The road was long and winding, but the weather was very bad.

Duckbill continued to move forward with Wutong and Swampjumper. Soon they came to a cliff, which was connected by a suspension bridge on both sides.

Seeing the suspension bridge in front of him, Wutong fell into deep thought. After all, in his memory, this suspension bridge would break directly. Although his luck should not be so bad, Wutong did not want to gamble this time.

"Since the bridge is a bit dangerous, duckbill, come back." Wutong said and took duckbill back into the Poké Ball.

"Numa?" Swampjumper called out in confusion.

"Let's take a shortcut." Wutong said and jumped off the cliff with Swampjumper.

"Numa!!!!!!!" Swampjumper was frightened by the sudden action and shouted loudly.

However, Wutong and Swampert hit their heads on the protruding spiked rocks during the fall, and both died. The whole book is over.

Of course it is impossible!

Wutong and Swampert fell into the water and floated downstream.

After all, Swampert is a water-attributed Pokémon, and after the initial panic, it quickly calmed down. It began to swim flexibly in the water.

Wutong grabbed Swampert and moved forward steadily in the water with the help of Swampert.

"Hurry up and grab the rope!" After drifting for a while, an anxious voice came. Then Wutong saw a rope in front of him, and Wutong subconsciously grabbed the rope.

As soon as Wutong grabbed the rope, he felt that he was pulled up by a strange force, and he was thrown directly to the shore with the rope.

"Are you okay!?" A soft voice sounded, and Wutong looked up and found that it was a girl with blue hair and wearing red overalls.

"I'm fine, thank you for helping me." Wutong said, and then Wutong climbed up from the ground. The pain caused by falling on the ground made him not only sigh at the female hero's good arm strength.

She is worthy of being a woman who lives in seclusion in the mountains and treats and takes care of a group of Pokémon.

"My name is Xiao Cui, and I am the manager of this Pokémon Village. How did you float down with the water?" Xiao Cui asked.

"I'm trying to let my Pokémon learn to surf, but the effect is not very good." Wutong lied. He couldn't say that he jumped off the cliff and floated down with the water just to come here.

"So that's it." Maybe because she hadn't contacted others for a long time, Xiao Cui chose to believe Wutong's lie directly.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Wutong. I'm from Changpan City. Do you know what Pokémon Village is?" Wutong asked after introducing himself.

"This is actually a bit like a Pokémon sanatorium. I will take in those Pokémon who were injured or abandoned in battle here to treat their bodies or minds." Xiao Cui said with a smile, obviously she likes this place very much.

"So that's how it is. Then it seems that Miss Xiao Cui, you are the angel in white?" Wutong said.

"I'm not qualified yet. Pokémon here don't need to fight. They can live together with their companions while recuperating from their injuries." Xiao Cui said while touching the Pokémon that ran to her side.

"Dane!!!" Wutong was about to reply, but a warning cry came from behind.

Wutong looked back and saw that it was indeed the lonely traveler Bulbasaur. Behind Bulbasaur was a slightly injured walking grass.

"Bulbasaur, you're back. Walking grass, what's wrong with you!? Why are you injured!" Xiao Cui first welcomed Bulbasaur and then found the hungry and injured walking grass.

"Sorry, Miss Xiao Cui, I caused the injury of walking grass." Wutong directly admitted the mistake.

"I thought it was a wild Pokémon, so." Wutong said.

"So that's how it is. It's okay. You don't look like a bad guy. But don't bully the Pokémon here." Xiao Cui said after hearing what Wutong said.

"No problem, but can I camp here for one night?" Wutong asked.

"Of course." Xiao Cui said.

"Dane! Dane Dane!!!!" Bulbasaur objected after hearing the conversation between the two. After all, the guy in front of him hurt his companions, how could he let him stay here! ?

"Don't worry, Bulbasaur, I promise you that I will never capture any Pokémon here." Wutong knew what Bulbasaur was thinking, so he promised.

