The whole day, the sun was shining brightly.

The full moon was in the sky, and under the silvery moonlight, Wutong, wearing a black motorcycle suit on the upper body, slim black jeans on the lower body, and Martin boots on his feet, stepped off the motorcycle in a chic manner.

He took off his helmet to reveal a silver-white wig, and his red eyes looked at the burly man standing in the dark opposite. (Fake, all fake╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭)

"Do you know what crime it is to attack the search officer of the alliance? It doesn't matter if you don't know, anyway, you will know soon." Wutong said calmly.

The iron warrior stood behind Wutong, holding the pink blade combination on his two arms in his hands, ready to attack at any time.

"Master~ So cool~!" Xia Hai and Mu Guai Li, who were protected by Wu Tong, held their faces with their hands in the same posture, and looked at Wu Tong's back with stars in their eyes.

"Is this another Pokémon trainee investigator who has been in the limelight recently? Let me think, yes, it's the silver demon cat corresponding to the golden rabid dog." Ma Zhishi said with interest.

"Golden rabid dog?" Wu Tong felt that the voice of the burly man opposite was somewhat familiar, but the man's words made him temporarily ignore this familiar feeling.

If Wu Tong was given another chance, he would definitely ride a motorcycle and run away as soon as he heard this voice.

"Hehehe~" Xia Hai saw Wu Tong's inquiring eyes and scratched his head shyly and laughed.

"Silver demon cat?" Wu Tong pointed at himself uncertainly after seeing Xia Hai's reaction and asked.

"Yeah!" Xia Hai nodded frantically, indicating that it was you, the master.

"Which bastard came up with this nickname? I'm going to kill him!!! (╬•̀皿•́)" Even though he was furious, Wutong's professionalism still made him remember to hide his identity.

"Well, it's because Master and I destroyed several Rocket Team bases recently, and we fought against one of the four generals and were remembered by the Rocket Team and several larger poacher organizations. As for this nickname, it was given by King Kona, and then spread." Xia Hai quickly pulled Wutong, who was in a violent state, and explained carefully.

"Oh, Kona, cough, King Kona gave it to me, then it's okay." Wutong calmed down immediately after hearing that the nickname was given by Kona.

It's not because of anything else, it's just a simple coward. What can I do if I can't beat him? Besides, Aunt Kona is not very cunning. If you don't believe me, ask Adu why he is still one of the Four Heavenly Kings after so many years.

Damn, this matter can't be let go. Wutong is ready to go back and make another note of Adu in the little grudge book. (Adu: ( ̄△ ̄;)???)

"Hmph, since you're here, let me test whether the kitten's claws are sharp or not. Raichu, 100,000 volts!" Ma Zhishi directly commanded Raichu to start the attack.

"Qiu~!" Thunder flashed on Raichu's body, and a strong electric current hit Wutong.

"Iron Warrior, Spirit Blade!" Wutong commanded.

The Iron Warrior received the command and rushed forward. The double-headed sword in his hand rotated back and forth, and the blue light covered it to block the 100,000 volts shot by Raichu.

"Million-ton heavy punch!" Ma Zhishi's fighting style was as straightforward as ever.

White light appeared on Raichu's claws, and a heavy punch hit the Iron Warrior.

"Iron Warrior, magic shine!" Wutong commanded.

The Iron Warrior held the double-headed sword horizontally in front of him, and a shining light appeared in the center, and a beam of light shot towards Raichu.

"That, Master, he is the special training instructor that Mr. Adu found for me, not an enemy." Xia Hai said weakly when Lei Qiu and Tie Wuzhe were fighting fiercely.

It was at this time that the shining light of magic illuminated Ma Zhishi who was standing in the dark.

"Fuck!" After hearing Xia Hai's words and seeing Ma Zhishi with his arms around him, Wu Tong fell into a state of confusionΣ( ° △ °|||)︴

"Hehe, not bad, little wild cat, I admit that you are better than the dog over there. If I train you, I will definitely be happier." Ma Zhishi said and walked towards Wu Tong and Xia Hai.

"Don't come over here!!!!" Wu Tong saw that Ma Zhishi actually wanted to come over and immediately turned into Bu Jingyun and shouted.

"Huh!? (\"▔□▔)? ? ? "×2 Seeing Wutong's condition, Ma Zhishi and Xia Hai were stunned, not understanding what had happened to Wutong who was fine just now.

Wutong didn't have time to care whether Ma Zhishi and Xia Hai were confused or not. He just wanted to avoid this social death.

Panicked Wutong began to look around to find a way to escape (°Д°≡°Д°).

