After lunch, the three did not hang out. After all, the preliminary league will be held tomorrow, and the three are ready to recharge their batteries. And Xiaomao ran back after the evening tea party (incomplete version) of Wutong and the other two. "Hey, Master Xiaomao is back so early." Xiaoming said sourly after seeing Xiaomao coming back. "Not bad, it seems that you finally know your identity, keep it up." Xiaomao said directly. "So where are your six girlfriends?" Wutong asked. "They are my angels. Of course they know that I have to compete tomorrow, so they went to prepare things to cheer me up." Xiaomao said casually with his hair tossed. "This guy seems to be a bit degenerate." Shinji said as he looked at Xiaomao. "Hmph, do you think I care about your jealous words?" Xiao Mao said unmoved.

"No, what's wrong with this guy?" Xiao Ming said with a frown.

"Is he picking up something to eat on the roadside?" Shinji was very uncomfortable with Xiao Mao not quarreling with him directly.

Looking at Xiao Mao's appearance, Wutong rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said: "You met Xiaozhi, and then you challenged each other?"

"How do you know!?" Xiao Mao was shocked by Wutong's words.

"Hehehe, in fact, in this contestant village, no, in the entire Silver Mountain, I have my eyes and ears, and I know everything you do." Wutong instantly turned into a villain and said.

"It's really hard for people to believe that you are actually a Pokémon searcher." Xiao Mao looked at Wutong and complained.

"Mr. Adu should be very hard." Xiao Ming also shook his head and said.

"After all, my subordinate is a fool." Shinji concluded.

"Hey, I have made many contributions, don't slander me!" Wutong said unhappily when he saw the three people standing on the united front.

"Okay, it's time to go to bed. We can't lose tomorrow's game." Xiaomao stretched and said.

"So, are you sure? The way forward?" Wutong asked.

"...That depends on this Silver Conference." Xiaomao said after a moment of silence.

Wutong and the other two looked at each other and didn't ask any more questions. They all rested early for tomorrow's game.

The next day, the Silver Conference officially opened.

"Everyone, please look, the Silver Stadium is completely full. The opening ceremony and the players will enter the venue soon! Now the audience can't wait." The voice of the host sounded on the radio.

Along with the sound of the radio, Wutong and the other four also came to the player entrance channel and waited.

"The Silver Conference venue is full of powerful Pokémon trainers. The competition of strength and skills is about to begin! Who will be the champion? Let's look forward to the fierce competition that is about to begin!" The broadcast continued to warm up the audience.

Wutong and the other four stood in a line waiting to enter, but Xiaomao looked around as if he was looking for something.

Seeing Xiaomao's look, Wutong smiled but didn't point it out.

However, Wutong soon remembered that the Rockets seemed to be coming out to make trouble. After thinking for a while, Wutong's eyes were shining blue.

Then Wutong's shadow moved unnaturally, as if something had left.

"Xiaozhi is here, there." Wutong patted Xiaomao on the shoulder and said.

"The last one is always the last." Xiaomao said with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, when Xiaozhi lined up, Musashi and Kojiro, who were in disguise, came over.

Xiaozhi, who had been fooled many times but never forgot his original intention, was fooled by the two again without any surprise.

Just when Xiaomao was worried and ready to go to check the situation, Musashi and Kojiro's casual clothes suddenly broke.

"You are Team Rocket!" Xiaozhi immediately discovered the problem and shouted loudly.

Hearing Xiaozhi's shout, all the trainers present looked over.

Suddenly being stared at by more than 40 trainers, Musashi and Kojiro panicked.

Have a good journey. Wutong, who was watching the show, thought silently in his heart, and the dream demon took advantage of the chaos to return to Wutong's shadow.

After such a small episode, all 48 trainers successfully entered the venue, and the life runner carrying the sacred flame also ran into the venue very healthily.

Although Xiaozhi missed

An opportunity to pass the torch, but it also saved the injured leg of the life runner, didn't it?

"Come on, Brother Wutong!" Qianhui, the granddaughter of Gangtie, who was sitting in the audience, found Wutong and shouted loudly.

"Come on, Senior Wutong!" Next to Qianhui, Nana, who failed to pass the selection meeting, also shouted at the same time.

"Huh? You also know Brother Wutong? (Senior Wutong?)" Qianhui and Nana looked at each other curiously and asked at the same time.

On the other side of Qianhui, Gangtie and Liu Bo were sitting there chatting.

"I didn't expect that you, A Liu, would come back to cheer for Xiaotong." Gangtie said.

"After all, Xiaotong is a good kid, and I owe him a big favor, so I must come to cheer him up." Liu Bo replied.

"Really, it seems that Xiaotong is really a good kid, and Aquan and Xingzi are really lucky." Gangtie said happily.

"Yes, Xiaotong is indeed a good kid." Liu Bo said, touching a Poké Ball in his arms. This was a gift he prepared, and he planned to give it to Wutong after the Silver Conference.

"It's been a long time since I came to the Silver Stadium to watch a game. Come on, Xiaotong!" Ah Si, who was sitting in another seat in the Silver Stadium, also cheered for Wutong loudly.

"I can actually just watch the live broadcast on TV." The voice of Caidou came from the mobile phone held in Ah Si's hand.

"Yes, you will only bother Caidou like this." Ah Si's wife Miho said.

"Sorry, sorry, Miss, I forgot, hahahahaha." Ah Si said.

"Damn it, I can't cheer for the master directly. The master must win!" Xia Hai, who was on vacation, also came to the Silver Stadium and cheered for Wutong in his heart.

In the new flying palace of Qingche Cliff.

Xiao Ai, Mewtwo, Gastly, Yoyo, Mare, Fang and other Pokémon that Wutong temporarily left behind for Xiao Ai to take care of were all looking at a huge screen together.

"I saw my big brother! Go big brother!" Xiao Ai shouted happily while swinging a light stick.

"Yo Yi!"



Yoyo, Mare and Fang also shouted to cheer for Wutong.

In the breeding house near Suiyi Town in the Sinnoh region, Aquan and Anzi were also sitting in front of the TV, looking forward to their grandson's performance.

At the same time, in a gym in the Hoenn region, a little boy was also looking forward to watching the TV, which was broadcasting the live broadcast of the Silver Tournament.

In the center of the Silver Stadium, Wutong, who was waving and greeting like other trainers, suddenly felt his shoulders become inexplicably heavy.

"Why do I always feel like I have set a lot of flags?" Wutong rubbed his shoulders and muttered to himself.

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