight and strength, and even the battle field shook, but it did not hit the giant golden monster!

The giant golden monster appeared behind the Kirby beast. Before the Kirby beast stood up, a white light was condensed on the right arm, and with violent power, it smashed on the back of the Kirby beast!


The location where the Kirby beast was suddenly dented, and a spider web-like crack centered on the Kirby beast extended to all directions!

The Kirby beast roared in pain, tried to turn over, and waved his hands indiscriminately, trying to push the giant gold monster away!

However, after the giant gold monster succeeded, it has already left the place to prevent the counterattack of the Kirby beast!

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