The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Heracross, sword dance!" Shinji commanded.

"Hera!" Heracross stomped his right foot on the ground, swung his body left and right, and waved his arms to dance a fierce war dance.

"Flame horse! A flash of lightning!" Dushe commanded.

The flaming horse rushed towards Heracross with a white light, and the goal was of course to stop Heracross's sword dance.

Shinji watched the action of the flaming horse very calmly.

The flaming horse with white light directly hit Heracross' body. Heracross, who was still dancing the war dance, supported the ground with his feet and used his body to withstand the impact of the flaming horse.

After being knocked back for a long distance, Heracross finally stopped the Flame Horse.

"Heracross, strange strength." Shinji commanded.

"Hera!" Heracross lifted the Flame Horse up with both arms and threw it to the ground.

"Bodybuilding." Shinji did not pursue the victory but commanded Heracross to continue to strengthen himself.

"Hera!" Heracross began to show bodybuilding posture.

Heracross's attack and defense were improved at the same time.

"Flame Horse, Flame Vortex!" Although the Flame Horse's attack was successful, it was entirely because Heracross did not dodge. Dushe also knew that the Flame Horse was not suitable for close combat with Heracross and decisively changed the fighting method.

The Flame Horse was burning with flames and spun towards Heracross.

"Substitute, bodybuilding." Shinji commanded calmly.

Heracross's body was split into two, front and back, and the substitute Heracross was directly wrapped in flames and burned.

The real Heracross continued to do the bodybuilding pose.

Heracross's attack and defense were improved again.

Dushe didn't understand what Shinji was trying to do. He used his body to take on an attack that he could avoid, and continued to do bodybuilding even if he wasted half of his physical strength and energy.

Everything Shinji did was like a rookie academic trainer who had no combat experience and could only command according to the content in the textbook.

But it didn't make sense for a guy who could make it to the final tournament to be so bad. In addition, Shinji's calm look made Dushe more and more uneasy. He always felt that if Heracross was not dealt with quickly, there might be a very troublesome situation.

"Flame Horse! Charge with Flash Flame!" Dushe commanded decisively.

"Heracross, charge at the cost of your life!" Shinji was still commanding Heracross to attack as if he was possessed by Xiaozhi.

Flame Horse was wrapped in blazing flames and rushed straight towards Heracross.

"Hera!" Heracross was not to be outdone. He lunged forward, his wings behind him emitting dazzling light and flapping at high speed, and he crashed into the Flame Horse with an unstoppable momentum.

After the fierce collision, both Heracross and the Flame Horse retreated due to the recoil of the skill.

"Almost done, Heracross! Super Horn Attack!" Shinji said when he saw Heracross flying back.

"Hera!" Heracross, who was hurt again, let out a cry, and his body was wrapped in dark yellow-green energy.

After receiving Shinji's command, Heracross's wings vibrated violently, forcibly stabilizing his body and readjusting his direction.

His feet suddenly stepped on a huge rock, and the huge horn on his head emitted light, and he crashed into the Flame Horse with amazing momentum.

"Flame Horse! Trampling!" Dushe knew that the Flame Horse had no time to dodge at this time and really wanted to have another head-on collision.

The Flame Horse raised the front half of its body, and its two front hooves emitted white light and stepped on the flying Heracross.

However, the imagined evenly matched collision did not occur, and the Flame Horse was directly thrown away by Heracross.

After hitting the boulder and falling to the ground, the Flame Horse lost its fighting ability.

"The Flame Horse lost its fighting ability, and Heracross won!" The referee observed the Flame Horse and commanded decisively.

"It's started, Dushe was too conservative at the beginning." Xiao Ming said.

"Dushe's approach was not wrong, but Shinji's Heracross's fighting style was too plain and simple." Wutong followed.

"That gloomy monster has put a lot of effort to train Heracross's insect premonition characteristics. If it weren't for your help, Wutong, I doubt whether Heracross can hold on to that strict training method." Xiao Mao thought of Shinji's training and said helplessly.

"You are too tall

Look at me. All I did was to make Heracross recover faster. If that Heracross didn't have a strong desire to become stronger, he wouldn't have been able to carry out Shinji's training plan without regrets. "Wu Tong shook his head and said.

You know, the characteristic of Insect Premonition is similar to the "Noble" special characteristic of the three starters. When the HP is less than one-third, the damage of the skills of this system becomes 1.5 times the original.

Of course, this is the introduction in the game. In reality, this characteristic can only be activated when the injury reaches a certain degree.

Pokémon with this kind of characteristic can also be actively activated when they are not injured after training, but Shinji didn't let Heracross go in this active activation direction.

Wu Tong also asked him why, and his answer was that the passive characteristic effect of active activation is definitely not as strong as passive activation.

And Shinji believes that if Pokémon always rely on active activation, they will lose the tension in the crisis moment and their fighting will will also decline.

After all, sometimes, the battle to the end is the Pokémon's own thirst for victory.

Based on this idea, Shinji used the method of training the little flame monkey in the animation to train Heracross in advance, which is why it is covered with scars.

Originally, Wutong thought that Shinji might have tasted the taste of letting other trainers pick up the leak in advance.

However, by chance, Wutong actually discovered that Shinji secretly treated Heracross, although he still had that stinky face and his words were more of a lesson than encouragement.

Sure enough, different experiences will also lead people to different growth directions. The early reconciliation with Lei Si also brought different changes to Shinji, although this may be just a subtle change.

Although there is no way to determine whether this change will be good or bad in the end, at least it seems good now.

After all, Heracross unconditionally trusts his trainer and has the desire and determination to become stronger with his trainer.

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