The old man was very happy.

In the gym in Chenghua City, the gym master Qianli was explaining the problem to his apprentices, "Okay, is there anything else you want to ask?"

One of the young apprentices quickly asked, "Teacher, is the qualification of the elves really determined from birth, and there is no possibility of improvement after birth?"

After hearing this question, the other students also looked at Qianli with hope.

Qianli pondered for a while and responded, "It's a good question. Normally, the qualifications of elves are indeed determined at birth."

The students were a little depressed when they heard this, but a smart student said, "Teacher, if this is really the case, you should not say that this is a good question. There should still be a chance of turning around, right?"

Qianli looked at him and smiled, "You are the smartest. Of course, there is a chance of turning around. For example, if your elf cultivation level reaches excellent or above, there is a chance that it can break through to a new qualification when it evolves. To improve the cultivation level, you need not only hard training, but also the assistance of resources, or the help of some opportunities." The other students thought about it after hearing it.

Another student asked, "Then what is the opportunity, teacher?"

Qianli said thoughtfully, "Generally speaking, the gift of the beast, such as the three legendary beasts in the Kanto region, is a typical example. They were originally ordinary elves but received the gift of the beast and jumped up in one fell swoop. Of course, this kind of opportunity basically only exists in legends. We basically It is impossible to get in touch with it. "

"But there is one kind that ordinary people like us really have the opportunity to get in touch with, which is the inheritance of the elves. The elves that can leave behind inheritance are basically elite level, and they have to be in very special circumstances, such as this elf has a great wish that has not been fulfilled or extremely heavy resentment, or other circumstances will leave behind inheritance, and accepting inheritance has a great probability of improving qualifications. "

"Elf inheritance is very rare, and under normal circumstances, even if you find the inheritance, you may not be able to accept it, because the original owner will choose the successor himself. If you want to accept the inheritance, you have to be in some special circumstances, such as from extreme fighting, or extreme ferocity, etc., in order to resonate with the original owner. There is also a rigid requirement that elves of the same race have the opportunity to inherit, and if you cannot resonate for a long time, you will be disturbed by it and have no peace. "

"Okay, do you have anything else to ask? If not, then get out of class is dismissed first." After saying that, he looked around and looked at the expressions of the apprentices.

"Well, if you have seen it, then get out of class is dismissed."

In the Suzuki Forest, Liu Mu had just picked up the dagger, and when he looked back, he saw the coyote's movements. He immediately rushed over and hugged the coyote, and hurriedly said, "Coyote, are you okay? Come on, lie down and I'll give you medicine." The coyote licked Liu Mu's face, barked a few times happily, shook his head, turned around, and jumped a few times to show that he was fine.

Seeing that the coyote was not seriously injured, Liu Mu was relieved, and quickly asked the coyote to finish off the knife. Liu Mu picked up the dagger and went to the one that attacked in a roundabout way, finishing him off. The coyote also bit the one with a broken head and blood, and Liu Mu quickly collected the body.

At this time, the sky also began to rain heavily, which just washed away the blood and reduced the possibility of wild elves smelling the smell and running to the camp. Liu Mu immediately took the coyote back to the tree hole.

After I returned to the tree hole, the coyote dog motioned to look at him. He suddenly mobilized the dark energy in his teeth and bit hard. After Liu Mu saw this, he understood that this was a biting skill. Then he continued to condense energy in his teeth. At the same time, the dark energy attached to his whole body and pounced forward at a very fast speed. Liu Mu's pupils shrank when he saw it. He didn't know what skill it was, but it looked very powerful and the attack speed was very fast.

After the coyote dog finished the display, he turned around and walked towards Liu Mu breathlessly. After Liu Mu saw it, he understood that this was a skill that consumed a lot of energy and could only be used as a trump card. It was a skill that turned the tide of the battle.

When the coyote came closer, it motioned Liu Mu to touch his necklace. After Liu Mu touched it, he found that the entire necklace had become ordinary. He could even break it if he squeezed it hard. Liu Mu was confused, and then the coyote showed the posture of the skill just now. Liu Mu understood and asked quickly, "You mean this skill is taught in the necklace?" The coyote nodded frantically after hearing it. Liu Mu felt a little familiar after seeing it. Isn't this the opportunity given by the old man of the ring? After thinking about it, he pinched the coyote's face and said, "We are lucky.

, can get such an opportunity. "The coyote dog barked a few times happily and let Liu Mu pinch his face into a big plate.

After dinner, Liu Mu and his friends checked the surroundings and confirmed that there was no trace of wild elves, so they went to bed early.

After the coyote dog fell asleep, he dreamed of a strange and long dream. He felt that he seemed to have grown bigger and was much stronger. Next to him was a group of coyote dogs and big wolf dogs. They were branches of a large tribe. The tribe had too many people and had to disperse to make a living, so they came to this forest to live, looking for water, fruit trees, hunting, and surviving in this forest day after day.

After nearly a decade, the wolf pack has developed steadily in the past decade. Although the scale has not expanded much, it can survive.

