The weather was very hot, but the weather was very good.

Liu Mu stood on the dock of Wudou Town, observing the surrounding area. Although Wudou Town was just an island city, it had a large population. There were many sailors busy at the dock, and many children running through the town with laughter.

Old man Hatch, who was sitting on the speedboat, stopped the speedboat and said to Liu Mu.

"Little Liu, I have been at the dock all this time. If you have anything, you can come here to find me."

After saying this, old man Hatch jumped off the speedboat and walked into the house at the dock.

Liu Mu and the other two also walked out of the dock. At the door of the dock, Huang Yan and Sun Yan looked at Liu Mu with inquiring eyes, and Liu Mu also rubbed his chin and said.

"You two go to the Pokémon Center and open three rooms first. I'll walk around the city."

After hearing Liu Mu's order, Huang Yan and Sun Yan nodded and turned to walk towards the Pokémon Center, while Liu Mu walked in the opposite direction and took out the navigator to search the map of Wudou Town.

Liu Mu looked at the map of Wudou Town displayed on the navigator screen. In the opposite direction of the Pokémon Center, there was a very conspicuous building and several battle sites on the beach.

Liu Mu saw these battle sites on the map and thought of what old man Hatch said about setting up a ring. He raised his eyebrows and walked quickly towards the battle site.

Liu Mu walked on the street and often saw fighting trainers in white clothes, eating and chatting in pairs or shouting and making appointments to fight each other. The pedestrians on the street seemed to be accustomed to it. There was no panic. They all turned a blind eye and were busy with their own things.

Liu Mu was amazed at the tough style of the fighting trainers in Wudou Town, and at the same time, he was also amazed at the common people in Wudou Town. Seeing such a strange sight, Liu Mu was moved.

"The folk customs in Wudou Town are really tough. In other towns, when there is a conflict between trainers, other civilians will definitely scatter in a hurry, for fear of being affected."

Liu Mu looked at the surrounding situation, and kept marveling in his heart. On the surface, he shook his head and continued to walk towards the battle site.

Liu Mu walked for a while, and when he was about to approach several battle sites, a wall with a white body and a black top appeared in Liu Mu's sight. After careful observation, he found that it was a large group of people in white fighting clothes, surrounding the battle site.

Liu Mu listened to this large group of people constantly waving their hands and cheering, and his face was also interested. He walked over and barely squeezed through this high white wall. He looked excitedly at the wrist force and the under-the-hood warriors on the battle site. They burst out with energy and punched each other.

The blood-pumping battle scene made the audience cheer louder and louder, and the trainers and elves on the field heard the audience's shouts, and their hands became more powerful.

At the same time, the two trainers shouted, and then they rushed forward at the same time, collided with each other, held each other's shoulders, and started wrestling.

Suddenly, when they were wrestling with each other, one of them suddenly raised his foot and kicked the other's leg, and the other was restrained and knelt on one knee on the spot. He kicked several more times, even in the chest, and continued to pursue, releasing the other's shoulders with both hands, and hitting the other's face with a heavy cannon.

The other party was dizzy from this heavy punch, and at this moment, the elves' wrist strength also took the upper hand in the battle, hitting the underworld strongman and retreating several steps with his chest covered.

At this moment, a man in black tights walked out of the audience, raised his hands and shouted.

"The winner has been decided. Both sides stop fighting. The winner is Fei Yong, who has won five games in a row."

After hearing the referee's verdict, the sturdy man in white fighting clothes and a black flat-top hairstyle on the field immediately raised his hands and began to cheer, and the audience off the field also cooperated with him in a timely manner and gave him enough congratulations.

Fei Yong listened to the audience's shouts and congratulations, and his heart gradually swelled. He lost his mind and raised his hands and shouted to the audience.

"Who else!"

Hearing Fei Yong's arrogant shouting, Liu Mu, who was standing in the crowd, was happy. He knew that the opportunity had come. He had been interested in this kind of fist-to-flesh fight in his heart, so he immediately raised his hands and shouted loudly.

"I'll fight you."

Fei Yong on the field was stunned on the spot after hearing Liu Mu's shouting. He didn't expect that someone would dare to smash his place. Then he looked in the direction of the sound. He saw Liu Mu in casual clothes and a young face, which made Fei Yong feel a little disdainful, but it seemed that he thought of

What, or cautiously asked.

"Okay, little brother has courage, may I know your name?"

Seeing Liu Mu's thin body, the audience's eyes revealed disdain and teasing, and everyone made up their minds that Liu Mu, a young man, would not last more than one round.

Liu Mu squeezed out, took out the Zubat Poké Ball and spoke.

"My name is Liu Mu, just a nobody, see you, brother, you just played a game, I came up to take advantage, and please forgive me, brother Cui."

After hearing Liu Mu's name, Cui Yong thought about it, but he didn't remember which young talent was called this name, and his disdain in his heart became even heavier. Cui Yong didn't care about the second half of Liu Mu's words at all, just smiled and said indifferently.

