After the class was over, the students went to school.

"That's all for today's class. See you tomorrow, everyone." Wutong said with a gentle smile while standing on the podium.

"Goodbye, Teacher Wutong~!" ×N students said goodbye to Wutong and walked out of the classroom one after another.

"Wutong, your lectures have been getting better and better recently. Don't you really want to be a teacher?" Du Juan came over and asked with a smile.

"Maybe I'll consider it when I get tired of traveling." Wutong responded.

This has been a conversation between the two people every day in the past few days.

Du Juan has long been accustomed to Wutong's refusal, and smiled and left the classroom.

Because of the transaction with Bluefar, Wutong's original two-day teacher experience was extended to five days.

"Teacher Wutong, do you have to train today?" As usual, Kleifer came over to Wutong and asked.

"Teacher, take a day off today. I'm going to see a friend. Oh, by the way, please tell Brufal that there will be a guest to see him today." Wutong said.

"Got it, Teacher Wutong~ See you tomorrow~" Kleifer waved to Wutong and left the classroom.

Since Brufal has agreed to his deal, as the captain, he should also meet his team members.

As for why he went to meet his team members today, it was because the documents and Pokémon Searcher's special communicator that Wutong applied for from Adu arrived today.

After leaving Kanaz City, Wutong found a secluded and deserted place in the forest outside Kanaz City to complete the transformation.

"Oh, it's really troublesome. If only I could transform into a dream." Wutong, who transformed into Xiaotong mode, complained while asking the dream demon to take out the motorcycle.

After all, it was a formal meeting with his team members, so Wutong wore the uniform of the Pokémon Hunter. In order to hide a little, he put on the cloak of the Pokémon Hunter's "second uniform" (only available in Kanto and Johto regions).

"Just in case, Ditto." Wutong called Ditto out.

"Mou~" After seeing the appearance of his trainer, Ditto skillfully jumped onto Wutong's shoulder, and then slid in along the collar of the cloak.

After feeling that Ditto had become a decoration on her body, Pokémon Hunter Xiaotong officially set off.

He rode his motorcycle directly to the door of the Battle Cafe, and after parking the motorcycle, Wutong walked in.

After entering the Battle Cafe, Wutong sat in his usual seat.

The business in the cafe was good today, with several tables of guests. Perhaps because there were many guests, Brufar also called out his Pokémon to act as a waiter.

After waiting for a while, Cleifer came over with a menu.

"What do you need?" asked Colefel.

"You are Colefel, right? Just give me a glass of water, and tell Brufar to come and meet his guests when he is free." Wutong said.

"Eh? Just a glass of water? Are you here for a blind date with dad?" Colefel said in surprise.

"Ah? (´°Δ°`)"

"Collefel, isn't this the person my family arranged for me to have a blind date with? And how did you know I was going on a blind date?" Brufar appeared behind Colefel and said.

"Oh no! Sorry, I made a mistake. I remembered that Teacher Wutong left me homework today, so I'm going to do it first!" Colefel turned around and ran away quickly.

"Did that bastard, my elder brother, tell Colefel that? Sorry, you must be Miss Xiaotong. As you can see, there are a lot of people in the store now. Can you please wait for a while?" Brufar said to Wutong after putting down a cup of coffee.

"It doesn't matter. Waiting occasionally is also a good experience, isn't it?" Wutong replied, and then he picked up the coffee and began to enjoy the view outside the window.

Although it was all buildings.

Looking at the people coming and going on the street outside the window, Wutong gradually became a little absent-minded, but a familiar figure brought Wutong back to his senses.

The president of Dewen Company, Zifuqi Mujin, was walking on the street with someone.

By chance, their eyes met, and Zifuqi Mujin nodded politely to Wutong. Wutong also responded subconsciously.

The person walking next to Zifuqi Mujin also turned his head. He was wearing a blue headscarf, had a beard on his face, and his navy blue suit could not hide his muscular figure.


