The old man was very angry, but he was still alive.

Gu Xuanyuan then turned his gaze to the other side of the stone platform.

【Name】Huangfu Qi

【Realm】Martial Emperor

【Terms】Immortal Phoenix (gold), Sword Master (gold), Seven Killings (red), Immortal Phoenix Dharma (red), Unparalleled Talent (red), Believer (purple), Dark Origin (blue)

【Immortal Phoenix】A trace of the legendary monster Immortal Phoenix bloodline returned to its ancestral home. It was seriously injured and dying, and could enter the state of Nirvana. After recovery, most of the negative effects could be eliminated, and the martial arts realm fell, but the mental strength was enhanced.

【Seven Killings】Seven Killings Fate, Seven Killings enter the main life palace, subverting order, and becoming the overlord of troubled times.

[Believer] Believer of the Undying Dark Wind.

[Dark Origin] Contains a trace of the Dark Origin in the body. If it is exposed for a long time, it will transform into an abyss monster. The wisdom is still there, but the cognition has changed, and it believes in the abyss itself.

‘Oh my god! ’

‘Huangfu Qi! ’

This title is too big. The leader of the current demon alliance has the title of the first martial emperor.

Once 7 martial emperors joined forces to surround and kill him, but one of them was killed in the end, and then he ran away directly.

2 gold 3 red, this is the person with the highest entry quality that Gu Xuanyuan has seen except Xiao Yun.

‘This is the legendary monster Undying Dark Phoenix bloodline reversion, the Dharma image does not make the body, but makes the Undying Dark Phoenix, and also makes a believer of the Undying Dark Phoenix.

This is locked tightly with the Undying Dark Phoenix! ’

‘And this Dark Origin, what is the relationship between it and the Divine Power Origin?

The world behind this black entrance is called the Abyss? ’

Gu Xuanyuan sighed and passed by the Seven Killings Chao Dou Fate.

In Gu Xuanyuan's cognition, as long as the Martial Saint Xiao Yun was still there, Daxia would not be in chaos.

Then what's the use of you, the overlord of the chaotic world?

Gu Xuanyuan, who had collected his thoughts, looked at the eight-armed monster who was talking to Huangfu Qi.

The leader of the eight-armed monster did not look very strong, probably the breath of a 6th-level rare monster.

But Huangfu Qi talked to it on an equal footing, without a contemptuous attitude.

'This monster can actually talk, it is not as simple as a monster. '

Looking at the neatly arranged army of eight-armed monsters, Gu Xuanyuan had some guesses. Now that he saw that they could talk, and the wisdom in the explanation of the entry still existed.

He was more certain that these monsters were all intelligent.

It was hard to say what level they were at, but they could communicate with Huangfu Qi, at least they were not fools or children.

'This Thundering Mountains cannot be stayed. ’

Gu Xuanyuan immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to inquire about the situation and retreated cautiously.

This situation was not something that a young Karami who had just entered the martial arts master could participate in. He had to shake people.

He flew for three days and three nights in one breath and slipped out of the Thundering Mountains.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xiao Yun.

Because the magnetic field of the Thundering Mountains is special, the signal will be interfered, so Gu Xuanyuan did not contact Xiao Yun immediately in the Thundering Mountains.

[3 days ago, I found a black crack in the Thundering Mountains, and black monsters with eight arms kept pouring out of it. They can also use black energy to revive dead monsters.

The most important thing is that the leader of the Monster Alliance, Huangfu Qi, was talking to the leader of one of them next to the crack.

Come quickly! 】

Seeing that there was no immediate reply, Gu Xuanyuan knew that he was probably busy with other things and didn't look at his phone.

But Gu Xuanyuan did not give up, and then sent messages to other big guys who could be contacted.

That is, Shangguan Yan, Chen Hanyi, and Xu Anlin.

But he didn't reply immediately.

"Big guys are always busy!"

Among them, Xu Anlin and Gu Xuanyuan are obsessed with the space ring project, and they are probably working on ironwork at the moment.

I don't know what the other two are doing.

"Alas, after 3 days, I guess everyone is gone, but the crack should not be able to escape.

The threat of the monster is still there, and another abyss monster has popped up!"

Gu Xuanyuan was a little tired after flying for three days in a row, so he rented a room in a small hotel at the foot of the Thunder Mountain Range.

Just as he was about to eat, his phone kept vibrating.

Xiao Yun's video projection came in.

Gu Xuanyuan connected the video, but did not stop eating. He consumed a lot and was very hungry.

When he saw that Gu Xuanyuan was safe and sound and was still gnawing on a monster leg, he suspected that Gu Xuanyuan had deceived him.

But Xiao Yun, who had a certain understanding of Gu Xuanyuan, quickly denied this idea.

He said with a serious face: "What happened specifically, please tell me in detail!"

Gu Xuanyuan processed his situation and told it.

Anyway, lying.

Gu Xuanyuan was already familiar with the route, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating.

Xiao Yun was very excited when he heard Gu Xuanyuan's story.

Hearing that Gu Xuanyuan had broken through to the martial artist level.

He was very surprised.

This speed was indeed too fast.

Like other martial arts university geniuses, they broke through in the middle or end of the first semester of their freshman year.

Before the end of the first semester of his freshman year, Gu Xuanyuan was promoted directly from a warrior to a martial artist.

Then he heard that Gu Xuanyuan decided to hunt monsters and look for thunder seeds, and went to the depths of the Thunder Mountain Range and reached the edge of the core area.

Xiao Yun was surprised and suspicious.

Surprised at Gu Xuanyuan's courage, and puzzled about Gu Xuanyuan's true strength.

Although Gu Xuanyuan said how difficult his journey was, and he escaped from the mouths of 5th and 6th level monsters many times.

Now he has a stress response when he sees monsters, which is to hide.

But Xiao Yun naturally didn't believe it.

‘This kid, why don’t you lie like a real person!’

Gu Xuanyuan was completely giving up when he told this part.

The abyss crack was at the edge of the core area, and there was no way to hide this.

And this could not be hidden, and a martial artist alone went to the edge of the core area of ​​the Thunder Mountain Range, and there was no way to justify it.

Then he just gave up.

Anyway, it was not important how Gu Xuanyuan went deep into the Thunder Mountain Range.

Then he told the story of encountering a black monster hunting, finding that they were intelligent, and then following them and finding the entrance to the abyss.

“That’s what happened!”

After listening, Xiao Yun frowned.

“Are you sure it’s Huangfu Qi?

How do you know him?”

Gu Xuanyuan had a plan in mind.

“I was attacked by a member of the Demon Alliance before, and then I checked the information of the Demon Alliance and saw Huangfu Qi’s photo.

Although he is much older than in the photo, he is correct.”

Xiao Yun stared at Gu Xuanyuan, not knowing what he was thinking.

Gu Xuanyuan was very relaxed, he had said everything he needed to say.

If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up.

‘Looking at this kid’s confident look, it must be Huangfu Qi.

Did he open the entrance to the abyss?

He is so restless!

The entrance to the abyss on the South China Sea Islands was still expanding, and now another one has appeared! ’

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