The next morning, in order to leave the island as soon as possible, Wutong and Shinji took the initiative to help Joey and Junsha with their work.

The four of them came to the forest on the island to record the current survival and number of Pokémon on the island.

"Everyone, come out." Wutong called out his Pokémon.

Shinji also threw out his Poké Ball and called out all his Pokémon.

However, this time, not all the Pokémon on the island appeared.

Because Miss Joey and Miss Junsha had explained to the Pokémon on the island yesterday.

Wutong and Shinji's Pokémon were not brought to them for a blind date.

So this time everyone maintained their original living habits.

However, when he saw the Swampert and the Wood Turtle, he couldn't help but come up and rub against them to show his charm.

While Wutong and Shinji were working hard, Wutong's Murkrow ran into trouble.

"Bo~!" A Pidgeot that lost the game with Murkrow yesterday came to Murkrow again.

The two Pokémon started competing again, but in terms of speed alone, Pidgeot really couldn't beat Murkrow.

However, this Pidgeot seemed to have set his sights on Murkrow, and after a short rest, he started to compete with Murkrow again.

The two Pokémon competed back and forth for countless times, making Murkrow a little scared.

"This Pidgeot has good perseverance." Wutong couldn't help but admire the perseverance of this Pidgeot.

Shinji didn't say anything, but from the way he kept staring at Pidgeot, it could be seen that he had become interested in this Pidgeot.

After all, Shinji's team is still lacking a Pokémon that can deal with aerial battles.

Regardless of the skills he has mastered, the perseverance shown by Popo is enough to arouse Shinji's interest. After all, Pokémon with insufficient perseverance cannot stick to his training.

As for Murkrow, what should he do? Who asked this guy to mock him after competing with him?

He asked you to love him, but you insisted on competing with him in speed. If you want to compete in speed, you can compete in speed. After you win, you even mock him.

Now that Popo has targeted him, Wutong wants to take this opportunity to temper Murkrow's temper.

How can he be the boss if he is not stable? After all, Murkrow is called Crow Leader after it evolves. It's not okay to have this kind of personality all the time.

Finally, after countless competitions, Murkrow finally couldn't bear it anymore and quickly flew behind Wutong and hid.

"Ga!" Murkrow hiding behind Wutong showed his head and stared at Popo, then shouted.

Wutong's Evergreen Power told him that Murkrow meant that you should not come over, my boss is here.

Wutong was a little helpless. How did this guy hide behind him?

"Shinji, you should be very interested in this Bobo, right?" Wutong asked.

"So what? Now this Bobo has identified your Murkrow." Shinji replied coldly.

"You know my situation. Even if I subdue this Bobo, it can only be sent back to guard the house." Wutong continued to tempt.

"You can talk about it after you deal with it first." Shinji saw through Wutong's idea of ​​being lazy and wanting him to take the blame.

"Really? Then I'll test the strength of this Bobo for you." Wutong could only say helplessly when he saw that his "plot" was seen through.

"Dark Crow, don't hide. You have to solve the trouble you caused yourself." Wutong grabbed the Murk Crow and put it in front of him and said.

"Huh?" Murk Crow called out in confusion, then fell back on Wutong's head and pecked Wutong's head twice.

Murk Crow's meaning was very clear. If you want me to solve it, you have to give me a way, right?

"Bobo, you want to beat Murkrow, right? I'm not looking down on you, but Murkrow is special. You have no hope of winning if you compete in speed alone." Wutong said to Bobo.

"Bo! Bobo!" Bobo shouted angrily after hearing what Wutong said.

"Don't be angry, I want to compete with you in a different way. Let's have a battle with my Murkrow. No matter who loses, this matter will end here, how about it?" Wutong suggested.

"Bobo!" Bobo nodded in agreement.

"Then, let's start! Murkrow! Tailwind!" Wutong buffed Murkrow without hesitation.

The airflow swirled around Murkrow.

, Murkrow's speed became much faster.

"Bo~!" Bobo shouted and flapped his wings directly, and a gust of wind swept towards Murkrow.

"Murkrow, let's use the wind too!" Wutong commanded.

"Ga~!" Murkrow flapped his wings, and a gust of wind also swept towards Bobo.