[Shui Wutong! ] Wutong was shocked when he saw the man next to Zifuchi Mujin. How could Shui Wutong be here? In the animation, Shui Wutong should not appear at this time.

However, Wutong quickly reacted. It was not enough to just use the animation as a benchmark. After all, it was impossible for time to stop in a place other than Xiaozhi's existence.

In other words, did Shui Wutong come to investigate the situation in advance at this time? He is indeed a cautious guy, which is really different from his rough appearance.

Shui Wutong of the Water Fleet and Chi Yansong of the Magma Team are full of repulsive elements, but these two guys have one thing in common, that is, their personalities and appearances are seriously inconsistent.

Shui Wutong obviously has a rough appearance of a sturdy man, but his style of doing things like using all kinds of tricks.

Chi Yansong, who looks very gentle with glasses but has a neurotic temperament, is like a reckless man, and he pays attention to rushing around when doing things.

Shui Wutong turned around and saw Wutong, nodded to Wutong, but a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Because Wutong, who was in the pupil mode at this time, was wearing the uniform of the Pokémon Investigator, even if there was a cloak to cover it, Wutong did not deliberately cover it up, so Shui Wutong saw a little of the uniform under Wutong's cloak.

If it was Chiyansong, he would definitely not care, but for a cautious guy like Shui Wutong, he directly discovered Wutong's identity.

Various speculations suddenly floated in Shui Wutong's mind, insider? Identity exposed? Plan stolen? Shui Wutong thought about various possibilities but his face remained expressionless.

Turned his head and continued to talk and laugh with Zifuchi Mujin.

Seeing Shui Wutong's actions, Wutong also thought of something, that guy must have discovered his identity as a Pokémon Investigator.

Although it was an unexpected "encounter", Shui Wutong would never think so. Coupled with the polite nod of Zifuchi Mujin, Shui Wutong would definitely think more.

Since we have met, should we add fuel to the fire? However, it seems a bit difficult for a Pokémon with the identity of Xiaotong to trouble the boss of the water fleet.

It would be bad if he accidentally overturned, after all, Shui Wutong is also a character of a loser. Tsk, it really shames the name Wutong.

He is a Wutong who fights and survives uprightly. At this time, Wutong, who is wearing women's clothes and in Xiaotong mode, thought so.

Shui Wutong, who was still chatting and laughing with Zifuchi Mujin, suddenly felt a sense of discomfort, which was a kind of malice from his own kind.

[Could it be that bastard Chiyansong? No, that bastard has no brains. The feeling just now was clearly the malice of his own kind. Could it be an organization from other regions? 】 Shui Wutong thought secretly in his heart.

Wutong, who was watching the backs of Zifuchi Hibiscus and Shui Wutong leaving, was still thinking about how to cause trouble for Shui Wutong.

[I'm here. ] At this time, a familiar mental wave passed through Wutong's mind.

[It seems that there is no need to worry, you came at the right time, Mewtwo. ] Wutong thought in his heart.

Standing on the top of a tall building, Mewtwo used his superpowers to check Wutong's condition. After discovering Wutong's outfit at this time, Mewtwo fell into thinking.

He took out the item he made, a wristband with pink and taro purple intertwined, with a diamond-shaped pink gem in the center just above the wristband.

As a prop that hosts Mewtwo's energy and can communicate and contact with Mewtwo, it is inevitable that it will be affected by Mewtwo's energy and fix its color.

This is similar to the vermilion orb and the indigo orb, both of which are similar colors to Groudon and Kyogre.

And considering the convenience of carrying, Mewtwo chose to make it into a wristband. After all, it is mixed with taro purple, and Mewtwo's own pink is not that kind of tender pink, so it doesn't look strange for a boy to wear it.

However, after checking Wutong's current state, Mewtwo thought about it and changed the wristband from a wristband to a rose gold cat tail-shaped necklace, with the diamond-shaped pink gem in the center of the necklace.

