The police were waiting for the police to arrive.

At midnight, Liu Mu was awakened by a lot of shouting and footsteps, and saw the guards outside holding flashlights and looking for something.

One of the guards shouted while running, "Someone has escaped from the prison. Please close the doors and windows, and don't go out if you hear any noise. Protect your own safety." Seeing this, Liu Mu woke up the coyote dog.

Liu Mu thought to himself, "Someone has escaped from the prison. It's such a big scene. It seems that the person who escaped is extremely dangerous." After thinking about it, he took the coyote dog to strengthen vigilance.

After half an hour, the footsteps and shouting became less and less, and another team member ran and shouted, "Town residents, the prisoner has been caught."

After hearing this shout, Liu Mu did not relax his vigilance. He continued to guard for half an hour. Nothing unusual happened, so he continued to rest.

Liu Mu got up early and went to the park to train with the coyote dog for a while. There were basically no people in the park this morning, probably because of last night. Liu Mu started running in circles with the coyote dog. Even with the weight-bearing device, the coyote dog was still very fast.

After a while, more people began to gather in the park. Liu Mu saw that it was almost time, so he walked towards the commercial street. After walking for a while, he saw the patrol team on the commercial street discussing, "I was so tired last night. The person from the Ocean Team dared to run away. Fortunately, he was caught and it was not in vain."

"That kid was so cruel. He didn't even have an elf and couldn't rush through the gate. He actually thought about jumping off the city wall. In the end, if the captain hadn't taken action and captured him directly, I don't know if he would still be alive if he really jumped down."

"And that kid was stunned after the captain's straight-charging bear roared, and was captured by the captain directly."

"You are stupid, that is the skill of the straight-charging bear, and the captain is obviously at the elite level."

Liu Mu listened to their discussion and thought to himself, "The person from the Ocean Team ran away? Fortunately, he was caught."

As Liu Mu thought about it, he had already walked to the door of the department store.

As soon as he entered the store, the clerk immediately greeted him. The clerk thought to himself, "The God of Wealth is here again. My performance this month can reach a new high." Thinking of this, the expression on his face became more enthusiastic.

When Liu Mu saw this expression, his heart began to tremble again, and he said directly, "I want five Poké Balls, four primary energy cubes of evil, and two bottles of insect repellent spray."

After hearing this, the clerk's expression on his face became more enthusiastic. It seemed so dazzling to Liu Mu, "Please wait a moment, I'll get it for you." After saying that, he immediately trotted to get the things.

After a while, the clerk came back and said, "Sir, the total is 4,200 yuan," and he took a bag and packed all these things.

After hearing this price, Liu Mu's heart was a little numb. He immediately reached into the space backpack, took out the cash and gave it to the clerk, then stuffed the things into the backpack, turned around and left.

After walking out of the store, he thought about taking a rest today and thinking about what Pokémon he would capture next time he went to the wild.

Liu Mu prepared to use the rest of the time for training. At this time, there were many pedestrians in the park, so Liu Mu took the coyote dog directly to the place where he often trained.

When they came to the wooden stake, Liu Mu asked the coyote dog to train the flame fangs by himself. The coyote dog gathered energy in the teeth on the open ground and began to bite.

Liu Mu took out a notebook outside and wrote down the elves he met in Suzuki Forest. There were hedgehog worms, shield cocoons, poisonous powder moths, snake bears, coyote dogs, and lotus leaf boys.

The low-value hedgehog worms and armor cocoons were directly excluded, while snake bears and coyote dogs were considered ordinary elves and could be caught. Of course, many people would buy them, and the most valuable one should be the lotus leaf boy, which has dual attributes of grass and water. It is easy to feed and has a high growth rate. This kind of elf should have a large market, and the black market price is quite high for those elves that can fly. The poisonous powder moth seems to be a good target.

After thinking about this, he had a clear plan. The primary target was the lotus leaf boy, and the secondary targets were the elves with flying ability, the coyote dog and the snake bear.

The coyote dog and the snake bear were easy to deal with, after all, they ran on land, and it was not difficult to lure them over with more bait. But what about the lotus leaf boys? Most of them were in the small pond, and there was a whole group of them. There was no chance to attack them, unless you could only try your luck and wait for them to be left alone.

As for the elves with flying ability, let alone, if they wanted to run, there was no chance to catch up.

Liu Mu lowered his head and thought, if there was any equipment that could help capture them

If so, something like a mesh.

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