The two gusts of wind met in the air, and then they wanted to tear each other apart and finally disappeared together.

"Bo~!" Bobo took the initiative to attack again. It was obvious that Bobo was the kind of person who had to be on top.

Bobo's speed suddenly increased, and a white light appeared behind him, rushing towards Murkrow like lightning.

"Murkrow! Wing attack!" Wutong shouted hurriedly.

After all, no matter how fast Murkrow was, it was impossible to avoid the flash of lightning. At least the current Murkrow did not have that ability.

Murkrow's wings lit up, and with its own speed, it barely coped with Bobo's flash of lightning attack.

"Murkrow! Give it a big one! Use Brave Bird to attack!" Wutong shouted.

After all, it was a battle of speed, and the skill of Divine Bird Slam that required charging was not suitable, so Wutong directly chose the Brave Bird Slam that Murk Crow had just learned.

The blue-white energy covered Murk Crow, and Murk Crow transformed into a giant energy bird and rushed towards Popo.

"Po!" Facing the flying energy bird, Popo was not to be outdone, and was also wrapped in blue-white energy and then transformed into an energy bird.

"This Popo can also use Brave Bird Slam!" Wutong was a little surprised, this Popo's talent was really surprisingly good.

The two energy giant birds collided with each other, and the cold energy exploded instantly.

Murk Crow and Popo flew backwards at the same time.

"Murk Crow! Wind!" Wutong chose a skill with a larger range to attack first.

However, this Popo was unexpectedly stubborn, and once again rushed towards Murk Crow with a burst of white light.

"Ga!" Murk Crow also got angry, flapping his wings fiercely and trying to sweep Popo away.

Popo rushed to Murkrow against the wind of Murkrow.

However, because of the wind, the power of Popo's lightning flash was only one tenth of its original power.

However, the strong Popo used up his last strength and gave Murkrow a big blow with his wings in the shocked eyes of Wutong and Shinji.

"This Popo has a lot of personality." Wutong looked at Popo who fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

"This Popo is very good." Shinji commented.

"You two? What are you doing?" Miss Junsha and Miss Joey, who went to work on the other side, finished their work and came back.

Seeing Wutong and Shinji standing there without work, they asked.

"I encountered some trouble. By the way, Miss Junsha, can we capture the Pokémon here?" Wutong asked.

"No problem. The only special thing here is the magnetic field of this island. Most of the Pokémon on the island are very common Pokémon, so you can rest assured to capture them." Miss Junsha said.

"Great, isn't that right, Shinji?" Wutong gently bumped into Shinji and said.

"Mind your own business." Shinji replied and walked towards Bobo.

"Tsk, what an unlovable guy." Wutong said helplessly.

After treating Bobo's injuries, Shinji proposed a battle to conquer Bobo.

But Bobo was unwilling at first, but later, I don't know what Shinji said to Bobo, Bobo agreed.

Although Bobo's talent is very good, it is still a little bit worse than Shinji's trained Pokémon.

So Shinji successfully conquered Bobo.

After this episode, Wutong and Shinji continued to work.

And Miss Joy and Miss Junsha, who had completed their part of the work, also joined in.

But Wutong and Shinji were just here to help.

Soon, with the joint efforts of the four people, the task was successfully completed before the afternoon.

Miss Junsha and Miss Joey did not disappoint Wutong and Shinji. After completing the work, they immediately took the two away from the island.

Because there was other work to do, Miss Junsha and Miss Joey sent the two to the nearest city and left.

Wutong and Shinji looked at the sunshine, the beach and the bay in front of them and fell into deep thought.

Because they had seen enough of this scene, they also watched it for a day and a night when they were on the island.

Of course, there are not so many beauties on the island.

"Where are we?" Wutong felt a little impression, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Why don't we find someone to ask?" Shinji said.

"That makes sense!" Wutong tapped his palm to show his agreement.

Then Wutong and Shinji said

looked at him.

"Okay, okay, I'll go." Wutong looked at Shinji for a while and said helplessly.

"Hey, this guy, excuse me, can you tell me where this is?" Wutong came to the beach and asked a boy who was fishing.

