After checking with the staff, Wutong learned that he could watch other people's fights at will as long as it did not affect the fighting process.

After all, it is a sports park. Although the focus is on competition, it is also a park. It is a public space and you can move around as long as you do not violate the regulations.

After making an appointment for the Kanto Three Houses' battle qualification tomorrow, Wutong found a staff member as a guide to lead the way.

Although it is impossible to fight with them today, it is still possible to watch their games in advance to determine the strength of the Kanto Three Houses.

After a while of decision, Wutong decided to go and see the game of Bulbasaur first. So under the guidance of the staff, Wutong came to the grassland field in the south of the sports park.

In a battle field in the grassland, Bulbasaur is fighting with a Tortoise.

The trainer of Tortoise is a dark purple-haired guy with a gloomy face, who looks like a villain.

"Isn't this my best friend?" Wutong said with a smile.

Wutong told the staff around him that he would go on his own, and then found a comfortable place to watch the battle between Bulbasaur and Shinji's Tortoise.

The battle between Bulbasaur and Tortoise looks like it has just begun, and both sides are still in the stage of trial.

The Pokémon in the competitive park do not have fixed trainers, and they are public Pokémon in the competitive park.

For them, as long as they are in the area of ​​the competitive park, anyone can command them. If you leave the competitive park and still want to force them to command, the Rocket trio who were beaten away in the animation will be the consequence.

So the trainer who commands Bulbasaur is a staff member in uniform.

"Bulbasaur, Leaf Blade!" Staff A commanded.

"Bana!" Venusaur took a step forward, and several huge curved leaves spun and shot towards Tortoise.

Venusaur's Leaf Blade was very powerful, and the airflow generated by the rotation could cut some weeds on the ground.

"Tortoise, Leaf Blade." Shinji obviously wanted to compare the difference between the two sides and chose the same skill to deal with it.

"Dam~" The big tree on Tortoise's back shook and many leaves fell, and then the leaves spun and shot out. Although the size was not as big as Venusaur's, it was better in number.

The Leaf Blades of both sides met in the middle of the field, and the leaves cut each other, and bursts of broken leaves fell. The first test of both sides ended in a draw.

"Vulpes, use the vine whip!" Staff A saw that the two sides' Leaf Blades were tied and immediately chose to continue attacking.

"Bana!" Venusaur stretched out two dark green thick vines from both sides of the flower and whipped Tortoise.

"Tortoise, mallet." Shinji commanded calmly.

"Dam!" Tortoise's body was covered with green energy, and the shape of the energy looked like a hammer. Tortoise, wrapped in hammer-shaped energy, directly hit Venusaur.

Venusaur's vine whip hit Tortoise but failed to stop Tortoise's charge, and Venusaur's flexibility could not avoid Tortoise's attack.

Tortoise hit Venusaur hard like a heavy hammer. Venusaur, with such a huge body, was also knocked far away by this attack.

Tortoise was also hurt by the reaction of the mallet and did not continue to attack.

"Vulpecula! Cheer up, use the solar beam!" Staff A shouted.

"Bana!" Venusaur shouted, and stopped after pressing its limbs against the ground and leaving long drag marks on the grass.

Venusaur bent down after stopping, and the core of the flower on its back began to absorb sunlight.

Today is a sunny day, with clear sky and plenty of sunshine. Venusaur only absorbed the sunlight for a moment, and the Solar Beam was ready.

A dazzling white beam of light shot out.

"Turtle! Earthquake!" Shinji commanded.

"Damn!" Turtle used its front limbs to lift the front half of its body into the air and then fell hard to the ground.

The ground began to shake violently instantly.

The attack speed of Earthquake was a little faster than Venusaur's Solar Beam. The strong vibration made Venusaur's body shake, and the Solar Beam on its back lost its accuracy and shifted a little.

The shifted Solar Beam hit the left half of Turtle's body, but did not hit it completely.

Venusaur took a lot of damage from the Earthquake.

"Turtle, Leaf Blade." Shinji continued to command.

"Dam!" Tortoise fired a large number of rotating leaves again.

After being hit by the earthquake, Venusaur was stiff for longer than expected, and was hit by the flying leaf knife before it could even counterattack.

The continuous attacks made Venusaur unable to hold on and fell to the ground without the ability to fight.

"Vulpecula has a strong attack power, but relatively speaking, it is a little weaker in physical strength, but it is also much stronger than ordinary Venusaur." Wutong analyzed as he looked at the Venusaur who had lost the ability to fight.

"Why are you here?" After finishing the battle, Shinji took back Tortoise and saw Wutong who was watching the battle on the side, so he walked up to Wutong and said.

"Hehe, do I need to say this, my dear friend, this is all the guidance of fate!" Wutong seemed to be a severe chuunibyou patient, dragging the elbow of his left hand with his right hand, slightly opening his left hand to cover half of his face, and holding his non-existent eyes and said.

Shinji looked at Wutong who was sick with a cold face. The next second, Shinji turned around without hesitation and prepared to leave. It was better to stay away from this guy when he was sick.

"Hey! Don't leave suddenly!" Wutong immediately grabbed Shinji and said when he saw Shinji turning around.

"You recovered very quickly this time, so, are you here to train too?" Shinji stopped and said to Wutong when he saw Wutong recovering.

"Of course, I heard that there are three very powerful Kanto Gosanjia here. You know, I also have three little ones in my team, so I want to see if I can learn something from the strong ones of the same kind, but the staff here told me that all three of them were booked today, so I want to come and see their battle." Wutong shrugged and said.

"That Venusaur is really strong. If it was the Todai Turtle during the Quartz Conference, it would be difficult to win." Shinji said.

"What? My best friend actually gave up so easily!? Shouldn't he say something useless to Tortoise when he loses?" Wutong said in surprise.

"——Idiot." Seeing Wutong's exaggerated look, Shinji was choked and spit out two words.

"Really, you guys still don't talk very nicely. Forget it, since the battle with Bulbasaur is over, let's go to the other two guys. Let me think about it, let's go in the order of the illustrated book. Let's go and see Charizard!" Wutong said.

Seeing that Wutong wanted to pull him along as a matter of course, Shinji seemed to have gotten used to it and walked towards the area where Charizard was.

You can't let Wutong, who has a poor sense of direction, walk in front, right? He doesn't want to get lost and go around in circles in a park.

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