The two of them ran all the way to Viridian City, holding Pikachu and Wutong holding Shuiyueyu.

"Viridian City residents, thank you for your hard work! It's almost dinner time. Also, pickpockets and thieves kidnapping Pokémons are happening frequently recently, so please be careful." As they walked into Viridian City, Miss Junsha's reminder came from the loudspeaker.

Seeing Xiaozhi and Wutong walking into Viridian City, the Viridian City racers, cough, no, it was Miss Junsha from Viridian City who came out of the duty booth and stopped the two.

"Stop! No suspicious people are allowed to pass!" Miss Junsha said righteously.

Xiaozhi, who had no travel experience, panicked instantly and wanted to prove that he was a good person.

"Ms. Junsha, this is my Pokémon encyclopedia that can prove our identity. We were attacked by a group of Spearows on the way here. Our Pokémon was seriously injured and urgently needs treatment!" Wutong immediately took out the Pokémon encyclopedia and said to Miss Junsha.

"So that's the case. I'll take you to the Pokémon Center!" Miss Junsha couldn't help but smile.

A police sidecar was driven in front of Wutong and Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi jumped into the sidecar anxiously. Seeing this, Wutong put the water jump fish in Xiaozhi's arms and wanted to sit behind Miss Junsha.

However, as soon as Wutong raised his foot, Miss Junsha accelerated and rushed out directly.

Wutong maintained the action of raising one foot, staring blankly at the motorcycle that had run far away.

"I, I haven't got on the car yet!" Wutong couldn't help but say.

However, Miss Junsha drove the motorcycle and disappeared from Wutong's sight with a beautiful tail drift at the corner.

Wutong had no choice but to run in the direction of Miss Junsha. Fortunately, the Pokémon Center in any city is very conspicuous.

Wutong didn't need to worry about not being able to find the Pokémon Center.

After Wutong chased Miss Junsha away, a hook fell in front of a wanted poster on the bulletin board at the entrance of the police booth and tore off the wanted poster.

Arrived at the Pokémon Center, Pikachu and Aquascaping had been sent for treatment.

Xiaozhi was waiting anxiously on the side, and Wutong was relieved.

After all, as long as they are sent to the Pokémon Center, they will basically come out healthy.

"Phone?" While waiting for Aquascaping and Pikachu to be treated, Xiaozhi found a video phone on the side.

"Okay, don't have this expression. Now that you have come to Tokiwa City, say hello to your family." Wutong said to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi nodded, then ran to the phone and dialed the number at home.

"Hello? Mom?" Xiaozhi said after answering the phone.

"Is that Xiaozhi? Where are you now?" Hanako, who was wearing a bathrobe, happily connected the video.

Wutong, who was standing on the side, saw Hanako, who was wearing a bathrobe, start to look for the figure of a certain doctor in the corner of the video.

After looking around and not finding anything, Wutong sighed with regret. It seems that the mystery of Xiaozhi's father cannot be solved.

"I'm at the Pokémon Center in Viridian City." Xiaozhi replied.

"Oh, you got to Viridian City so soon? I remember that it took your father four days to walk to Viridian City. I didn't expect you to get there in one day. You are better than your father." Hanako said.

This is the fastest time Xiaozhi has walked in his life. Wutong, who was standing on the side, thought secretly in his heart when he heard Hanako's words.

"Of course I am better than my father." Xiaozhi said as a matter of course.

Then Hanako and Xiaozhi started to chat.

Wutong also lost interest and returned to the reception desk of the Pokémon Center to wait for his water jump fish.

Although it was affected by the aftermath of Pikachu's explosion, the injury of the water jumper was much lighter than expected.

So the water jumper was sent out first.

"Gurgle!" The revived water jumper pounced on Wutong.

With a muffled sound, Wutong was thrown to the ground directly. Feeling the pain in his chest, Wutong suspected that two of his ribs were broken.

"Is that instant noodles, Professor Oak?" Xiaozhi's voice came.

Professor Oak hurriedly switched the camera, and at the same time, Professor Oak also saw Wutong who was thrown by the water jumper.

Then Professor Oak unconsciously moved his eyes away, as if he was afraid that Wutong would regret sending the water jumper back.

Seeing Professor Oak's reaction, Wutong felt more pain in his chest.

