"Actually, I don't want to have such a look either!" Nazi looked at her body in distress, and she was also very distressed about her change!

"Then why?" Chi looked at Na Zi puzzled.

"Because of Miss Karuna..." Nazi sighed and explained her experience to Chi.

She returned to Kanto after the last meeting on meteorites in the Hoen area, but her road at the meeting made the Carlos area champion, and Karuna became interested in her.

Karuna believes that Nazi has the potential to become an outstanding actress, and invites Nazi to the Carlos area.

Nazi didn't want to go, because she had just become a king, and there were many things waiting for her to deal with.

When Kikuko found out about this, she laughed and gave Nazi a long vacation, and asked her to go to the Carlos area to find Karuna, and said, "Do more things that you haven't done while you are young."

"Furthermore, learning to dress up is also what a woman should do!" Kikuzi looked at Nazi with meaning, and the meaning of it was revealed.

So, Nazi, at Kikuko's suggestion, went to the Carlos area to find Karuna!

Karunai specially designed a set of looks for Nazi, which is what she looks like now, and invited her to participate in her next movie. Nazi will be the second heroine in this movie!

Chi listened to Na Zi's description, looked at Na Zi's current shape, and nodded, "Indeed, you are more attractive now than you were before!"

Hearing Chi's praise, Nazi smiled shyly and was very happy, because the reason why she would change was also because of Chi.

Text Chapter [-]: Recent Situations in Guandu Area

Chi and Nazi entered the house, sat in the living room, and chatted about this period of time.

There's not much to say about Chi's matter. Nazi can know what he has done through Du, even the original Three Sacred Pillars, she knows about many things.

But Na Zi's experience in this period of time made Chi very interested, listening to Na Zi's story, a smile appeared on Chi's face.

"By the way, Nazi." Chi suddenly remembered something, and after Nazi finished talking about herself, she asked, "How is the situation in the Guandu area now?"

Since Kona resigned and returned to the Seven Islands, he felt that the Kanto area had changed a lot.

"How do you say it?" Nazi didn't know where to start.

"Let's start talking when Kona left." Chi thought for a moment and said.

"Well..." Nazi nodded and began to talk about what happened after Kona's resignation.

After Kona's resignation, the position of 18 kings in the Guandu area was vacant for four days, and there were not a few people fighting for this position.

Among them are the Four Heavenly Kings in the Chengdu area, A Ju, who are now fighting against several leaders of the pioneering area, and some trainers from other regions who are not well-known, but very powerful!

Although Aju has become the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu, in his heart, he still hopes to become the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu. After all, his home is in Guandu!

But after a series of battles, Nazi finally defeated the others and won the post of King of Heaven!

Although Aju's strength is very strong, even on par with Nazi, or even a little stronger, but his focused attribute poison is restrained by Nazi's super power, and he lost to Nazi by one move!

After Nazi became the Four Heavenly Kings, in order to show Nazi's strength, the alliance found a few more obscure strongholds of Team Rocket, and sent Nazi as the leader to destroy Team Rocket's stronghold!

Nazi has also done a very good job. With her powerful super power and super power attributes, almost no one can resist her footsteps. Even Lance, one of the four generals of the Rockets, was defeated by Nazi!

This kind of thing makes Na Zi famous for a while, and the support is very high!

The alliance has increased support for Nazi, and more and more important tasks have been handed over to Nazi. Team Rocket has also shrunk significantly due to the Xindao incident!

The alliance even sent Nazi and Kikuko two heavenly kings to Joban City, defeated the Rockets who occupied Joban City, and regained Joban City!

At present, Joban City and Golden City in the Kanto area are in a situation where there are no gym trainers. Kikuko sits in Joban City to prevent the Rockets from counterattacking until a suitable candidate is selected.

And the Golden City is also hotly selecting new gym trainers!

As for Kona, after leaving the Kanto area and returning to the Seven Islands, it has not disappeared for a long time and has been reported back.

"Team Rocket..." Chi frowned when he heard Team Rocket's contraction, because he had only met the members of Team Rocket in the wild before, and they seemed to be unwilling to be content with the status quo and were planning something.

"And Kona..." Chi shook her head regretfully. Since Kona chose to return to the Seven Islands, she naturally had her own reasons.


At noon, Qiuyuan and his wife had also returned. Seeing Nazi, they warmed to each other and prepared lunch!

Chapter 1 Recent Situation of Guandu Area-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At noon, Qiuyuan and his wife had also returned. Seeing Nazi, they warmed to each other and prepared lunch!

The lunch was very rich. After all, Nazi may not have been back for a long time, and Chi has not been seen for a long time.

The four of them chatted and laughed. After lunch, Qiuyuan returned to the gym to take care of it, Caizi went out to chat with friends, and left the rest of the time to Chi and Nazi.

Chi and Nazi are very famous now, and they can't go out for shopping together at will. They simply stay at home and haven't gone out all afternoon.

"Golden City Gorgeous Competition invited you to be a judge?" After dinner, Chi Jian Nazi received a call and was a little surprised to hear what she said on the phone!

You must know that although Nazi is the king of heaven, her fighting style is simple and direct, even a bit rough, and she is not a gorgeous-style trainer.

"Well, they don't know where they got the news, they know that I will be here, and in a few days, the gorgeous contest will start." Nazi was also a little distressed, after all, she didn't know anything about the gorgeous contest.

Chi doesn't know much about the Gorgeous Tournament, but he is developing new tactics, and he is also working on the Gorgeous Battle.

Because in gorgeous battles, many coordinators' tactics are to use the special features of their own skills to defeat the opponent's skills, so as to reduce the opponent's score.

He had some acquaintance with the tactics he studied next. The new tactics he prepared were to use the characteristics of the elves to fight. In terms of skill use, he did learn from the coordinators.

Originally, Chi didn't plan to stay in the Golden City to watch the gorgeous competition, because to learn this kind of thing, you can watch the video, but since Nazi agreed to be the referee, Chi also planned to stay for a few more days.

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