The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Liu Mu walked on the road and observed the environment. Although Suzuki Town was only a town, there were several elite trainers in the town and a guard team composed of ordinary trainers. Suzuki Town had all the facilities it should have, such as the Pokémon Center, Duanmu Department Store, Police Station, Pokémon School, and even the black market. It was basically a big town.

The village where Liu Mu came from had only one old elite trainer and a few ordinary trainers, so the village was destroyed by the Pokémon Tide.

After a while, Liu Mu had already reached the entrance of the black market. It was a very hidden alley. There were two men in black robes standing at the entrance of the alley. Liu Mu walked up to them and handed over 100 Alliance coins. One of the men in black took it and took out a set of black robes and masks from his space backpack. Xu Mu took it and put it on before entering the black market.

The scene after entering was very different from the scene outside the door. There were crowds of people inside, and there were endless bargaining sounds. There were also many elf stalls. Most of the cages were small Rattata and Serpentine Bear. There were a small number of them, such as Bobo and Spearow. The most valuable one was a Wood Gecko, but the price was more than 1 million. Liu Mu was jealous, but after thinking about his capital, he shook his head, cheered up, and walked quickly to the elf egg shop.

In the elf egg shop, Liu Mu was greeted by someone as soon as he entered. It was the owner of the elf egg shop. The owner said enthusiastically, "What do you need? What type of elf eggs do you want to buy? The shop just got a new batch of goods. I heard from the delivery person that there might be three big families in it." Liu Mu interrupted him and said, "I'm here to gamble on eggs." The boss froze after hearing this. "So you're here to gamble. OK, 4,000 per time, it's over there." The boss's words were no longer as enthusiastic as before. He pointed to a group of elf eggs on the ground. Most of them were gray in color, and the attribute patterns were not very obvious. Liu Mu looked at these elf eggs and thought to himself that gambling on eggs is to pick out live eggs from the eggs that the store thinks are dead and useless. It really tests your eyesight and luck.

Liu Mu was not in a hurry and looked and picked slowly, but no matter how much he looked and picked, there was no difference. Liu Mu's heart gradually began to cool down. The owner saw Liu Mu was like this all the time and said beside him, "Customer, if you want to buy, please hurry up, we have other customers." Liu Mu turned around and replied coldly, "I know, I will buy it." The boss said, "Why are you pretending, you are just a poor guy." Liu Mu didn't care about the boss's ridicule at all. It was just when he turned back and continued to look at the elf eggs, his eyes seemed to glance at an elf egg in the corner. It seemed to shake just now, Liu Mu thought in his heart, and at the same time Liu Mu also walked towards the egg and looked at the elf egg carefully. The pattern on the eggshell was not very obvious, but a little black pattern could still be seen. Liu Mu kept thinking in his heart, could it be it? His hand couldn't help but touch the egg. He didn't know if he was too nervous or it was really a live egg. Liu Mu could feel a slight tremor. Liu Mu stood up, picked up the egg, and said, "This is it."

After Liu Mu paid 4,000 yuan, he immediately ran to Duanmu Department Store and bought a 2,000 yuan egg incubator. Because he spent 2,000 yuan, he also gave a commemorative ball. He placed the elf egg in it. After arriving home, Liu Mu carefully observed that his feeling in the elf egg shop was not an illusion. This was indeed a live egg. Every twenty minutes, it would shake once. This was clearly a live egg, but the state might not be very good. However, under the conditioning of nutrient solution, it would gradually recover. After Liu Mu confirmed that this was a live egg, he was ecstatic. Judging from the little pattern it showed, it would not be a garbage elf like Rada. At least it was an elf with attributes, and as a newborn, trust was completed from the first sight of its birth, which would save a lot of time and cost.

After Liu Mu was happy, he held the egg incubator, placed it by the bed, covered it with a quilt, and thought, "Be born soon, one of my elves."

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