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Xia Hai stood up and asked Wutong by pressing his shoulder when he saw Wutong's panic.

"Damn it, you bastard actually plotted against me!" Wutong realized that he was called by Xia Hai and grabbed Xia Hai's hand on his shoulder.

Turning around, twisting his waist, exerting force, a beautiful shoulder throw was completed, and Xia Hai was thrown directly on the beach.

"Master, Master~ Why, why?!" Xia Hai, who was thrown on the beach, asked incomprehensibly.

"Huh? This shoulder throw? It's Xiaokui's usual move. Have you been specially trained by Xiaokui? If you haven't been thrown by her hundreds of times, you can't use it so perfectly." Ma Zhishi said strangely after seeing Wutong's shoulder throw.

Wutong trembled. No, he accidentally used the shoulder throw!

"Who is Xiao Kui? I don't know her. It must be your illusion, uncle. Can't you learn the shoulder throw by practicing?" Wutong said, looking away.

"Oh? Come to think of it, there seems to be only one guy who dares to call me uncle in front of me." Ma Zhishi continued.

"Hahahaha, uncle, you are really joking. What's so strange about calling an uncle uncle?" Wutong still firmly denied it. As long as he didn't admit it, no one would recognize it!

"Huh, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. You are so excited after not seeing you for a year? You changed your gender? Don't you think so, Wutong~" Ma Zhishi said.

"Wutong, who is that? I don't know. I am Xiaotong, the trainee investigator of Pokémon." Wutong said with a stiff face.

As soon as Wutong finished speaking, a flash of light flashed from the direction of Ma Zhishi.

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Wutong turned around in shock and found that Ma Zhishi had taken a camera in his hand. It was obvious that the light just now was emitted by the camera in Ma Zhishi's hand.

"I think many people will be interested in this photo, right?" Ma Zhishi waved the camera in his hand and said.

"Sorry! Instructor Ma Zhishi! I am Wutong!" Wutong immediately obeyed the arrangement of the heart.

"Well, now tell me why you have become like this. I don't remember that the guy I trained has such a strange hobby." Ma Zhishi said.

"Got it! Instructor Ma Zhishi!" Wutong immediately explained the process of becoming a Pokémon trainee investigator honestly.

Of course, he still concealed the part that should be concealed.

"Hahahahaha! I didn't expect that you have such a rich experience during the time I didn't see you. If there is a reason, forget it." Ma Zhishi put away the camera and said loudly.

"Thank you very much, Instructor Ma Zhishi! But, Instructor Ma Zhishi, why do you carry a camera with you?" Wutong asked in confusion.

"Oh, Adu told me to bring a camera, saying that it would be useful." Ma Zhishi sold Adu without hesitation.

Damn Dodo! I'll remember this grudge! Wutong gritted his teeth and thought secretly in his heart that sooner or later he would hang him up and beat him.

"Okay, although I didn't expect that the silver demon cat was you, it doesn't matter. I called you here because I need you to cooperate with me to train that dog." Ma Zhishi said seriously.

"Please don't mention that nickname again, so what is my mission?" Wutong asked.

"Then you have to ask that dog. I only know that our missions are different. It seems that we have to wait for her to wake up first." Ma Zhishi said as he looked at Xia Hai lying on the ground.

"Huh?" Wutong looked over in confusion, only to find that Xia Hai, who was thrown over his shoulder on the beach, had lost consciousness.

"Hey! Xia Hai! Are you okay? Wake up! Hey!" Wutong squatted down and grabbed Xia Hai's collar and shook her back and forth, trying to wake her up.

"Do you really want her to wake up?" Ma Zhishi said speechlessly when he saw Wutong's operation.

Wutong stopped moving his hands and found that Xia Hai, who had fainted because of fatigue and shoulder injury, had begun to foam at the mouth.

Xia Hai's mother monster trembled and looked at Wutong and Ma Zhishi. It felt like it saw two demons.

"Well, I'm just worried about her. It seems that she won't wake up for a while. I'll take her to the Pokémon Center to rest. Instructor Ma Zhishi, do you want to go with me?" Wutong said with a little embarrassment.

"Pokémon Center? Come with me. I came here on my Water Flow. You can take her to the Water Flow to rest directly." Ma Zhishi said, taking back the Raichu and walking towards the pier.

"Shuiliuhao? I forgot that Instructor Ma Zhishi is also a rich man." Wutong

After taking back the Iron Warrior and carrying Xia Hai, he followed Ma Zhishi.