And half a year ago, there were dozens of poisonous powder moths and hunting swallowtail butterflies. When they migrated to this forest, the wolf king saw that they also migrated here, so he let them live together in this forest. The leaders of these poisonous powder moths and hunting swallowtail butterflies were very grateful to the wolf king and expressed their willingness to be his subjects, but the wolf king did not care about them.

However, recently, there are fewer and fewer elves that can be hunted, and the coyotes in the tribe often disappear. Even if they fail in hunting and are killed, they will not die so many in half a year. The wolf king felt very strange, so he told the other dozen big wolf dogs to protect the tribe and go out to search alone.

The wolf king was searching in the forest. While searching, he suddenly heard a familiar cry and rushed over immediately. He saw four coyotes surrounded by several hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths, and they were constantly emitting poisonous powder.

The wolf king roared and directly sent out an energy ring. Around itself, launched a surprise attack skill, and instantly killed these hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths.

When the wolf king saw these situations, he knew that raising a tiger would bring trouble. He wanted to take a few coyote dogs and immediately return to the tribe to mobilize all the combat forces to wipe out the opponent.

However, when the wolf king returned to the tribe, he only saw nearly three or four hundred hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths, which were encircling the entire wolf pack. Even if there were dozens of large wolfhounds using loud roars to resist, it was basically useless in such a situation where the number and attributes were restrained. The opponent used paralysis powder and poison powder to slowly harvest.

The wolf king first condensed the energy dark black and roared loudly, directly shocking more than 20 to death, and the leader of the opposite side also discovered the wolf king, and immediately mobilized most of the hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths to surround the wolf king. They kept flapping their wings and waving powder The wolf king went to the end of the wolf king. The wolf king only glanced at the tribe. There were only a few dozen people left, and most of them came to encircle him. Then he roared, "Don't worry about me, kids, run as hard as you can, don't look back." This was the last order the wolf king left for the tribe, and then he ran to the outskirts of the forest without looking back.

The leader on the opposite side saw this situation and immediately led his troops to surround them tightly. The wolf king kept running, roaring loudly from time to time, killing more than 20 enemy soldiers. The enemy's powder skills took a long time to take effect on the wolf king because the average level of the opponent was lower than that of the wolf king.

After running for a distance, the wolf king thought it should be enough, and the tribe should have broken through, so he stopped, turned around and gathered energy and roared, killing many more, and his eyes were always looking around, looking for targets.

The wolf king launched another surprise attack, jumped up and stepped on one to death as a leverage, and pounced on and killed more than a dozen instantly.

The two leaders of the hunting swallowtail butterfly and the poisonous powder moth hid among the many insects, constantly commanding new insects to fill the gap. Every time the wolf king attacked, he was looking for them. If he could kill the two leaders at once, the insects would scatter and flee.

The wolf king launched another raid. This time he saw the leader of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, and he stepped on an insect to death and rushed over. He bit the hunting swallowtail butterfly with his teeth blazing. Only half of it was left. The body fell to the ground and emitted wisps of black smoke.

When the wolf king landed this time, he clearly felt that his hands and feet began to get tired and his head was dizzy. He knew that he didn't have much time.

The formation of the insects was suddenly in chaos because of the death of a leader, but was forcibly appeased by another leader and continued to encircle and suppress.

It was this chaos that allowed the wolf king to see the leader of the last insect. He used his last trump card. White energy continued to condense in his mouth, aiming at the target, and spurting out terrifying energy from his mouth. The leader of the poisonous powder moth wanted to dodge, but half of his body was rubbed off.

The remaining insects, because all the leaders were dead, were extremely afraid of the wolf king, so they fled on the spot.

The wolf king finally supported himself and stood there. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the time when he was in the big tribe. He still remembered the scene of that day.

A huge wolfhound was in the middle, and the wolf king and other spirits

The English-level fellows lay down in a circle and listened to the teachings of the old wolf king, "Children, this place where we were raised since childhood can no longer accommodate so many of our fellows. I need you to take some of your fellows to a new place to survive. Maybe this will be full of crises, but this is the only way for the tribe to survive."

The old wolf king said to the wolf kings and others with guilt, "Children, I am sorry for you. I forced you to leave the hometown that raised you since childhood, but I still want you to make the survival of the tribe your primary goal, and everything else is secondary." The old wolf king's apologetic words were deeply remembered by the wolf king.

The wolf king thought to himself that I should have done it, but I missed the fruits of the trees in my hometown, which were so sweet, and the river water in my hometown was so sweet. I still miss a lot, but I will never have the chance to go back.

Thinking of this, the wolf king's body could no longer hold on and fell down. However, his last energy, vitality, and memory gathered on a fang under his obsession. The wolf king's body began to collapse and turned into powder. A gust of wind blew the wolf king's body away, leaving only a fang.

In the distance, the big wolfhounds and coyotes who had successfully broken through only felt a familiar breeze blowing.

"Coyotes, coyotes, wake up and don't sleep. It's time to start exploring," Liu Mu shook the coyotes' body, and the coyotes opened their sad eyes and rushed to Liu Mu and cried.

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