"Dane! Dane Dane!" After hearing what Wutong said

After that, Bulbasaur hesitated for a moment and gave up blocking, but still called twice to show that it would keep an eye on Wutong.

"Then as a proof of friendship." Wutong said as he walked towards the walking grass behind Bulbasaur, and then squatted down. One hand stretched out to the walking grass.

"Dane!" Bulbasaur was about to block, but found that a light green light came out of Wutong's hand, and then the injury on the walking grass recovered.

"What is this?" Xiao Cui was a little surprised at Wutong's ability.

"Ah, every time I use this ability, I feel so sleepy. Sorry, Miss Xiao Cui, I have to set up a tent and sleep first." Wutong yawned and said.

Without waiting for Xiao Cui to reply, Wutong directly found a relatively flat place to set up the tent, and the long-hidden Swampert also came out to help.

Soon the tent was set up, and Wutong went in and went to sleep.

"What a magical person, don't you think, Bulbasaur." Xiao Cui couldn't help but say.

"Dane, danae!" Bulbasaur nodded in agreement.

Soon, the next morning arrived. Wutong, who was used to getting up early, got up early. When he got up, he found that Xiaocui was already preparing food for the Pokémon, and the lonely traveler Bulbasaur was also helping to manage the Pokémon.

"Good morning, Miss Xiaocui." Wutong greeted.

"Good morning, Wutong." Xiaocui responded.

"Dane!" Bulbasaur called to Wutong, indicating that he should leave as soon as he got up.

"Don't worry, I'll leave soon, but do you want to fight with me before you leave? You are the bodyguard of this Pokémon town, right? Do you think you are strong enough?" Wutong asked with a smile.

"Dane! Danae, danae!" Bulbasaur was dissatisfied when he heard Wutong's words. How could I, a lonely traveler, be afraid of you! ?

"Don't worry, Miss Xiao Cui, I just want to test the strength of Bulbasaur. I said I won't catch any Pokémon here." Wutong said because he was afraid that Xiao Cui would worry. After all, even if he caught it, he couldn't use it for fighting. Instead of putting it in the warehouse and making himself uncomfortable, it's better not to catch it.

"Okay, but Bulbasaur is actually very strong. You have to be careful." Xiao Cui said that she was not worried about Bulbasaur, but Wutong.

After hearing Xiao Cui's words, Wutong felt a little helpless. Did he look very weak?

"Come out! Swampert!" Wutong directly called out his main force, Swampert.

Although the attributes of the duckbill baby will be more advantageous, Swampert can produce a more crushing effect.

Half a day later, Wutong appeared on the way to Vermilion City. As for the battle between Swampert and Bulbasaur, there was no suspense, and Swampert won easily.

Although Bulbasaur's strength is not weak, it is also compared with other Pokémon in Pokémon Town. After all, Swampert has been trained for a long time, and with the advantage of strength, it can easily defeat Bulbasaur even if it is four times weaker than Grass.

Bulbasaur, who was easily defeated, also fell into self-doubt. However, Wutong thoughtfully left it a simple training method so that it can train and become stronger on its own.

As for whether it can beat Bulbasaur after Xiaozhi comes, Wutong has no way to predict, but with Pikachu and Xiaozhi's protagonist halo, it should not be a problem.

On the way, Wutong resumed the mode of training while walking.

At this time, he also roughly understood why his duckbill baby always spontaneously combusted.

Because its flash power seems to be an ability similar to flame affinity.

Wutong's duckbill baby naturally has an attraction to fire energy, and it cannot control this power well.

This causes it to unconsciously absorb nearby fire energy. These energies are not controlled and continue to gather, and the final result is the generation of flames.

Of course, this ability is not without advantages, that is, the duckbill baby can control the flame very well.

Like other Pokémon, it takes a long time to practice to control the skills such as jet flame.

But the duckbill baby is different. It can easily control the jet flame to turn, and Wutong feels that if he practices more, he can even play the jet flame with the feeling of a flame vortex.

And Wutong also found that practicing controlling the jet flame can make the duckbill baby strengthen his control over his flash power.

