In this world, many elves have the speed to break the sound barrier, but after breaking the sound barrier, it will bring a great burden to the body. Even if the Pidiac has a maximum speed of Mach [-], it cannot break the sound barrier, because the body does not allow. ...

But now, after Lucario broke through the sound barrier, he was actually unscathed, as if he was not under any burden.

"Roar——!" At this moment, in the jungle by the roadside, the roar of the head dragon sounded again, but it was not difficult to hear the sound, the head dragon was not only angry, but also painful!

The punch after breaking the sound barrier is not so easy to withstand, without losing the ability to fight, it has made the red-headed dragon look different again, you must know that the steel attribute restrains the rock attribute!

The trees in the jungle are constantly being broken, and a grayish-yellow light is constantly passing through it, destroying and breaking everything in front of him!

I saw that the head of the dragon was covered with grayish-yellow rock-attribute energy, forming a dragon-like form. The huge and sharp energy horns gathered in front of the head, bowed his head, and charged towards Lucario!

"It's over, Lucario." Chi had already understood the changes in Lucario, and decided to let Lucario use his 3.7 strongest skills so far to solve the battle and completely recover the head dragon, "rush over. , close combat!"

Lucario's left leg tapped the ground lightly, and his entire body was ejected, and his limbs were covered with crimson energy. Just as before, the other three forces converged on his right hand, aiming at the head dragon rushing towards him. Blast!

The gray-yellow double-edged headbutt and the crimson melee combat collided. Time seemed to stop, and everything stopped...


The next moment, a huge roar sounded, just like in the steel city, the earth cracked and a thick smoke screen rose. The only difference was that the head-covered dragon was unable to survive this blow and lost its ability to fight. , lying on the gravel on the ground!

The text of the seven hundred and thirty sixth chapter hundred generation gymnasium

After taking back the Poké Ball, the head dragon who was incapacitated and wounded, and Lucario, who still felt incredible about his own strength, Chi quickly left here.

It caused such a big disturbance, the fool knows what happened here, Chi doesn't want to have more troubles, and leaves here before he rushes over.

Not long after Chi left, someone came here. They were wearing uniform clothes, with black uniforms in silver, and a letter G printed on their chests!

"This...!" Several people looked at the messy and dilapidated venue in front of them and looked at each other dully. One of them jumped out of the phone immediately, "Report, we have arrived at the scene."

"So what's the matter?" A slightly gloomy female voice sounded in the intercom.

"Lord Suixing, when we arrived, there was no one or elves, and what was left was only a destroyed area..." The person who notified the news looked at the venue in front of him with deep shock in his eyes. .

What kind of battle is it that can shatter such a large area, the earth, trees, and surrounding rocks 13, none of them are complete, and they are all shattered.

"Record the scene and come back immediately." The woman named Suixing paused and gave an order to several people, "Now the alliance is suspicious of our bright company again, be careful."

"Yes!" The officer said in a loud voice, and immediately arranged for someone to record the situation at the scene, and immediately left here before no one else came.

After these people left, people came over one after another, including Junsha from EMI City...


After carefully avoiding some people who rushed to the previous battlefield, Chi finally returned to the Elf Center in EMI City, returned to the room to rest, and thought about Lucario and the head dragon.

Lucario has changed so much that even without super-evolution, it is not something that ordinary elves can deal with now, especially the steel physique that has been given it through hard work, which can even support it to break through the sound barrier without any burden.

Attack, defense, and speed have been greatly improved. It seems that the training is not just as simple as the system introduction!

On the other hand, Chi was surprised and even scared by the strength of the head dragon!

In less than half a month, or even less than ten days after being resurrected, the head-covered dragon has grown from the elite level at the beginning to the gym level!

This is still under the condition of no training and no battle!

What secrets does the head cover dragon hide, and why does it have such a powerful strength and potential?

At this moment, Chi even thought of finding information about the head-covered dragon in the museum. Although I don't know if it refers to this head-covered dragon, it is necessary for Chi to go to Tianguan Mountain.

"Maybe... Can you find information about the head-capped dragon on Tianguan Mountain?" With bare hands on his chin, his eyes were slightly closed, and his eyes were deep, looking at the huge mountain that he could vaguely see.

That is the highest place in the Shenno area, Tianguan Mountain.


After a day's rest at the Elf Center, although it was planned to go to Tianguan Mountain in the future, the current goal is still mainly to challenge the alliance.

To be honest, Chi already wanted to give up the idea of ​​challenging the alliance. More and more things took up a lot of Chi's time, but he had to investigate, and challenging the alliance also took up most of Chi's time.

"After the Lily of the Valley Conference... give up the challenge to the alliance." Chi cleaned up the bed, a little shake in his heart.

Chapter 1: The Path of the Era -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"After the Lily of the Valley Conference... give up the challenge to the alliance." Chi cleaned up the bed, a little shake in his heart.

Then he shook his head. He decided not to continue thinking about things that were too far away, which would only add to his troubles. After cleaning up, he left the room, had breakfast in the dining room, and headed towards the Pathway Gym.

The EMI Gym is one of the official gyms of the Shenao Alliance located in EMI City. The owner of the gym is a female trainer who likes to explore and grow vegetables!

Vegetable seeds are known as emerald messengers. They are good at and like to use grass-type elves. Their strength is among the weaker ones in the Shenao gymnasium.

But the popularity of vegetable seeds is very high, and her straightforward and adventurous character makes many explorers have a very good impression of her, and she is also very bold in dress.

Cai Zi has short orange hair with a hint of black in it, which does not affect her beautiful and heroic appearance. The black long-sleeved bottoming shirt has been modified to reveal the tender white skin below the chest.

He wore a green shawl on his upper body, a pair of orange adventure shorts on his lower body, and green military boots over his slender and slender feet.

Overall, she is a very attractive woman.

All the pixies she uses have grass attributes, and among them, the pixie she likes the most, and is the ace of the pixie, is the elf of grass and poison, Rose Raido.

It's just that the strength is not strong. As the strongest existence in the vegetable seed team, it is only at the level of the quasi-celestial king. Compared with Pea Tai, the difference is not as simple as one or two quarters.

The appearance of the Pathway Gym is cylindrical, with some creepers on it. From the outside, it seems that this is not a gym, but a botanical garden.

Entering the gymnasium, you can see lush plants and greenery everywhere.

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