It closed its eyes quietly, seemed to be asleep, and seemed to be waiting for something, with waves of fluctuations that seemed to distort everything around it, resisting something approaching itself.

The surrounding environment is almost exactly the same as Tianguan Mountain, except that the color is closer to gray, there is no difference.

There was an unpleasant aura spreading in the air, and the purple and black energy kept approaching Giratina, but it was annihilated by the distorted fluctuations.

But this energy seems to be inexhaustible, no matter how annihilated it is, it has not decreased at all!

"Humph..." These entangled energies seemed to make Giratina very impatient, and the twisted waves suddenly shook, spread out, and dispelled the strange energy surrounding itself!

"It's really troublesome, if it wasn't for Arceus, I would have left here long ago!" Giratina opened a pair of dragon eyes and looked impatiently at the strange energy aura that was approaching again.

Among the many legendary elves, only Giratina controls a special power, something that even Arceus cannot touch, antimatter!

Using the collision of matter and antimatter to create energy that can annihilate everything, even the most ancient evil, this is the power of Giratina!

This destroyed world, just like the literal interpretation, is a completely destroyed parallel world attached to the main world!

Everything has been eroded by the oldest evil, and turned into a world where the oldest evil spreads and develops. The power of the oldest evil fills the whole world, even Arceus dare not appear in it!

Chapter 1 The captured gods of the lake -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Everything has been eroded by the oldest evil, and turned into a world where the oldest evil spreads and develops. The power of the oldest evil fills the whole world, even Arceus dare not appear in it!

Only Giratina, who has mastered antimatter, can move back and forth freely in this world.

When Giratina was born, it came to this world and suppressed the most ancient evil in this world, preventing it from leaking into the main world from the passage connecting the two worlds.

And Tianguan Mountain is one of the entrances to this parallel world, and the other is the Sending Spring located in the eastern part of the Shenao area, the Returning Cave in the Sending Spring!

Even in order to suppress the most ancient evil power that was constantly overflowing in the cave on the way home, Arceus asked the gods of the lake, who control the emotions, will, and knowledge of all creatures, to suppress them in the three lakes.

Even in the cave on the way home, because there is no gun pillar, which blocks the passage between the two, the situation inside will continue to be distorted, and everything inside will change from time to time.

For example, the number of rooms, pillars, and stone walls in the cave are still the same at this moment, but at the next moment, they may become completely different, just like a labyrinth that is constantly changing!

And because of this weird phenomenon, the road leading to Sending Spring was completely blocked by the Alliance, and warning signs were erected outside, warning the world not to enter Sending Spring.

"I hope this time the passage to the spring can be completely blocked..." Giratina sighed slightly. It has spent countless ages in this world, and it is already tired of everything in this world.

There are no human beings, no elves, and apart from plants that have decided to live, there is only the most ancient evil that pervades the whole world.


In the outside world, Nok Yam had been drawn out by the Galaxy bomb dropped by Hunter J, and was petrified by the strange energy beam of Hunter J, and captured.

"The gods of the lake?" Hunter J looked at the petrified Nokoyam who was visiting in front of him, and smiled disdainfully, "Even if he was called a god, wouldn't he be caught by me obediently?"

450 Having said that, Hunter J thought of Regigikas in the Temple of Qifeng. That kind of power, the kind of spirit that can't even bind his own beam, is qualified to be called a god!

After Nok Yam was captured by Hunter J, Lake Wisdom and Lake Xinqi also glowed with strange light, and Yuxie and Emrido, who inhabited different spaces in the two lakes, appeared from the lakes!

The balance between the three lakes that suppressed the Shenno area was broken, and Yuxie and Emrido had to emerge from the different space and appear in the real world as their real bodies to suppress the overflow of the most ancient evil!

And in order to save their comrades, the connection between the two elves and Nok Yam was activated, disappearing from the lakes they invaded, and the next moment, they crossed the entire Shenno area and appeared on the Lizhi Lake!

"Sure enough, as Lord Chiri said, as long as one of the gods of the lake has an accident, the gods of the other two lakes will also appear to help!" Zhen Xing looked at the sky above Lizhi Lake in surprise. Two elves.

"Miss J, they'll ask you!" Zhen Xing shouted to Hunter J, while himself, he was targeting Xiao Mao who arrived here!

Entrusted by Dr. Yamanashi, he has been determined to investigate Nokyam here in the lake. He didn't expect that just because he had just left for a while, the Galaxy team took advantage of it and caught Nokyam!

Body Chapter [-]: Plan

(for flowers, for tickets, for custom)

"Damn, damn!" Being entangled by the members of the Galaxy team, Xiao Mao couldn't separate the elves to help Yuxie and Emrido who appeared. He watched Hunter J hit them with a strange light, and then they were petrified. .

Hunter J's glasses also had cracks, which were marks left by accidentally being hit by the gods of the lake when he was just capturing the gods of the lake.

It's just that although they are called the gods of the lake, their strength has not stepped into the realm of gods, and they cannot be called real gods at all!

The strength of the Galaxy team members is not strong, but the number is extremely large, and Xiaomao has only six elves, so he can't stop Hunter J's actions at all, and even now Hunter J wants to retreat, he can't stop it!

"You continue to pester Ogi Shigeru." Zhenxing instructed these Galaxy team members, and then watched the petrified lake gods of the other Galaxy team members, and after lifting the petrification device to another spaceship, Looking at Hunter J.

"Thank you very much for your help, Miss J, the remuneration will be credited to your account soon as I said before." Jin Xing also smiled rarely.

"Well." Hunter J replied coldly, returning to her own spaceship. Her employment with the Galaxy team ended here, and she did not need to stay here any longer.

The spaceship had just risen, and before it had time to enter the stealth mode, suddenly two pink-purple energies fell from the sky like lightning and bombarded the spaceship!

"What, what?!" Zhen Xing was shocked, looking at the spaceship that was hit by the pink-purple energy and caused a fire, with an incredible expression, "Even if it is petrified, will the future prediction of the gods of the lake still take effect? ?"

Zhen Xing looked back at the gods of the three petrified lakes that were carried into the spaceship, and a deep fear flashed in his eyes, "As expected of the legendary elves, it's really scary!"

Hunter J's jet spaceship fell from mid-air and fell into Lizhi Lake. It rolled up huge water waves and rushed to the shore. The huge vortex formed by the collapse of the alien space swept the spaceship into the bottom of the lake, and no one was able to escape...

"Boom--' .!"

The spacecraft that sank to the bottom of the lake had a huge explosion, and the smoke screen of flames rose from the lake. Even the lake water could not be extinguished in a short time!

Zhen Xing couldn't believe it, the hunter J, who had been in the dark for many years, would actually die in such a situation!

"Is this the curse of the gods of the lake?" Zhen Xing was shocked. Hunter J had just captured the gods of the lake, and the next moment such a thing happened, it really made people unable to calm down.


"Sure enough, it's better to let this human sleep just like this." In the twisted space, Arceus put down his slightly raised right forelimb. The attack just now was not actually a prediction of the future by the gods of the lake, nor was it so-called. A curse, but an attack by Arceus!

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