After walking two steps, Wutong remembered something and turned to the shivering Weili on the ground and said, "Come with us, your trainer needs to rest."

Weili heard Wutong's call and wanted to refuse, but his trainer was still in his hands. In the end, he followed him.

Following Ma Zhishi, he came to a ship at the dock. The ship in front of him was Ma Zhishi's Shuiliu.

Although it didn't look as luxurious as the St. Anne, it was also a luxury cruise ship.

After throwing Xia Hai into an empty room, Wutong also found a room to rest.

I have to say that it is really comfortable to follow the captain on the ship. You can live in any room you want.

The next day, in the captain's room, Wutong, Ma Zhishi and Xia Hai ate breakfast made by the chef on Shuiliu.

Wutong still maintained the Xiaotong mode, but changed his clothes into the uniform of the Pokémon trainee investigator.

Ma Zhishi, who already knew the reason for Wutong's disguise, didn't ask any more questions and ate breakfast with big mouthfuls.

(.•ˇ₃ˇ•。) Xia Hai, who was sitting opposite Wutong and Ma Zhishi, ate breakfast while looking at Wutong and Ma Zhishi with resentment.

After all, it was because of them that Xia Hai fell asleep all night and woke up during the day.

In addition, she called Wutong to help, and it was true that she helped, and she helped Ma Zhishi.

She still remembered that Ma Zhishi said before the training that the goal of this training was to make her faint.

"Okay, don't look at us with that look anymore. Tell me what the purpose of calling me here is. Logically, I shouldn't have anything to train you, right?" Wutong asked.

"It's like this, Master. Mr. Adu hopes that you can teach me how to be more like a girl. If you can't teach me, dress me up like a lady, and then teach me how to dress up." Xia Hai said honestly.

"Hmm, hm!? ʕ(ⓛ–ⓛ)ʔ" Wutong responded, and then found something wrong.

He could understand every word Xia Hai said, but why couldn't he understand it after putting them together?

"Hahahahaha, Adu really found you an interesting task." Ma Zhishi said, watching the fun.

"Wait a minute, what is this task? You know that I'm a man, right? And aren't you a woman? How else do you want to learn?" Wutong asked questions continuously.

"I can't tell you the specific task. To put it simply, I need to attend a banquet with Mr. Adu as his female companion." Xia Hai became excited as he spoke.

"Why you? Are there no other women among the investigators!?" Wutong asked speechlessly.

You let Xia Hai dress up as a man to attend the banquet, which is definitely the most popular prince charming among women, but you let her dress up as a woman, which is full of disobedience, okay?

"Mr. Adu said that female investigators are very rare for various reasons. The female investigators who persisted are all very strong trainers and are very famous in the dark organization. They can't do this mission. Among the trainee investigators this time, I am the only female." Xia Hai scratched his head and said shyly.

Wutong couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw Xia Hai's shy look.

"Then can't you find a female investigator to teach you these! Isn't she much better than me!?" Wutong continued to ask.

"The reason is the same as above. There are too few female investigators, and they are all handling tasks. No one has time to teach me." Xia Hai replied.

"Then why is it me? I am also a trainee investigator, okay!" Wutong tried to make a final struggle.

"Mr. Adu said that your disguise skills are very powerful, second only to him, and you have a lot of time, so you are the most suitable person to do this." Xia Hai said.

"Huh!? Who gave him the confidence to say such a thing? No, who said I'm idle! No, it's not right either. Anyway, it's too strange to give this task to me, isn't it?" Wutong said angrily.

Just Adu, the guy who put on the Rocket Team's clothes and dared to say that he was in disguise, how dare he say that his disguise skills are second only to him?

"Hahahahahaha, I think it suits you very well, Wu, no, Xiaotong, if I hadn't seen your shoulder throw, I would never have recognized it as you." Ma Zhishi said.

"That's right, Master, you are very good! Although a little worse than Mr. Adu." Xia Hai said with a sunny smile.

Handsome face, sunny smile, comfortable tone, if an ordinary woman saw Xia Hai like this, she would definitely turn into a little fangirl.

Hard, hard! Wutong felt that his fist was already hard.

He really wanted to now

Beat up the fangirl of Dodo in front of me, the muscle idiot who is watching the fun next to me, and the Dodo who is nowhere to be found!

After a while of hardening his fist, Wutong sighed and accepted his fate.

Glancing at Xia Hai who looked expectant, Wutong felt a headache.

Xia Hai transformation plan? Leave this matter to Brother Xiao Ming! Why are you looking for him, bastard!

Wait! ? Is it because of the magenta suit he wore before! ?

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