Professor Oak directly ignored Wutong and began to fool Xiaozhi, expressing his "expectations" for Xiaozhi.

However, after learning that Xiaozhi had a Pokémon,

Before the capture, Professor Oak was disappointed.

Seeing Professor Oak's look, Xiaozhi quickly pointed to the slate with the Phoenix King painted on it and said that he had encountered it.

"This is a Pokémon that no one has ever encountered. You said you met it? It's impossible!" Professor Oak didn't believe Xiaozhi's words at all.

"Professor Oak, Xiaozhi didn't lie. We did see the Phoenix King." Wutong said while holding the water jump fish.

"Xiaotong, when did you recover?" Professor Oak was startled by the sudden appearance of Wutong.

"Don't care about such details. You will get used to being hit after being hit." Wutong said calmly. Of course, it would be better if he didn't rub his chest.

"Since Xiaotong said so, it's really a great discovery. You are so lucky to have seen the Phoenix King." Professor Oak said.

"Eh? Why did you believe what Xiaotong said, Professor Oak!" Xiaozhi on the side complained for himself.

"Oh, my instant noodles are about to be overcooked. I won't chat with you anymore!" Professor Oak looked at his instant noodles and hung up the video call.

"Dr. Oak is really casual." Wutong said.

"Damn it! I must prove to Dr. Oak that I will definitely become the strongest Pokémon trainer!" Xiaozhi was obviously stimulated by Dr. Oak and shouted loudly.

"Come on, I believe in you." Wutong said perfunctorily.

"You are here!!!!" An angry voice came.

Wutong and Xiaozhi looked in the direction of the voice, and the first generation of wise girl Xiaoxia appeared in front of them carrying a scrapped bicycle.

As expected of the first generation of wise girl, her physical fitness is great! Wutong looked at Xiaoxia who was carrying a scrapped bicycle, her face was not red, she was not out of breath, and she could still roar loudly, and Wutong thought secretly in his heart.

After Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia quarreled for a while, the door of the emergency room opened.

Pikachu was finally pushed out, but it didn't look very good.

"So, is it coming?" Wutong said to himself when he saw Pikachu being pushed out.

"Alarm! Alarm! There is an invasion of outsiders in Viridian City, it is likely to be a Pokémon kidnapping group!" Miss Junsha's voice came from the radio.

With the sound of glass breaking, two Poké Balls fell from the single skylight on the ceiling with unknown meaning.



Gas bombs and Arbok appeared. The gas bombs began to release thick black smoke directly.

Xiaozhi and others who were wrapped in black smoke looked around in confusion.

"What kind of smoke is this?" Xiaozhi said strangely, successfully triggering the switch.

"Since you asked sincerely!" Musashi's voice sounded.

"Water Leap! Water Wave!" Wutong interrupted the casting directly.

"Gurgle!" The water leap opened its mouth and streams of water flow rings shot out.

"Let's finish what we are talking about!" Musashi and Kojiro hurriedly dodged the attack and shouted.

"Oh, then you continue." Wutong said obediently.

"Since you asked sincerely!" Musashi said again.

"Water Leap! Falling Rocks!" Wutong scored twice and interrupted the spell again.

"Gululu!" Stones appeared next to Water Leap, and he grabbed one and threw it directly.

"It's dangerous! You little brat is very rude!" Xiaojiro shouted as he felt the stone whizzing past his ears.

"You guys talk about yours, and I attack mine. We don't affect each other~" Wutong replied.

At this time, the smoke had dissipated, and the three members of Team Rocket showed up, with Arbok and Gas Bomb on their left and right.

It's just that Musashi and Xiaojiro's expressions were not very good.

"Do you feel that Xiaotong's personality seems to be a bit dark." Xiaozhi whispered to Xiaoxia.

"Yes, a little bit." Xiaoxia also agreed in a low voice.

"You two? What are you talking about?" Wutong asked with a smile.

"No! Nothing!" ×2 Seeing Wutong's smile, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia trembled and said hurriedly.

"Who are you!" Xiaozhi shouted at the Rocket trio.

"Since you--" Musashi wanted to chant again.

"Water Leap!" Wutong called Water Leap calmly, and Water Leap picked up another stone, with muscles bulging and ready to throw it at any time.

