"It's nothing." Chi took the hot cocoa, took a sip, and then looked at Fengyue and Sunxiang with deep eyes, "I don't know why you came here?"

Conservators are generally not dispatched at will, their purpose is to maintain the harmony of nature and protect people's safety!

But this fire happened suddenly, and even if the nursery found out, it would be impossible to rush to Kanto from the faraway place of Feilei immediately. After all, the place of Feilei is near the place of Shenno!

Therefore, they must have other purposes to come to the Guandu area on a large scale!

"This..." Feng Yue hesitated, but thinking about what Chi has been doing, she decided to ask the headquarters first, "Sorry, I need to ask the headquarters."

Chi nodded, he could see that although Fengyue and Hyuga were the leaders of this operation, it was not them who could really make decisions.

Soon, Fengyue returned to the tent and told Chi that their nursery family came here.

"Actually, we received news that someone found the injured Celebi here. In order to protect it, we came here." Feng Yue sat opposite Chi and said to Chi with a serious face.

"Celebi?" Chi's pupils shrank, but then his brows wrinkled, because there was no Celebi's waveguide in the information returned by his waveguide!

"Yes! The news shows that Celebi was seriously injured, and it seems that there are traces of human beings!" Feng Yue said with a solemn expression.

"Artificial..." The bare eyes gradually cooled down, but I didn't expect someone to pay Celebi's attention!

(Sorry, it may not be updated on time at noon these days).

Text Chapter [-] Looking for Traces

"Then..." Chi put away the chill in his eyes and looked at Feng Yue, "Have you found Celebi's whereabouts?"

Hearing Chi's question, Feng Yue gave a wry smile and shook her head. Although he didn't speak, he had already acted very clearly, no!

As a legendary elf, Celebi has the power to control time and space. If it is so easy to be seen, then it will not be so easy to alarm the nurses.

"Since you haven't seen Celebi, how can you believe that Celebi has appeared here?" Chi Wei nodded unpredictably and asked Feng Yue.

"This..." Feng Yue was obviously a little embarrassed, because this had already involved the secrets within the Conservator Union, but she thought of the advice from the headquarters.

"No matter what Ma Hongchi wants to know, you tell him all!" This is what Sasako, the founder and current chairman of the Conservationists Alliance, said to him personally.

Thinking of the chairman's words, Feng Yue did not hesitate, "This is because we have an instrument that can sense the power of the legendary elf in the headquarters of our Conservation Home Alliance!"

"A device that senses power?" Chi's eyes narrowed, but he didn't doubt it, because in the Chengdu area, Minajun, who had been pursuing Suijun for many years, also invented a device that sensed the power of the three holy beasts.

It's just that Minajun's instrument can only perceive the power of the three holy beasts, but cannot perceive the power of other legendary elves.

"Yes, the reason why our Conservationist Alliance has determined that Celebi is here is precisely because of that instrument!" Feng Yue is a little proud, because their instruments are not comparable to ordinary instruments!

This is also one of the biggest secrets of their Conservationist Alliance. If the evil organization knows that they possess this instrument, the consequences will be very dire!

"Then..." The red eye wave moved slightly, "How many days have you been looking for here?"

Chi asked this because his waveguide didn't sense Celebi's whereabouts. He didn't quite believe that Celebi was here.

"We only came here yesterday' ˇ." Feng Yue shook her head, "So for now, Celebi has not been found, but a relatively large area has been searched, and it is estimated that within two days, the snow will be found. Rabbi."

Chi nodded, he also wanted to know if his waveguide failed, or whether Celebi was really not here.


"The Conservationists Alliance..." In the forest, a strong young man with a golden flat head, wearing a green vest, camouflage trousers, black military boots, and sunglasses hid behind a big tree, looking at someone who was not in front of him. Conservators passing by in the distance.

His brows were tightly furrowed, he didn't expect to attract the attention of the Conservator's Union so quickly!

"I can't expose it!" Ma Zhishi retracted his gaze, his face gloomy, although he joined the Rockets, he was not willing to give up his position in the league just like that!

He wants to live in the light, not in the shadows like the Rockets!

"Celebi, you can't escape!" Ma Zhishi murmured, and a fierceness flashed in the eyes of the nurses' alliance members in the distance!

"I've... there's no turning back to go!"


"Fengyue!" Hyuga, who was commanding the nursery staff outside, hurriedly broke into the tent where Fengyue was, his face panicked, "Something happened!"

"What's wrong?" Feng Yue was looking at the map and wanted to know where she had been searched, but when she saw Hyuga's panic, she immediately asked.

Chapter 1 Looking for Traces-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yue was looking at the map and wanted to know where she had been searched, but when she saw Hyuga's panic, she immediately asked.

"The third team has lost contact, no matter what they do, they can't be found!" Hyuga's face was very ugly.

"What?!" Feng Yue's pupils shrank and she stood up in shock, "Did you send someone to look for it?"

"Send!" Hyuga nodded with a serious face, "But so far, there is no news..."

Just when the two were silent, a nursery staff rushed in in a panic, "Oops, Lord Fengyue, Lord Hyuga!"

"What's wrong?" Hinata frowned, looking at the person who broke into the tent.

"Go to find the fourth and sixth teams of the third team, completely lost contact!" The nursery staff clenched their teeth, because in these two teams, there are friends who are very close to him!

"Have the fourth and sixth teams lost contact?" Feng Yue glanced at Hyuga in shock, and also saw the shock in Hyuga's eyes, "In such a short period of time..."

There are a total of four people in each team, one team leader and three team members. In less than half an hour, they were able to completely lose contact with each other. What is the origin of the other party?

Chi, who was resting in Fengyue's tent, heard the commotion in the camp, frowned, put on his clothes, and came to Fengyue's tent. He saw that Hyuga was also here.

"."What happened? ' Chi asked both of them.

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