"Here? This is Lanpruchi City, a resort. Is there anyone who doesn't know this place?" The boy turned his head in disbelief.

"You are? Xiaomao?" Wutong asked after seeing the person who was fishing clearly.

"Do you know me? Are you my fan? Sorry, if you want an autograph, I'm afraid you have to say sorry, because my autograph is only for beautiful girls." Xiaomao said with a shake of his hair.

"No, you think too much. My name is Wutong. My grandparents are good friends with Dr. Oak." Wutong immediately retorted after hearing Xiaomao's narcissistic words.

"Oh? You are Wutong? Hello, grandson of grandpa's good friend. Let me introduce myself again. I am Xiaomao." After hearing what Wutong said, Xiaomao stretched out his hand to Wutong and said seriously.

"By the way, I remember Professor Oak and Xiaozhi told me that you were traveling with your girlfriend. How come I didn't see it?" Wutong asked, remembering the group of girls who followed Xiaomao at the beginning.

"My girlfriends? They lost to Aunt Hanako in the beauty pageant yesterday, so they went shopping together today because they were in a bad mood. I don't like that kind of sports very much, so I'm fishing here by myself." Xiaomao explained nonchalantly.

As expected of Aunt Hanako, Xiaomao's girlfriend army is no match for her. But so Xiaozhi and his group have left, right?

"I see, fishing?" Wutong suddenly remembered that there was a good fishing rod in his backpack. It just so happened that he had nothing to do, so he might as well go fishing with Xiaomao.

"Want to go fishing with me? After all, fishing alone is quite boring." Xiaomao made a fishing invitation.

"No problem, but I have a friend here, I'll call him over." Wutong said and went back to find Shinji.

After finding Shinji, Wutong saw that he was checking the Pokémon encyclopedia, probably thinking about tactics or something.

What a strict guy, not only strict with his Pokémon, but also strict with himself.

"Hey, my dear friend, the resort here is Lanpruchi City, how about going fishing with me to relieve your tired mood?" Wutong invited Shinji to go fishing.

Shinji looked at Wutong and wanted to refuse, but he seemed to remember something and nodded and agreed.

He took Shinji to find Xiaomao, but something unexpected happened to Wutong.

"It's you, the gloomy guy!" Xiaomao suddenly shouted after seeing Shinji.

"It's you, the playboy?" Shinji frowned after seeing Xiaomao.

"Do you two know each other?" Wutong smelled the scent of melon and began to look at the two curiously.

"Not really acquaintance." Xiaomao said.

"We've only met once." Shinji responded coldly.

"Come on, tell us your story!" Wutong took out a microphone from somewhere and put it on Shinji's face and asked.

"What strange things did you bring when you traveled?" Shinji said speechlessly while looking at the microphone in front of him.

"Well, don't worry about these details, come on, tell us your story~" Wutong continued to urge.

"It's not a big story, it's just that we both liked a Pokémon at the same time." Shinji said coldly.

"It's just that I was the one who succeeded in conquering it in the end." Xiaomao said proudly.

"A playboy, good Pokémon are just a waste in your hands." Shinji said disdainfully.

"Why do I smell a sour smell, who is eating the sand scale fruit?" Xiaomao responded unyieldingly.

"At the same time, you liked a Pokémon? Could it be Nidoran?" Wutong asked puzzledly.

"How did you know?" ×2 Shinji and Xiaomao asked in unison.

"Guess, guess." Wutong laughed.

Could he say that he had watched the anime and knew what Pokémon you two had, and then we would know after comparing them.

"Don't imitate me, you guy!" ×2 Shinji and Xiaomao said in unison again.

"You two are actually on good terms, right?" Wutong said in confusion.

"Who has a good relationship with him!" ×2 Shinji and Xiaomao said at the same time again.

Shinji and Xiaomao stared at each other, neither of them willing to show weakness.

"Well, since you both don't like each other, why don't we use fishing as a competition?

"Okay." Wutong took out the fishing rod and suggested.

"I will definitely win!" ×2Shinji and Xiaomao snorted at the same time, then sat down next to Wutong, took out the fishing rod and started fishing.

"Am I redundant?" Wutong looked at the two of them and said to himself with some confusion.

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