The two of them were in a hurry to get to know each other.

Armato and Kosaburo, who were not wearing the Rockets uniform but casual clothes, were hiding behind a boulder, secretly observing Wutong and Mu Xiao.

The next second, a coolness appeared on their necks, accompanied by a burst of onion fragrance.

Armato and Kosaburo trembled suddenly, and then turned their heads stiffly.

"Ga~Ga~" The onion soldiers shouted at the two people a few times.

Then, the onion soldiers escorted the two people to Wutong and Mu Xiao.

"Wutong, your onion soldiers... seem to have caught someone." Mu Xiao said as he looked at Armato and Kosaburo who were escorted over.

"Long time no see, Armado and Kojiro." Wutong greeted them.

After all, the Hoenn region is not Team Rocket's territory, so Wutong really hasn't seen these two guys for a long time.

"It's Kojiro! Kojiro!" After hearing what Wutong said, Kojiro suddenly said angrily.

"It's been a long time, but I didn't expect you to really believe us." Armado looked at Wutong with a complicated expression.

Armado and Kojiro are neither good nor bad in Team Rocket. They are not as good as those cadres, but they are much better than ordinary soldiers.

They have always regarded Musashi Kojiro as their opponents. They can only be regarded as talents, but not high-end talents.

It's like the heavenly soldiers and generals who besieged Sun Wukong. They are much stronger than mortals, but they can't touch any god with a position.

According to the original plot, Yamato and Kosaburo will withdraw from Team Rocket one day in the future, and run a coffee shop and a bakery respectively.

But now, because of Wutong's influence, the time for the two to withdraw from Team Rocket has been advanced.

The two who withdrew from Team Rocket took the initiative to contact Wutong, wanting to find a job here, after all, Wutong had tried to poach the two before.

Wutong was a little surprised at first about the contact between the two, after all, he didn't expect the two to leave Team Rocket so quickly.

The previous poaching was just a casual act, purely to try their luck.

As for why he didn't suspect that the two were Sakaki's spies... To be honest, Sakaki's impression of the three members of Team Rocket is probably clearer than his impression of these two people.

In addition, Wutong himself has almost no intersection with Sakaki, and he hasn't met Yamato and Kosaburo for nearly a year. Wutong really can't figure out why Sakaki wants these two people to come here as undercover.

Moreover, the reason why Amado and Kosaburo quit the Rockets was too real, because Amado and Kosaburo's work failed continuously and they didn't produce any results.

So Amado and Kosaburo's wages were basically deducted, and the other "colleagues" were more and more reluctant, and the leader Dr. Rambo always gave some outrageous and difficult tasks.

(Ice Cube's phone, which was typing, suddenly made a sound, and he hung up decisively!)

The accumulation of one thing after another made Amado and Kosaburo give up their career in the Rockets long in advance.

And because they gave up too early and too suddenly, the two who had not yet set the dream of opening a cafe and a bakery had nowhere to go.

Naturally, Amado and Kosaburo thought of Wutong, who had once offered them an olive branch, and with a try-it mentality, the two tried to contact Wutong.

And Wutong did not disappoint them. He was ready to accept the two after just thinking about it. After all, Wutong was in urgent need of manpower now.

After all, Amado and Kosaburo are core talents, just filling the gap of the core force of the Rayquaza Team.

"So, who are they?" Mu Xiao asked.

"I poached these two from Sakaki, and they are also your future subordinates." Wutong responded with a smile.

Hearing Wutong's words, Mu Xiao's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his knife-like eyes pierced Amado and Kosaburo.

Amado and Kosaburo hugged each other and trembled, feeling as if they had just escaped from the wolf pack and entered the tiger's den.

Mu Xiao still chose to believe in Wutong's poaching skills, but he still said that he would seriously evaluate Amado and Kosaburo.

Just when Mu Xiao took the vermilion mask and was about to take Amado and Kosaburo to meet up with Brufal, Wutong stopped them.

"Don't worry, take our secret base with you." Wutong said calmly.

"Secret base?" Mu Xiao said puzzledly.

The next second, the sky darkened and a huge flying

The device flew down from the clouds.

Wutong's former trophy, the flying palace transformed by Mewtwo and the clone Pokémon, contributed by Gilluta, appeared in front of Wutong and his companions.

The exterior of the flying palace has been painted dark green, and has the same dark gold pattern as Rayquaza.

In addition to the original flying device, a flamethrower was added to increase power and better adjust the direction, and the hall that was originally leaking air was also surrounded by walls.

From the original strange steampunk-style flying machine, it has become the current flying fortress.

And inside this new flying palace, Pikachu (Pikachu clone) and Meowth (Meowth clone) are driving the flying palace.

Of course, Meowth is mainly in control, and Pikachu is the navigator.

Yamato and Kosaburo looked at the flying palace and showed a very standard expression of surprise, with their mouths and eyes wide open, very surprised.

I didn't expect that Wutong's previous poaching of them was really not just talk, but really capable.

After sending Mu Xiao and Yamato Kosaburo, who had not yet recovered from their surprise, to the flying palace, Wutong said hello to Pika and Meow Meow, and then waved goodbye to them.

In this way, most of the parts he was responsible for had been solved, and the rest depended on the efforts of Brufar and others.

In fact, after seeing Mu Xiao, Wutong wanted to trick him into joining his team, but Mu Xiao still had a position in Interpol, which directly silenced Wutong.

Having solved another big problem, Wutong embarked on his journey again.

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