"Come in." Chi Wei stepped aside and closed the door after Michael entered the room.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?" Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Chi asked Mikori who was opposite him.

"Can't I come to reminisce with you?" Mikuri looked at Chi helplessly, as if he did not have anything to do with Chi, just to reminisce.

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"Forget it..." Chi picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip, "Why don't you usually meet me to reminisce?"

"Ha, haha..." Mikoli laughed, without embarrassment, and said directly, "You are right, well, I admit that this time I came to you for a purpose, or in other words, it is an invitation."

"Invitation?" Chi looked at Mikori curiously, he thought it was something happening around here.

"That's right, the Mikuri Cup will be held the day after tomorrow. In order to increase the attention of this cup, so after learning that you are here, I want to invite you to be one of the judges of the cup." Mikri smiled with a smile. said.

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"I don't know about the Gorgeous Contest, is this ok?" Chi looked at Mikri suspiciously. He couldn't say anything about the performance.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you express your true feelings." Mickley shook his head. "If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. You don't need to hide it. This is the gorgeous contest."

"If that's the case, then I'll agree to it." Chi nodded helplessly. Mikuri had also helped him in Hoenn. Now the other party made a small request, which could be regarded as a repayment of part of the favor.

"Then it's settled!" Michael clapped his palms and stood up with a satisfied smile, "Now I'm going to inform the publicity department, and the news of your appointment as a judge will be added to the next publicity. This will definitely attract more attention!"

"Whatever you want." Chi said nonchalantly.

"Then I'll take my leave first, and the staff will come to bring you to the venue the day after tomorrow!" Michael waved his hand at Chi, and then left the room directly.

"Are you a jury member?" Chi leaned back after watching Michael leave, leaning on the back of the sofa, looking at the ceiling above his head, it seemed, this was his first time serving as a jury member.

"Just relax." Chi stood up, cleaned up the things on the table, lay down on the bed again, and fell asleep slowly.

Text Chapter [-] Before the Cup

"Everyone who is watching Shenao Now, I am now at the lakeside of Lizhi Lake." The next morning, Chi and the others gathered in the restaurant to eat breakfast.

A news report about the Michaelis Cup was playing on the TV.

"The long-awaited gorgeous competition, the Mikkuri Cup is finally going to be held tomorrow. In this lakeside resort, which has become the venue, spectators and coordinators continue to flock to it!"

"It's usually quite quiet, and the beautiful scenery of Lizhi Lake is lively and lively like a celebration!" The TV is playing and filming a temporary small commercial street on the edge of Lizhi Lake.

It can be seen that there are a lot of tourists or trainers or coordinators playing there.

"Furthermore, we have received the latest news from Master Mikuri, who is challenging the Shenao Alliance, and will be "August [-]" as one of the judges in this Mikri Cup! "The announcer looked at the camera excitedly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Everyone, don't miss out on this Michaelis Cup!"

Ash and the others around the table looked at Chi with incredible eyes. They didn't even know that Chi was going to be the judge of this Mikori Cup!

"Brother Chi, why didn't you tell us that you were going to be a jury member?" Xiao Zhi asked Chi with a bit of depression.

"After we separated at noon yesterday, Mikri came to me, and in the afternoon, didn't they act separately? So I didn't have a chance to tell you." Chi explained.

Yesterday afternoon, Xiao Zhi and others were out on their own, and they didn't get together at night, so Chi didn't have a chance to tell them that he became a judge.

"Although I am a jury member, I will not give you special help because I know you during the competition." Chi reminded a few people.

"Of course!" Xiaoyao said, with a confident look on his face, "We don't need help, right, Xiaoguang!"

Xiaoguang was a little stunned. After hearing Xiaoyao's voice, he didn't realize what Xiaoyao said, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

"What's wrong? Xiaoguang?" Although Xiaoguang was hiding something, he was discovered by the keen Xiaoyao. With a concerned look, Xiaoyao asked Xiaoguang.

"It's nothing..." Xiaoguang shook his head and hesitated for a while, "It's just a little nervous."

"No problem!" Xiaoyao cheered at Xiaoguang, "Didn't we exchange experiences with each other yesterday afternoon? I think your performance was very successful. As long as you perform normally, you can enter the second round!"

"Yeah Xiaoguang, you have to be more confident in yourself." Xiaogang nodded, "Don't be discouraged by the two previous failures."

"Thank you." Xiaoguang cheered up a little, smiled and nodded at the two of them.

After breakfast, Ash went to sign up for the Mikri Cup competition. Yesterday afternoon, when he was training alone with the elves at the Destiny Lake, he was met by Mikri.

Among them, Michaely was very optimistic about Xiaozhi's swimming gas Itachi, and invited Xiaozhi to let him take swimming gas Itachi to participate in this cup competition.

After hesitating for a while, Xiaozhi listened to Mikori's suggestion, and after inquiring about Yunqi Itachi's wishes, decided to participate in this cup competition with Yunqi Itachi.

Xiaogang, Xiaoyao, and Xiaoguang accompanied Xiaozhi to sign up, and at the same time, they also wanted to go shopping in that commercial street. After all, the stalls there have a lot of delicious food.

Chapter 1 Before the Cup -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Xiaogang, Xiaoyao, and Xiaoguang accompanied Xiaozhi to sign up, and at the same time, they also wanted to go shopping in that commercial street. After all, the stalls there have a lot of delicious food.

And Chi, who was invited by Mikri to the venue, discussed with Mikri about the performance at the opening tomorrow.

Michaeli's idea is to let Chi cooperate with him to start a gorgeous and unique opening performance. Because the opportunity is rare, he also wants to feast the eyes of the audience who come to the scene, and make them feel that it is worthwhile to come to the scene. of.

Chi had no way to refuse. Anyway, he agreed to be the referee, so he simply followed Mikri's wishes. So, Chi and Mikri tried to combine in the venue all day.

And Mikkori was also very shocked by Chi's elves. In a short period of time, except for Lucario, the elves of Chi who were recovered in Shenao were actually so strong!

The strength of the head-covered dragon far exceeds its apparent strength. In actual combat, it does not look like a quasi-king level at all, but rather like a heavenly king, or even a quasi-champion-level elf!

Lux cat has nothing to say, but the talent of insight it shows surprised Mikori. In addition to seeing through the opponent's attack more clearly, insight can also make it easier to find the right time to strike. The opponent's weakness!

The strength displayed by Mu Keying is not as shocking as the head cover dragon, but it is not bad. It can only be said that the talent is average, but the level of effort is the highest among the current elves...  

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