The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Alakazam, who landed after teleporting, did not expect that his landing position was seen through, and panicked and blocked the two spoons in front of him.

However, Alakazam, whose physical attack and physical defense were so low that it was pitiful, how could his hasty defense withstand the surprise attack of Magura?

Magura's claws wrapped in black air directly broke Alakazam's defense and scratched Alakazam's body.

Alakazam's body inevitably retreated backwards, and a piece of rock in the rock field was killed again.

However, the force of Alakazam's attack was not that high, so the rock did not break.

"What an amazing prediction! Magna successfully judged the landing point of Alakazam's instant movement and made a very effective attack!" the host shouted excitedly.

Although the host was very passionate, all the trainers present with good eyesight could see that Magna's attack was not predicted.

The effect of the surprise attack, coupled with Magna's luck, allowed Magna to successfully perform this performance-like attack.

"Alakazam, self-regeneration." Xiao Mao commanded calmly.

Alakazam stood firm again, with yellow and white dots flashing on his body, and the damage caused by Magna quickly recovered.

"Mamagna, a flash of lightning." Shinji was ready to drag Alakazam into his own rhythm.

"Ma Niu~!" Magna rushed towards Alakazam with a white light.

"Alakazam, Plan A, continuous teleportation." Xiao Mao still let Alakazam focus on roaming, after all, it is very dangerous for a fragile mage to let an assassin get close to him.

"Alakazam~" Alakazam shook the spoon in his hand lightly, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

Magna seemed to have expected it long ago. After rushing past the place where Alakazam was just now, he turned around and continued to look for Alakazam's trace.

Alakazam was also fully prepared this time, and used teleportation continuously.

White light shuttled back and forth in the entire rock field, and Magna kept chasing Alakazam.

Magna and Alakazam seemed to be in a stalemate, but in fact, the small movements of the two Pokémon did not stop.

Magna kept throwing mud around, and the main trick was to let it go.

And Alakazam would leave a reflective wall on the spot before each teleportation.

Many times, Magura crashed into the reflective wall because he couldn't dodge in time. Later, he simply didn't care and just smashed the reflective wall and rushed through.

Of course, Alakazam wasn't much better. Magura just threw mud at random. Not to mention Alakazam, even Magura himself didn't know where the next mud would be thrown.

So every time Alakazam landed, he had to face the unknown baptism of mud rain.

"Alakazam, it's almost time, mental strength!" Xiaomao obviously didn't intend to keep wasting time like this and commanded decisively.

Alakazam's mental power was greatly consumed because of the continuous use of instant movement. In contrast, Magura's physical power was consumed a lot because of the continuous flash of lightning.

And Magura's physical power consumed is the capital for Alakazam to stop and face off.

"Hu!" Alakazam stretched out two spoons, blue light burst out of his eyes, and layers of mental power fluctuations were emitted.

Ma-ra suddenly felt a shock, and was forced to stop in a flash. The large amount of physical strength consumed became its weakness at this time.

"Ma-ra, shadow clone." Shinji commanded decisively.

"Ma-niu~!" Ma-ra's body flashed, and more than ten Ma-ra appeared and rushed towards Alakazam at the same time.

Alakazam opened the Eye of Miracle and immediately began to look for Ma-ra's true body. In front of the Eye of Miracle, the confusing behavior of the shadow clone was meaningless.

However, Alakazam took a glance and found that Ma-ra's true body was not in it.

How is this possible! ? Alakazam couldn't believe it and took another glance, but before he finished the glance, he felt a chill coming from behind him.

Ma-ra's true body touched Alakazam's back without knowing when.

The two claws cut up and down, and Alakazam was directly knocked out.

"Alakazam, hold on, reflective wall!" Xiao Mao shouted loudly.

Alakazam got up with difficulty, turned around and waved the spoon, and transparent energy plates appeared one after another.

"Majura, break it, split it." Shinji felt a little familiar, and he instinctively felt that Xiaomao was going to do something bad.

Upon hearing Shinji's command, Magura did not hesitate, and chopped with his claws in succession, breaking one piece of reflective wall after another.

Alakazam did not stop either, and began to create reflective walls not only in front of Magura, but also around it.


In one second, two strange distortions appeared in the space above Ma-ra's head.

"Finally here?" Xiao Mao said with a smile.

"Ma-ra! Hold on!" Shinji shouted hurriedly.

"Ma-niu!" Ma-ra's body was covered by a green translucent energy shield.

The distorted space also launched an attack, and the energy beam fell, which was blocked by Ma-ra's guard.

Predict the future! Xiao Mao's Alakazam used the prediction of the future at some point.

"It's not over yet, how could I forget that your Ma-ra would hold on!" Xiao Mao said confidently.

Sure enough, after Xiao Mao's voice fell, several space distortions appeared in succession, and Ma-ra no longer had the protection of the energy shield!

Continuous beams of light fell, and Ma-ra lost his ability to fight under such a baptism.

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