The new training was a big success.

Wu Tong, who knew the plot, gave the Squirtle Corps a special training on water gun accuracy. This was to warm up the Squirtle Fire Brigade in the future.

Although Wu Tong had no way to command non-shiny Pokémon to fight, or even to let them release skills.

But he could first determine the training method, and then let Swampert demonstrate, and the Squirtle Corps would just learn.

This was barely a bug.

At first, the Squirtle Corps refused, after all, they felt that this kind of training was meaningless.

They wanted to continue their previous lives.

However, after hearing Wu Tong say that they could add more food and order food if they trained well, the Squirtle Corps instantly entered the training state.

The power of food is very strong.

However, this also shows that they have accepted Wutong's existence without knowing it.

After all, Wutong can be said to be the best human being to them.

Although they were beaten and tied up, they had no injuries on their bodies after waking up.

Anyone who is not a fool can know that it was Wutong who treated them.

Moreover, Wutong also made food for them and was willing to give them names, although the names were strange.

"Swampfish! Rock Crusher!" Wutong was not idle and began to command his Pokémon to train.

"Numa!" Swampfish punched out and hit the stone, and many cracks appeared on the stone instantly.

"No, Swampfish, your strength is great, but it is too scattered. You should try to concentrate your strength on one point. Come on." Wutong, in instructor mode, was very strict.

"Numa!" Swampfish nodded and continued to try.

He kept hitting the boulder in front of him with his fists, and Wutong drew a not-so-big fist on the boulder.

The task given by Wutong is very simple, which is to only destroy the rocks in the circle and not affect the outside of the circle.

This requires Swampert to hone for a long time, after all, perfect control of one's own power cannot be achieved overnight.

"Duckbill Baby, continue to meditate. You have a good talent, but you also need to be able to control it. You don't want to spontaneously combust and cause trouble to others, right?" Wutong looked at Duckbill Baby's training again.

The meditation here is not skill meditation, but to let Duckbill Baby meditate, feel the fire energy, and then control it.

After seeing that his two Pokémon were training in an orderly manner, Wutong took the time to see the situation of Squirtle.

When he came to the Squirtle Corps, Xiaoyi, that is, the Squirtle of Xiaozhi in the future, was commanding his younger brothers to aim.

It must be said that Xiaoyi's command ability is really strong. The Squirtle Corps with it and without it are completely two concepts.

Wutong is also more and more curious about what kind of trainer would abandon Xiaoyi. It doesn't make sense at all.

"Jenny!" Xiaoyi shouted, pointing at a target made by Wutong.

The remaining four Squirtles used water guns together, and the strong water flow accurately hit the bull's eye.

"It seems to be almost done." Wutong nodded with satisfaction.

"Huh? Who is that?" Wutong was about to go back, but saw a blue figure flashing by the water where the Squirtles were training.

"Roar!" A Gyarados with bloodshot eyes came out, and a blue-white energy column shot directly at the Squirtles.

Xiaoyi saw Gyarados first, and then knocked the other four Squirtles out immediately. After all, he was the boss, and it was his responsibility to protect his younger brothers.

But in this way, Xiaoyi had no time to escape.

"Danger!" Wutong also acted subconsciously. He jumped and rolled to the side with Xiaoyi in his arms.

But his speed was still a little slow, and the light column of Gyarados hit his left arm, and his clothes were directly damaged, and the exposed arm began to bleed.

"Jenny!" Xiaoyi was stunned when he saw Wutong's injured arm in order to save him.

"This Gyarados is not in the right state! Swampert! Rockfall!" Wutong ignored his bleeding left arm and called Swampert directly.

"Numa!" Swampert came over after hearing the sound, and a huge rock appeared out of thin air and was thrown at Gyarados by Swampert.

"Bubby!" The duckbill baby, who was farther away, also ran over. Seeing that Wutong was injured, the duckbill baby was also angry.

The duckbill baby's hand flashed with lightning and jumped directly at the Gyarados.

"Duckbill baby!" Wutong couldn't help shouting when he saw the duckbill baby's unauthorized action.

"Bubby!" Duckbill baby

Taking advantage of the gap when Gyarados used Dragon's Fury to smash the flying boulder, a lightning fist hit Gyarados on the head.

Then it returned to the shore by the reaction force.