"Is it better to call big sister occasionally?" Mewtwo murmured to himself.

If Wutong was here at this time, he would definitely shed tears and ask Mewtwo to stop being so considerate. Being too considerate will hurt people's hearts.

It's a pity that Wutong didn't know that the amulet he had been thinking about had changed.

After the people in the cafe left one after another, Brufar also had some free time.

After a simple tidying up, Brufar sat down

Opposite Wutong.

"Sorry, Miss Xiaotong, I kept you waiting for a long time." Brufal said.

"It's okay. After all, I just came here suddenly. I'm really sorry that I only have time to see the future team members today. I'm really incompetent as a captain." Wutong said with a smile.

"No, I've heard about the busyness of the Pokémon Hunter. I'm really sorry to bother you to come for the assessment in person." Although Brufal had a cold face, he still skillfully turned on the business mode and said politely to Wutong

"Wutong has already told me about your general situation. Being able to open a battle cafe at this location shows that you have a certain background. So, do your family agree that you can become a Pokémon Hunter?" Wutong asked directly.

"My two brothers are managing the family business. I only need to receive pocket money every month and dividends every year, so they won't interfere with what I do." Brufal said calmly.

[Although they will urge me to get married quickly when they have nothing to do, always arrange blind dates for me, and even want to trick me into going back to help manage the company. 】Brufal thought secretly in his heart.

"Is that so? Wutong said you are a good person. From the look of Kleifer, Wutong should be right. Then it is a question of strength. Do you mind having a Pokémon battle with me?" Wutong said.

"Of course, I have been prepared for a long time." Brufal replied with expectation.

The battle field appeared in the center of the cafe again, and Wutong and Brufal stood opposite each other.

"Go, Iron Warrior." Wutong had few choices and sent out the Iron Warrior directly.

After all, although the battle cafe is not small, it is still not convenient for Steelix to move.

Wutong suddenly felt that there were too few Pokémon in his small pupil mode. If he encountered a special situation, he really had no choice.

At least the flying Pokémon are very scarce, and there is no ability to deal with air combat.

"Raichu, please." Brufal also called out his Pokémon.

Unlike the last battle, this time Brufal did not send out Desert Dragonfly, but chose Raichu.

But unlike the ordinary Raichu, the Raichu sent by Brufal was the Alola form of Raichu with a clear beach and a tail as a surfboard.

"Alola Raichu? It seems that you have a lot of experience, Brufal." Wutong said after seeing the Alola form of Raichu.

"Because I often like to travel to other regions to find stones, this Raichu was captured when I was traveling in the Alola region." Brufal said.

After Brufal finished speaking, he looked at the Iron Warrior with a thoughtful expression. The Pokémon in front of him was something he had never seen before. But from the appearance, it looked like a hybrid of Gardevoir and Aledo.

Could it be that the two Pokémon have a new evolutionary form? Or other regional forms?

Sure enough, his identity as the future captain is not ordinary.

"You attack first, let me see your strength." Wutong said generously, but at the same time, Wutong's eyes also flashed blue light.

On the roof of the building outside, Mewtwo received Wutong's message.

Mewtwo's eyes burst into blue light instantly, and his mental power covered the surroundings.

After a while, Mewtwo found his target. The figure twisted and split, Mewtwo instantly disappeared from the original place, and appeared near Shui Wutong, staring at him from a distance.

At this time, Shui Wutong suddenly had a strange feeling, as if he was stared at by something terrible. Although it was only a moment, it still aroused Shui Wutong's vigilance.

This is a special feeling as a sixth-in-command. There should be something trying to make trouble, and the target is him.

Although Shui Wutong is confident in his strength, he is cautious and decisively walks to a crowded place.

No matter what, the crowd will be his best cover.

Mewtwo just looked at Shui Wutong's actions indifferently. After all, what Wutong asked him to do was to keep an eye on this guy.

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