The more he looked at the ground, the more he was able to see the more he looked.

Liu Mu sat on a chair, looking at the various elite resources scattered on the ground with a calm look in his eyes, without much emotion in his heart.

After three months of careful instruction from Teng Shu, Liu Mu was no longer the young boy who had just started out. The scale of the resources scattered on the ground was about the same as the scale of the resources Liu Mu used to train three elves in three months, and there were also a large number of resources given by Teng Shu in his own space backpack.

The captain looked at Liu Mu's calm expression, and the hope that had just risen in his heart had already cooled down halfway, and he only heard Liu Mu speak.

"I can take this commission, but you need to wait for a while. I will come to Wudou Town after my strength increases."

After hearing Liu Mu's words, the captain's face immediately showed joy, and his heart, which had been half cold, was completely alive.

At this moment, Liu Mu pulled out the table and chair and half squatted down, picking out some of the elite resources and putting them into the space backpack. Then Liu Mu raised his head, looked at the captain and asked.

"Captain, I still don't know your name. I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome to find you when the time comes."

The captain, who was originally overwhelmed by joy in his heart, stood there for a long time. After hearing Liu Mu's words, he immediately reacted and spoke.

"Little brother, my real name is Li Wenbin. Those guys running on the sea call me Master Li. Little brother, you can just call me Lao Li."

After listening, Liu Mu silently remembered the name, and then smiled and said.

"You are old, so I'll call you Master Li. Now that the matter is settled, I'll leave first."

After listening to this, Li Wenbin also smiled. Finally, when he heard that Liu Mu was leaving, he hurriedly waved goodbye. The emotions in Li Wenbin's heart could not be calmed for a long time.

When Liu Mu walked in the aisle of the cabin, he began to think about this commission.

Nowadays, Liu Mu is not short of elite resources, but he is more interested in the elf mentioned by Li Wenbin. After all, when he was describing the elf, Liu Mu went over the characteristics of the elf in his mind.

Strangely, this is a new elf that Liu Mu has never seen before, and according to Li Wenbin's words, this elf is also considered to be powerful among the elites, which makes Liu Mu interested.

Then Liu Mu returned to his room and began to rest.

At noon, the cruise ship made a buzzing sound, and a sailor came to Liu Mu's room, knocked on the door, and then spoke respectfully.

"Mr. Liu, we are almost in Chenghua City."

Liu Mu, who was still resting, suddenly opened his eyes, then stood up and opened the door. Looking at the sailors who were still knocking on other people's doors in the corridor, he did not disturb them too much and went directly to the deck.

Seeing that the deck was full of bustling people at this moment, and several devices that looked like elevators suddenly appeared near the railings of the deck, and several sailors surrounded the machines and were operating something.

Just as Liu Mu was observing the deck, a shout suddenly came. Liu Mu turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Huang Yan and Sun Yan walking over quickly.

"Senior Liu, the ship is about to dock. We are very grateful to you for your care for the past three months. After we meet our families, we will leave Fengyuan area and go to other areas for training."

Huang Yan and Sun Yan said at the same time, and it can be seen that they are very grateful to Liu Mu. When Liu Mu heard that the two were leaving, his expression froze for a while, then he smiled, patted the shoulders of the two, and spoke.

"Okay, see you later. I hope that when we meet again, you two will have broken through to the elite level."

The two listened to Liu Mu's words, smiled and nodded sincerely.

Then they turned around and saw that the machine on the railing had started and had begun to send the passengers waiting on the deck to the beach next to the ship.

After the ship dropped the anchor, it gradually slowed down on the beach near Chenghua City. Liu Mu on the deck looked at the slow speed of the machine, shook his head, stood in front of the railing and chose an empty beach, and then jumped directly from the ship in the surprised eyes of the passengers.

The strong wind blew Liu Mu's hair back, and even his skin was a little stinging. Then he immediately mobilized his energy. In an instant, a pink film wrapped Liu Mu's whole body, and at the same time, reddish-brown energy was emitted on the film.

Then Liu Mu twisted his waist and slammed into the ground. With a bang, sand and dust splashed in an instant, raising a lot of smoke.

And the sailors on the deck of the ship saw

Liu Mu raised his fist to disperse the smoke and dust, then raised his head and shouted to the sailors on the deck. I'm fine. You keep busy. Remember to thank Master Li for me. Then Liu Mu waved goodbye to Huang Yan and Sun Yan, who were standing on the railing with a worried look on their faces, and then turned and walked towards the Chenghua Forest. Liu Mu stood in front of the entrance of Chenghua Forest, looking at this familiar forest. Liu Mu sighed in his heart, then took out the Poké Ball, released the wolfhound, rode on it directly, and then said. "Let's go, wolfhound, back to Suzuki Town!" After hearing that he was going back to Suzuki Town, the wolfhound was also very happy, wagging his tail quickly, and then immediately lowered his body and ran towards the forest. Liu Mu looked at the trees flashing by in front of him. The strong wind blew on his face, making Liu Mu feel a little painful. Now, after the big wolfhound broke through the elite level, its speed was as different as before.

Even with Liu Mu's physique as a fighter, although he was not in a completely victorious state before the outbreak, the wind from the big wolfhound's running could make Liu Mu feel a little pain.

Suddenly, Liu Mu, who was sitting on the big wolfhound, moved with superpowers in his mind and felt a familiar figure in the distance. Liu Mu immediately patted the big wolfhound's neck and signaled him to slow down.

The big wolfhound slowed down, and at this moment Liu Mu also closed his eyes, released superpowers from his body, and explored the scene in front.

Under Liu Mu's superpower perception, many people gathered in front and were sitting in place to rest. On the periphery of the crowd, several people were observing the surrounding environment in a scattered manner, and one of them was very familiar to Liu Mu.

After Liu Mu retracted his superpowers, he smiled, turned over and landed, patted the wolfhound's head, signaled it to follow him, and then Liu Mu raised his legs and walked forward.

A young man on the periphery of the crowd heard the sound coming from the bushes, immediately took out the Poké Ball, released a large-billed gull, and then shouted loudly.


Liu Mu himself did not stop when he heard the shout, but just smiled and shouted.

"Huang Xing!"

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