"Well, little brother, you release the Pokémon and start the battle. Don't blame me for being too ruthless if you lose."

When Liu Mu heard Cui Yong agreed, he smiled even more. He didn't care about his ridicule. In his observation, his wrist strength was just ordinary low-level, and he was injured. Although it was a challenge for Zubat, which was only at the advanced level of juvenile, the restraint of attributes and the superiority of qualifications also made it possible to fight.

Liu Mu threw Zubat's Poké Ball with a smile on his face. With a bang, the Poké Ball opened and shot out red light. Zubat flapped its wings and appeared on the battlefield.

When Cui Yong saw Zubat appear, his expression froze, but then he relaxed. The momentum of Zubat was obviously weaker than his wrist strength, and he mocked.

"Boy, don't think you can win by using attribute restraint. The gap in strength is too big to be made up by attribute restraint. Well, I'll give you a free lesson."

After saying that, he commanded the wrist force to launch the attack first. The wrist force burst out with momentum, gathered superpowers, and rushed towards the position of Zubat.

When Liu Mu heard Cui Yong's ridicule again, he just remembered it silently, and then opened his mouth to order Zubat.

"Zoobat, increase the distance, use ultrasonic waves, and then use wings to attack and consume the opponent when the opportunity arises."

Zoobat had been angry for a long time since he heard the opponent taunt Liu Mu several times. He immediately flew higher, gathered energy in his mouth, and fired a gray sound wave at the wrist force that was rushing over.

Wrist force originally wanted to take advantage of the momentum to jump and close the distance, but it was this pause that hit him first by the sound wave of Zubat. He felt dizzy and dizzy on the spot. His knees were bent and ready to jump, but the sudden dizziness caused his body to become weak, and he half-knelt on the spot.

The Zubat in the sky immediately wrapped itself in gray-white energy and rushed towards the wrist force with a flash of lightning. When the distance was only three meters, the wrist force sensed the approach of danger, but he was dizzy and couldn't find the target, so he had to gather energy with both hands and punch randomly.

Seeing the embarrassed look of the wrist force, the Zubat snorted in disdain. Originally, it was about to hit the direction in front of him, but the Zubat flapped its wings and turned suddenly. The Zubat turned a 7 shape and came behind the wrist force.

Then the Zubat gathered sky-white energy with its wings and attacked with its wings. The wrist force, who was about to stand up, was hit again. He screamed in pain, and his knees that were originally straightened bent down again. Then the Zubat gathered black energy teeth in its mouth and attacked the wrist force's head with a bite.

When the opponent Cui Yong saw the wrist force half-kneeling, he immediately thought it was not good, and immediately raised his feet and rushed towards Liu Mu.

Liu Mu looked at Cui Yong who was rushing towards him, and instead of fear, he was happy. He also rushed forward quickly. When Cui Yong saw Liu Mu taking the initiative to fight, he shouted with disdain.

"You ignorant little brat!"

As soon as Cui Yong finished speaking, a straight punch came straight to Liu Mu's face. This punch was extremely fast, but Liu Mu did not dodge sideways. He bent down forcefully, and his calves were firmly stuck into the ground, making a move similar to the iron bridge.

Liu Mu looked at the arm in front of him, and immediately hugged it with both hands, then pulled up his calves and kicked Cui Yong's chest twice. Cui Yong felt the pain in his chest, groaned, and threw Liu Mu away with a flick of his arm.

Liu Mu was thrown to the ground, feeling the burning pain in his back, and quickly got up and continued to run towards Cui Yong.

The two sides collided again. Liu Mu was excited and slammed his shoulder into Cui Yong's chest. There was a bang. Cui Yong was obviously uncomfortable and his movements were stagnant, but he still grabbed Liu Mu's collar and then slammed his left hand into Liu Mu's face.

Liu Mu was restrained and couldn't dodge. He came up with a plan and grabbed his collar with both hands and pulled it hard. With a hissing sound, Liu Mu tore his clothes on the spot, so that Liu Mu was no longer restrained. Liu Mu lowered his body and narrowly avoided the attack.

This punch.

Liu Mu straightened up, and with his right hand, he threw an uppercut directly at Cui Yong's chin. Cui Yong felt a sharp pain in his chin, and his mind began to become unclear, and his steps were a little light.

In the distance, the referee in black tights saw the situation on both sides and immediately shouted.

"The winner has been decided, let us congratulate the new fighting star on his debut."

Hearing the referee's shout, Liu Mu retracted his raised whip kick, and wanted to add fuel to the fire of this group of fighting trainers, and said arrogantly.

"Teach me? You are not qualified, and those present are not qualified!"

As he said that, Liu Mu completely tore off the tattered clothes on his body, revealing a body full of scars, with a smile on his face, looking around provocatively.

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