"We are Team Rocket! We are here for Pokémon!" Kojiro said hurriedly.

"What! Don't attack my Pikachu!" Xiaozhi shouted loudly.

"Pikachu? Our target is not the kind of electric mouse that can be seen everywhere." Musashi said disdainfully.

"We only collect expensive and rare Pokémon." Kojiro also picked up a rose again and said.

"Pokémon Center

There is no Pokémon you are looking for!" Miss Joy said.

"There are injured Pokémon here. If you look for them one by one, you will find them!" Musashi said.

"I am going to get angry!" Xiaozhi said angrily.

"You are so long-winded, Water Leap, Water Wave!" Wutong said helplessly, and directly let Water Leap start attacking.

"Gurgle!" Water Leap shot out a series of water rings again.

"Damn, you rude kid! Arbok, poison needle!" Musashi said angrily.

Water wave and poison needle collided in the air and exploded.

"Let's go! "Xiaozhi said as he pushed Pikachu up.

Joey and Xiaoxia also followed Xiaozhi and started to run away. Xiaoxia did not forget to pull Wutong away.

Wutong, who was pulled away, had a question mark on his face. You said you were going to get angry? Why did you just start running?

The four ran to the room where the Pokémon were stored.

Seeing the four running away, Musashi and Kojiro commanded their Pokémon to start wreaking havoc.

The few people hiding in the room just breathed a sigh of relief, and the room suddenly became dark.

"The circuit was cut off, but it doesn't matter, we still have a backup generator." Miss Joy said calmly.

"Pika, Pika, Chuchu! Pika, Pika, Chuchu!" ×N

A shout came, and the lights in the room came on again.

On the other side of a glass. A group of Pikachus were running circles on a machine. Electric currents kept appearing on their bodies and were absorbed into the machine above.

"Wow! So many Pikachus! "Xiaoxia said while lying on the glass.

"An emergency has occurred and the Poké Ball transmission system has been forced to open." An electronic synthesized voice sounded.

"Let's quickly transmit the Pokémon." Miss Joy said seriously.

Wutong and the other two immediately began to help Miss Joy.

Soon, the Pokémon were teleported, and at this time, the Rocket trio also came over.

"You continue, I'll hold them back!" Wutong stood up and said.

"Water Leap! Falling rocks!" Because of the destruction of the Rocket Team, there were many rocks nearby, and the Water Leap began to throw rocks continuously.

"Arbok, poison needle!"

"Gas bomb! Poison gas!"

Musashi and Kojiro, who had just appeared, looked a bit like evil forces, and fought back seriously.

Soon, Xiaozhi and the others successfully teleported all the Pokémon away.

"Hurry up! "Seeing that they had teleported the Pokémon, Wutong said.

When Xiaozhi heard what Wutong said, he quickly pushed Pikachu and ran away.

"Where are you running!" Musashi shouted when he saw Xiaozhi running away.

Gas Bomb and Arbok actually gave up Wutong and Water Leap in front of them and chased Xiaozhi.

"(๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)? ? ? "Wutong had a question mark on his face. Is my Water Leap not worthy? Or do you really love Xiaozhi.

Seeing the Rocket trio chasing Xiaozhi, Wutong and others followed them.

Then I saw Xiaozhi pushing Pikachu and bumping into Xiaoxia's scrapped bicycle.

Then a bunch of Pikachu ran out and lay on Xiaozhi's Pikachu like a pile of monks.

"Pika~chu! "×N Pikachus shouted, and then Musashi Kojiro and Arbok Gas Bullet felt the baptism of the electric current.

Pikachu was also successfully resurrected under this electric current.

"In that case, let me do it. I like to eat mice the most!" Meowth jumped out and said.

"Pika!" Pikachu called to Xiaozhi.

"Pikachu? Yes! I want Pika!" Xiaozhi seemed to understand what Pikachu said.

"Not good!" Wutong felt something was wrong and picked up the water jumper and started running outside.

Just after Wutong ran out of the Pokémon Center, there was an explosion.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I have to sleep on the street tonight." Wutong said to himself as he looked at the ruined Pokémon Center.

"Gulu?" The water jumper in Wutong's arms looked confused, not knowing how the Pokémon Center, which was still good just now, became a ruin.

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