The three birds were so beautiful, but they were still alive.

Wu Tong's eyes twitched as he looked at the three silly birds that appeared in front of him. Very good, it's you again after all the twists and turns, right?

The three silly birds in front of him had numb eyes and dull feathers, but there was only one feather on his chest that was shining very conspicuously.

Wu Tong was under a lot of pressure at this time, with four Pokémon whose strength was unknown but definitely not weak, plus the three silly birds created by the Heart Drop.

Wu Tong, who only had an Iron Warrior by his side, felt that he was afraid that he would have to explain himself here today - no wonder!

A white light appeared around Wu Tong's waist, and Xiao Xiao appeared beside Wu Tong.

Xiao Xiao's hidden eyes shone brightly, and a spiritual force enveloped Wutong, Tiewuzhe and Little Latias.

The next second, Wutong and several Pokémon disappeared in front of Gilluta.

"Hmph, ran away? But it doesn't matter, go! Fight! Release your power to your heart's content!" Gilluta said excitedly while looking at the three silly birds.

"Shua~!" ×3 heard Gilluta's voice, and the three silly birds chirped at the same time, and then rushed out of the Cathedral Museum.

These three feathers were obtained by Gilluta with great effort. They are the feathers of the real God of Fire, God of Thunder, and God of Ice, not the feathers of those ordinary three birds.

Even if the strength of the three divine birds copied by the Heart Drop is far behind the genuine three divine birds, it doesn't matter. What Gilluta needs is the unique breath of the three divine birds.

Even if there is only a trace, as long as the Sea God Lugia feels the breath of the three divine birds entangled together and there is a fight, it will definitely come to dissuade them.

This time he will never let Lugia go, Lugia will definitely become his best collection.

Wutong and his Pokémon appeared on the top of a house near the sea somewhere in Alto Mare.

As soon as Xiaoxiao landed, his body fell softly in the direction of Wutong.

"Sorry, Xiaoxiao." Wutong caught Xiaoxiao and put it back into the Poké Ball.

At this time, a loud cry appeared, Wutong looked up at the sky, and the three clones were fighting in the air.

Pillars of fire, ice light, and lightning flashed alternately in the air, and the whole of Alto Mare was filled with the breath of destruction like the original Asian Islands.

Little Latias looked at the three clones of the three clones raging in the air, and looked at Wutong with a look of help. At this time, it was at a loss.

"It's okay, leave it to me. I thought I would never dance again in this life. Please help me with the music." Wutong rubbed Little Latias's head and stuffed the flute into Little Latias's arms and said.

Little Latias took the flute and transformed into a little girl who looked 90% like Wutong in Xiaotong mode.

At this time, the moon had just risen to its highest point, and the moonlight fell from the sky, shining on the back of Wutong, which made Wutong look a little holy.

"It's been almost two years, I shouldn't have forgotten it." Wutong muttered to himself and threw his hat into the sky. The next second, the long-lost prayer dance began.

Although Little Latias didn't know why Wutong wanted to dance, it chose to believe it, and it also thought of a way.

The melodious flute sound appeared, the moonlight, the flute sound, the "girl", dancing alone, a picture of "Yiren" dancing under the moon was beautiful and moving.

Wutong's superpower was activated, and the unknown totems in his palms assisted, and a weak signal began to be transmitted.

Under the playing of Little Latias, small angel wings appeared on both sides of the flute again, and an inexplicable energy rhythm complemented Wutong's superpower.

The originally weak signal instantly became stronger and went directly to the Asian Islands.

In the Asian Islands, Fire Island, Thunder Island and Ice Island, the three stupid birds felt Wutong's call, and the three stupid birds sang loudly at the same time.

"Shua~! (It's the big sister!)"

"Shua! (The big sister is calling us!)"

"Shua~! (The big sister is in danger!)"

"Shua~! (No one can bully our big sister!)" ×3

Three different energy columns rose into the sky from the three islands at the same time, and the three stupid birds rushed out of their respective nests with amazing momentum and flew towards Odomare.

In the ocean currents under the deep sea, because he felt a trace of the breath of the three stupid birds entangled with each other, Lugia who went to Alto Mare also felt the call of the prayer dance.

But then Lugia found that the more intense breath of the three stupid brothers appeared in the nest of his three stupid brothers.


It's just that the auras of the three little brothers here are not entangled, that is to say, there is no fight between them, but these three auras are moving quickly, and the direction is surprisingly consistent, which is also the direction of Odomare.

Lugia felt confused, but the speed increased a bit.

On the roof of a house on the coast of Odomare, Little Latias finished his song, and Wutong's prayer dance also entered the final stage. When Wutong finished the last action and stood still, three figures in red, yellow and blue also appeared.

"Shua~! (Big sister! We are here!)"

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