The old man was very happy.

"I really witnessed the birth of an interesting Pokémon. This trip to Guoye Village really satisfied me. Since it has evolved successfully, I will leave first. Miss Xiaotong, I look forward to trading with you next time." He Ye said, put away the device and turned away.

"It's really a strange merchant. He comes and goes casually. Since there is no one around, let's study it carefully. First, scan it according to the usual practice." Wutong took out the Pokémon illustrated book and said.

Xiao Ai seemed to be sleeping again. Wutong took out the illustrated book and she didn't react.

After scanning Steelix with the illustrated book, the Pokémon illustrated book made a sound.

"Steelback, the iron snake Pokémon, has a body that is harder than diamond after being compressed deep underground. It is said that when Onix lives for more than 100 years, its body composition will become like diamond. The fragments of steel covering its body stick together, reflecting a flickering light.

Steelback lives deeper underground than Onix. It will dig towards the center of the earth, sometimes up to 1 kilometer deep. It will use its strong jaws to crush rocks and move forward. It has eyes that can see things clearly even in the dark underground.

Mastered skills: Bind, Impact, Rockfall, Harden, Dragon Breath, Sharp Stone Attack, Iron Wall, Dig Hole, Iron Tail, Ice Beam, Ice Fang, Lightning Fang, Flame Fang, Crushing, Lightning Body."

"Sure enough, there is nothing to gain from just looking at the illustrations and skills, so let's test it." Wutong put away the illustrations and muttered to himself.

The characteristics of Steelback should not have changed. It is still strong. It is a characteristic that can make Steelback harder.

The more important thing is to check whether the attributes of Steelback have changed. After all, Crystal Onix's flash power completely changed its attributes.

It changed from rock + ground to steel + ice, and now Steelix definitely seems to have steel.

Normal Steelix is ​​steel + ground, so what kind of attribute combination is this one? I don't know if the ice is still there.

"Steelix, bear with it. Ditto, Platypus mode, spray some fire and see." Wutong released Ditto and said.

"Roar~" Steelix nodded and shouted.

Ditto turned into Platypus, and then released a small flame to burn Steelix's body.

However, the very uncomfortable look imagined did not appear.

"Huh!? No feeling at all? Even if the ice is gone, shouldn't it be twice as weak as fire?" Wutong was a little confused. He touched the burned part of Steelix.

It felt cold in his hand.

"Hiss, is this, is it because of the metal film?" Wutong muttered to himself in confusion.

According to his limited knowledge, the metal with the highest melting point before rebirth was tungsten. With its melting point, it can even travel freely in magma. And tungsten is also black before processing.

However, the material of Steelix's body is obviously much better than tungsten. It is still very cold after being burned. Could it be the legendary thousand-year cold iron! ?

Wutong suddenly felt that he had found a reason to explain it.

However, he still needed to continue testing. Wutong turned Ditto into Pokémon of various attributes and used different skills to test Steelix's reaction.

The more he tested, the bigger his head became. He had to take out a piece of paper and start calculating.

The final conclusion was that the evolved Steelix had an outrageous resistance. Because after evolution, Steelix became a combination of steel + ground + water.

Wutong's second three-attribute Pokémon appeared. The previous one was Beedrill. Beedrill's resistance was already very comprehensive, only four times weak fire.

Although Steelix has three weaknesses due to the superposition of its three attributes, it can resist nine attributes and is immune to poison and electric skills.

Weak fighting, ground and grass types are not a big problem. After all, Steelix has excellent defense capabilities, and they are all twice weak. Coupled with the strong characteristics, it must be very difficult to defeat Steelix.

As for the fire type, Wutong found that due to its own attributes, the original twice weak fire disappeared, and because of the special metal film, Steelix is ​​even a little resistant to fire.

Although it is not as strong as attribute restraint, it can reduce the damage by about 25%.

It is considered a small resistance. In this way, Wutong feels that Steelix can completely trap those trainers who want to use fire Pokémon to kill Steelix quickly.

With excellent defense racial value and comprehensive resistance, Wutong felt that he could give Steelix more control and continuous damage skills, and it would be another excellent torture Pokémon.

Looking at the black Steelix with metallic luster in front of him, Wutong felt that it should not be called Steelix, just like Crystal Rock Snake, it should not lose its status after evolution.

It is so black and has such metallic luster, so I will call it Tungsten Steelix. Just as a commemoration of my limited knowledge.

After evolution, Tungsten Steelix obviously enhanced Wutong's combat ability in Xiaotong mode. Although it has little attack power, it is an excellent front-line meat shield.

Its self-protection ability has also become much stronger when facing those evil trainers.

"So where should I get a key stone? Speaking of which, it seems that I have applied for a key stone from Professor Souki. Should I borrow it from him? There is no good reason." Wutong took out the special Steelix evolution stone and talked to himself while playing with it.

Keystones are rare, but not rare, as if everyone has one.

Why not contact that evil-hearted Shang Heye and ask him to help get a keystone?

Wutong was thinking, and at this time, Wutong's communicator rang.

He took out the communicator and found that the person who contacted him was Heye. We just separated, why did he contact me immediately?

Wutong answered the call in confusion: "Mr. Heye, what's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry, Miss Xiaotong. I found that I forgot something." Heye said.

"Forgot something? It seems to be related to me, Mr. Heye." Wutong asked.

"Yes, I left a small gift for Miss Xiaotong. There is a small mechanism at the bottom of the metal film. You can see it by pressing it. That's it, goodbye." Heye said and hung up the call.

"Small gift?" Wutong turned the bottle of metal film over in confusion, and sure enough, he saw that there was an obvious groove in the center of the bottom, which looked like it could be pressed.

Wutong tried to press it, and a secret compartment popped up.

Inside the secret compartment was a marble-like thing with colorful brilliance and a special mark in the center.

"Hiss, it's actually a keystone!? This black-hearted weird merchant is really troublesome." Wutong said with a headache when he saw the keystone.

Free is the most expensive. Tsuruno obviously wants him to owe him a favor.

After all, it's a shortcoming to take someone's favor. If Tsuruno asks him to do something in the future, it won't be so easy to refuse.

Wutong suddenly missed his friends. At least when he was with them, he didn't need to use his brain, and he could just have fun.

It was too tiring to be careful about everything when dealing with a black-hearted weird merchant like Tsuruno.

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