"Roar!" After being hit by the lightning fist, Gyarados seemed even crazier.

"Jenny!!!" At this time, Xiaoyi also came back to his senses, and tears began to flow out.

Wutong successfully moved it, in fact, it recognized Wutong as the new boss.

"Jenny!" Xiaoyi left Wutong's arms and shouted, and the other four Squirtles responded.

Five Squirtles jumped directly into the water. Under Xiaoyi's command, the five Squirtles kept attacking Gyarados.

Then they used a rope that came from nowhere to trap Gyarados tightly.

As the tied Gyarados was thrown onto the shore, Wutong also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jenny!" Xiaoyi came to Wutong's side and looked at his arm with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine, just a little scratch, but Gyarados seems to be crazy because of the injury." Wutong said after bandaging himself simply.

Soon Wutong found a thorn stuck in Gyarados' body. It seemed that it was accidentally injured and the pain made it crazy.

Wutong helped Gyarados pull out the thorn and then treated it.

"Swampjumper, send it down." Wutong said.

"Numa!" Swampjumper called obediently, then lifted Gyarados and threw it back into the water.

Because of Gyarados' participation, today's training had to be terminated early.

Back in the secret base of the Squirtle Corps, the five Squirrels became much more obedient.

After all, Wutong was injured in order to save Xiaoyi.

Another night passed, and Wutong got up early the next day as usual, and his arm was already healed.

I have to say that the physical fitness of humans in this world is really good.

After making breakfast, Wutong looked at the Squirtle Corps who were eating happily and spoke.

"You are growing up very fast, so I will continue my journey." Wutong said calmly.

"Jenny!?" The Squirtles were stunned. They had just adapted to the days with Wutong, and now Wutong said he was leaving?

"Don't look like you've been abandoned. I told you, I'm your boss. How could the boss ignore you?" Wutong continued.

"Jenny Jenny!!" Xiaoyi shouted excitedly. Why are they always the ones abandoned?

"Hey, I've said it all, I'm your boss, not your trainer, so I'm not abandoning you. I found you a job, and you can have a meal on your own in the future." Wutong comforted Xiaoyi and said.

Wutong decided to let them enter the Squirtle Fire Brigade stage in advance.

As for the problem between Xiaozhi and Xiaoyi, Wutong certainly wouldn't forget it, and he decided to brainwash Xiaoyi.

"Xiaoyi, you shouldn't hate humans so much now, right? So if you meet a suitable trainer, follow him, Xiaoer, Xiaosan, Xiaosi, Xiaowu, you too." Wutong continued.

"Squirtle!" Several Squirtles shook their heads together. They hoped that Wutong could stay.

"I, your boss, will become the number one Pokémon trainer in the universe, and I will continue to travel. Beasts always walk alone." Wutong continued.

After hearing what Wutong said, the Squirtles knew that they couldn't stop Wutong.

Although he was a boss they had only recognized for two days, Wutong had left a deep impression in their hearts.

After dinner, Wutong took them to find Miss Junsha and proposed the idea of ​​forming a Squirtle Fire Brigade.

After seeing the capabilities of the Squirtle Corps, Miss Junsha readily agreed.

"I will come back to see you when I have time. Goodbye, Xiaoyi. Remember, follow the right trainer when you meet him. I look forward to meeting you at the Quartz Conference." Wutong said goodbye to the Squirtle Army.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle Xiaoyi, who had regained his sunglasses, waved his hands and said goodbye to Wutong.

Wutong, who was leaving, felt a little sad that he really didn't have the fate of being the protagonist. Xiaoyi didn't even follow him secretly.

He was originally thinking about what to do if Xiaoyi followed him, but now it seems that he was overthinking.

After saying goodbye to the Squirtle Army, Wutong continued to go to Vermilion City.

While training and moving forward along the way, they soon arrived at a place near the sea.

There is a lighthouse with flashing lights on the cliff by the sea.

"It seems that we have arrived at Zhenghui's lighthouse." Wutong said to himself while looking at the lighthouse not far away.

"Swamp Leaper, Duckbill Baby, let's stay there tonight." Wutong pointed to the lighthouse and said.



Both Pokémon agreed without objection.

So Wutong led the two Pokémon to the lighthouse.

With a clear goal in mind, even Wutong would not get lost. So the duckbill baby followed Wutong with confidence.