Just like now, it can reduce the number of spontaneous combustion to less than three times a day. It can be said to be a great improvement.

Wutong walked and came to a small town. Of course, under the leadership of the duckbill baby.

The sensible duckbill baby not only trained hard, but also wanted to stop himself from self-igniting as soon as possible.

Burning, and also taking care of the duties of the navigation duck to guide Wutong.

Walking into this unknown town, Wutong saw a sloppy boy.

Looking at this boy, Wutong felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"Hey! The new guy over there! Come and have a Pokémon battle with me! The loser has to give the other party 500, how about it?" The sloppy boy walked over and said.

"What a petty little gangster." Wutong said to himself a little helplessly.

"Okay, I accept it, but I don't have much time, so it's 1v1." Wutong said.

"Also, I'll accept your 500, go, Charmander!" The sloppy boy called out his Pokémon.

"Charmander? Duckbill Baby, go." Wutong frowned when he saw the person in front of him calling out Charmander.

He remembered why the guy in front of him looked familiar, because he was the short-sighted NC trainer Dayou who abandoned Lao Peng.

"Charmander! Sparks!" Dayou commanded.

"Duckbill, spray flames!" Wutong directly let the duckbill push back.

"Bubby!" The duckbill sprayed flames directly.

Charmander's sparks were instantly swallowed, and then Charmander was hit by the spray flames.

"Thunder Fist!" Wutong continued to command.

"Bubby!" The duckbill rushed directly to Charmander, with lightning flashing on its claws, and punched Charmander.

"Kana!" Charmander screamed in pain and lost its ability to fight.

"What! This waste actually lost like this!" Dayou said angrily.

Wutong frowned when he heard Dayou's words. He really wanted this guy to have an intimate contact with the earth.

"500 is not necessary. Use it to buy some delicious food for your Charmander." Wutong waved his hand coldly and left.

If nothing unexpected happens, Dayou will soon abandon Charmander.

To be honest, he doesn't understand. They are so rare, but why are they abandoned everywhere?

Especially the Fire Lord, basically one of them will be abandoned in every generation, and then let Xiaozhi pick it up.

"Damn it, if I can't command it myself, I must take all these three Pokémon away!" Wutong said uncomfortably when he left.

After defeating Dayou and the future Old Spray, Wutong came to the Pokémon Center to restore his Pokémon.

After handing the Duckling and Swampert to Miss Joy, Wutong went to replenish some supplies himself.

After he replenished the supplies, Wutong found that his Pokémon had not recovered yet, so he simply waited in the rest area of ​​the Pokémon Center.

With nothing to do, Wutong took out the Pokémon encyclopedia, checked the skills of his Pokémon, and thought about the training plan.

"Swamp Jumper, master the skills: collision, cry, water gun, rock crushing, rock falling, hold, bite, double return, water wave, slam, rock collapse."

Although Swamp Jumper has two more skills, it is more like an advanced version based on the original skills, and the overall change is not big.

So the training method is still based on controlling the range of one's own power release.

Try to concentrate the power of the surface to a point.

"Duckbill Baby, master the skills: sparks, smoke, glare, jet flame, lightning fist, bursting fist, flame wheel, ghost face, flame fist."

Duckbill Baby's skill pool is very obvious, very biased towards pure fire skills.

If Duckbill Baby had not inherited the two skills of Thunder Fist and Burst Fist, Duckbill Baby would only have fire-attributed attack skills.

However, even if Duckbill Baby knows Thunder Fist and Burst Fist, Duckbill Baby himself always subconsciously uses fire skills.

Just like the battle with Growlithe, these two skills were not used at all.

Wutong's plan is to train Platypus to be a fire-type battle mage.

After all, Platypus's special attack racial value is as high as 125, and its attack racial value is also 95.

It is a perfect mage who can fight in close combat.

Coupled with Platypus's affinity for fire, Wutong seems to have seen the future scene of Platypus being all-powerful at long range and near range.

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