"I like this!" Sugi Sa said the same.

"The cuteness of the two-tailed strange hand is also very good..." Miss Joy nodded with a smile, but her comments made Chi feel horrified, is the two-tailed strange hand cute?

"Strength, skill, cuteness, the trinity's performance, very good!" The same is true for Michaeli, which makes Chi wonder, is it because his senses are different?

"It's really good. The double-tailed monster's opening two-hit combo and the high-speed star in the middle perfectly reflect the flexibility and characteristics of the double-tailed monster. The true qi fist at the end also let everyone know that the two-tailed monster Hands are not only capable of small skills, but can also master big skills." Chi Bu made a comment on the appearance of the two-tailed strange hand.

Afterwards, the coordinators and elves who continued to perform also had dazzling performances and boring performances. It was not until [-] pm that they fully contacted the performance and prepared to announce the candidates for the second round.

Chi and the other four judges are discussing today's performance, and some of them are well-received and have no objection, that is, Xiaoyao, Xiaozhi, Xiaowang, and Xiaoguang.

Both Musashi Rina and Mikri agreed, and after some hesitation, Conkenstein felt that Musashi Rina's performance had not changed much from the projects she had performed before.

Suki Sa was moved by Chi and Mikuri's comments. As the president of the Elf Club, he also appreciates the trust between Musashi Lina and Suren Ong.

As for this Miss Joy, she is Micoly's fan sister. Micoly said yes, then she nodded and agreed.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Now, we will announce the results that everyone is looking forward to. Who will be able to enter the second round tomorrow?" Vivian said after receiving the signal from the judges.

"After a strict, fair, and careful review, it was these coordinators who finally entered the second round!" Vivian pointed to the big screen behind her!

Among the sixteen contestants, it is no surprise that the four of Ash and the controversial Musashi Rina are among them, and the rest is a coordinator!

Body Chapter [-]: Changes at night

"Congratulations, everyone, entering the second round of the gorgeous battle!" In the restaurant in the center of the elf, Chi and Xiaozhi and others gathered at a table, including Xiaowang.

Chi has already changed back to his clothes and put on some make-up to make himself not very attractive, and his position is also in an inconspicuous corner.

"The four of us have entered the second round, it's really great!" Xiao Zhi exhaled a sigh of relief after drinking the orange juice in the glass, and then said~.

"Yes, it's really worth celebrating!" Xiaoyao nodded while holding the cup, with a happy smile on his face.

"How is it? Have you regained your confidence now?" Xiaowang touched Xiaoguang next to him with his shoulder.

"Well, I finally passed the first round!" Xiaoguang smiled happily. She didn't pass the first round of the previous two gorgeous competitions, and even once suspected that she was not suitable for the gorgeous competition.

"Brother Chi's comments are also very good. I can't tell that it is the first time to be a judge." After taking a sip of juice, Xiaoyao looked at Chi in surprise.

The same is true for the rest of the people, only Xiaowang and Chi are not familiar with each other, so they didn't say anything.

"Fortunately, I can't comment too much on performances, but I still have some opinions on technology and tacit understanding." Chi nodded slightly.

"That..." Xiaowang hesitated, looking at Chi, "Mr. Chi, do you have any opinion on me?"

"Why are you asking that?" Chi looked at Xiao Wang suspiciously, not understanding what she meant.

The same goes for the others, looking at Chi and Xiaowang in confusion.

"I heard..." Xiaowang put down the cup in his hand and looked at Chi seriously, "When I was in the backstage bathroom today, I heard the staff say, you don't like my performance."

"Where did you hear it..." Chi smiled helplessly, "Actually, I didn't target you, and my original words didn't mean that I didn't like your performance."

"Ah?" Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed.

"I pay more attention to the control of skills, power, and tacit understanding with the coordinator. Because I am a trainer, I don't know much about the performances that show the appearance of the elves."

"So that's what I said to Mikori at the time. Maybe other staff members overheard and misunderstood what I meant." Chi apologized and nodded to Xiaowang.

"I'm so sorry!" Xiao Wang was embarrassed and stood up with a red face, "I said something like this without understanding it clearly."

"It's okay..." Chi shook his head and motioned for Xiaowang to sit down.

After explaining it clearly, Xiaowang's sense of Chi was much better, not as stiff as before.

After the celebration was over, everyone returned to their room to rest.


After washing, Chi put on his pajamas, lay on the bed, and stared at the ceiling. Today's gorgeous game once again gave him a lot of inspiration. The use of skills made Chi feel more and more interesting.

"Pfft..." Chi's heart beat violently without warning, this was a warning from Waveguide to Chi!

"Huh?" Chi sat up in surprise, frowning, "What's going on?"

But this feeling quickly disappeared, as if the previous violent beating of the heart was just an illusion.

"It's not an illusion..." Chi naturally wouldn't think it was an illusion, but the warning disappeared so quickly, it was really confusing.

Chapter 1 Changes at night -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"It's not an illusion..." Chi naturally wouldn't think it was an illusion, but the warning disappeared so quickly, it was really confusing.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the dormitory next to him, and Chi, who was awakened, unfolded the waveguide directly to check what happened, but found that it was in the dormitory of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang!

Although I couldn't hear what he was talking about, I could see that Xiao Zhi was very excited now, and he was not wearing pajamas, but his usual clothes, as was Pikachu lying on Xiao Zhi's shoulders.

"What happened?" Chi rolled over and got out of bed and came to Xiaozhi's dormitory, just in time to see Bogaman holding Xiaoguang, and hit Xiaozhi's face with a bubble that controlled his power.


"That is to say, you saw an incredible light at Lizhi Lake?" In the dormitory of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, several people were discussing what Xiaozhi just said.

After summarizing Ash's vague explanation, Xiaogang asked Ash.

"Well, that ray of light is like a living creature." Xiao Zhi nodded blankly, he didn't know how to explain what he saw, so he could only let Pikachu prove that he did see something, "No That's right, Pikachu."

"Pika Pika..." Pikachu lay on Ash's bed and nodded.

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