After all, Wutong is a road idiot but not an idiot.

When he arrived at the door of the lighthouse, Wutong knocked on the door, but found that no one responded.

"Is there no one?" Wutong said to himself.

Then Wutong pushed the door, and the door was easily opened.

"Is there anyone? Excuse me!" Wutong walked into the lighthouse and said loudly.

However, no one responded to him. The entire lighthouse was dark and looked a bit scary.

"Strange, why is there no one?" Wutong said puzzledly, and then began to walk in the lighthouse.

"Hey, hey, really, such a big piece of wood can be lifted by humans in a moment." After walking to the depths of the lighthouse, a voice came.

Wutong saw a little Rattata standing in front of a piece of wood with his hands on his waist.

"Little Rattata?" Wutong approached with a little doubt.

"Is someone finally here!?" Little Rattata turned around happily after hearing the footsteps behind him. A half-human, half-rat face was revealed.

"Human!? Half-blood!?" Wutong was startled.

"Oh, you must be shocked to see me like this? I'm so sorry." 'Little Rattata' said embarrassedly.

"What are you?" Wutong had a guess in his mind but still asked.

"I am Zhenghui, a Pokémon researcher, and I am also developing and improving the Pokémon transmission system." Zhenghui said.

"Zhenghui? Why are you like this?" Wutong, who guessed correctly, couldn't help asking.

Although there are plots of Zhenghui turning into Little Rattata in the game and comics, how could it appear in the animation?

"I had an accident when I was repairing the Pokémon transmission device, so I became like this." Zhenghui scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"It would have been difficult for me to change back, and you came at the right time. Please help me." Zhenghui asked.

"My name is Wutong. Although I don't know the principle, I will help you." Wutong agreed happily.

"Great, come with me, I want to change back quickly." Zhenghui immediately took Wutong to the laboratory.

When they arrived at the laboratory, the first thing that caught their eyes was two life-support pod-like devices.

One of the doors was open, and there was a person in the other one moving around curiously.

But he didn't look like a normal person.

"I'll leave it to you." Zhenghui explained what Wutong needed to do and walked into the open cabin himself.

Wutong operated according to Zhenghui's instructions.

The device started, a burst of white smoke came out, followed by a burst of white light.

The hatch on the human side opened.

"Oh, thank you so much, you helped me a lot." A boy with green hair and dark red clothes walked out and said.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Zhenghui. I am a person who conducts Pokémon research and also developed the Pokémon transmission system. Thank you very much for your help." Zhenghui, who had changed back, suddenly became much more stable.

"My name is Wutong. I am from Changpan City and a new traveler." Wutong said and took out his Pokémon illustrated book and shook it.

"This is! The Pokémon illustrated book made by Professor Oak!" Zhenghui said excitedly after seeing the illustrated book in Wutong's hand.

"In this case, I hope you can help me!" Zhenghui said after grabbing Wutong's hand.

"I am just a new trainer. What can I do to help you?" Wutong withdrew his hand calmly.

This kind of behavior of grabbing someone's hand when excited is completely different for a man and a beautiful girl.

"Actually, I am waiting for a unique Pokémon here." Zhenghui said.

"Unique Pokémon?" Wutong asked, although he knew that the unique Pokémon should be a giant Dragonite.

Of course, he was also tempted. Maybe the giant Dragonite was a dragon clan leader. If he thought Wutong looked good, he might even get a shiny dragon Pokémon.

Wutong imagined that the shiny quasi-god was waving at him.

Wait, the shiny dragon seemed to be shit green! It was so ugly!

Wutong instantly became entangled again. It seemed that he could only get a stone of immutability for the Haxorus. The pink Haxorus was much better than the shit green dragon.

Seeing Wutong's face constantly changing, Zhenghui thought Wutong was hesitating.

"If you are willing to help me, I will give you one of my latest research products." Zhenghui said.

"What product?" Zhenghui's words broke Wutong's fantasy.

"It's a portable Pokémon transmission device. After all, you may encounter a situation where Pokémon are not well prepared when you are in the wild. However, because it is still being perfected, there is only one experimental product. But don't worry, there will be no danger. At most, the signal is not good and cannot be transmitted." Zhenghui said.

"No problem! Deal!" Wutong said without hesitation.

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