After Liu Mu left the northern residential area, he walked towards the market.

The market was still bustling with people, and Liu Mu walked towards Wu Er's butcher shop with a clear goal.

There were many customers in front of the butcher shop, and one of them said to Wu Er politely, "Boss Wu, you have so much elf meat recently. Boss Wu must have met a noble person. Don't forget me when you become successful in the future." Some customers also echoed this.

Wu Er couldn't stop smiling when he heard these compliments, and his chopping of meat slowed down a bit, and he also saw Liu Mu coming.

Wu Er immediately put down the knife in his hand, pushed through the crowd, ran over, rubbed his hands and said respectfully, "My lord, you are back, please sit down and rest," and took out a stool.

Seeing Wu Er so respectful, the others understood that Liu Mu was the one who provided Wu Er with elf meat.

Liu Mu ignored him, took out two large bags of elf meat from his backpack and handed them to Wu Er, and said calmly, "Count it and turn it into cash for me." The others exclaimed when they saw the two large bags of elf meat.

Wu Er also looked at the two bags of elf meat with a fiery look, and reached out to take the two bags and walked to the warehouse.

Liu Mu sat in front of the store and waited for a while, and Wu Er came out with cash in his hand, and said respectfully, "Sir, the total is 1320, please accept it," and then handed over the money respectfully.

After Liu Mu accepted the money, he turned around and left, leaving only the respectful Wu Er and other stunned customers.

After Liu Mu left, the customers rushed to the butcher shop again, constantly asking to buy Wu Er's new elf meat.

At this time, Liu Mu was walking on the road thinking that with his current 54,270 funds, he could already go to the department store to buy the elf materials he had been thinking about for a long time.

While thinking, he walked towards the department store.

At the door of the department store

Liu Mu stood at the door, took a long breath, prepared to be penniless after coming out, and resolutely stepped into the store.

The familiar clerk heard the door open and subconsciously said "Welcome," and then looked up at the door and saw the familiar customer.

The smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger "Sir, long time no see, tell me if you have any needs," and then patted his chest.

Liu Mu looked at his smile, which was still so dazzling, and thought about his goal, and his heart trembled even more.

Liu Mu thought for a moment and solemnly stated his purpose, "Is the bone horn of Houndoom still there?"

The clerk's eyes lit up when he heard Liu Mu's request, and he immediately said, "Of course it's still there. The gentleman has asked about this thing several times, and I still paid attention to it." The clerk took this opportunity to flatter him a few words.

Liu Mu nodded and thought to himself, "It's good that it's still there. Although the coyote has reached the excellent level of cultivation, the coyote is already on the eve of evolution. With more resources piled up, the success rate of breaking through the qualifications during evolution will be improved. And now with more resources piled up, it is possible to break the racial restrictions after evolution."

The clerk entered the warehouse, took out a special key, opened the special glass cabinet that had been displayed in the store, and took out a gray-white bone horn.

The shaking of the Coyote's Pokémon Ball in Liu Mu's trouser pocket was stronger than the previous times. Liu Mu took a long breath, took out 50,000 Alliance Coins from his backpack, and put it on the counter.

The clerk put the bone horns on the counter, counted the number, and handed them to Liu Mu.

Liu Mu continued to say, "Do you have intermediate elf food?"

After counting, the clerk continued enthusiastically, "There are intermediate elf food, but only ordinary ones, and the price is 400 per pack." Then, he took out a pack of elf food from under the counter.

Liu Mu thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "You can have four packs, and four evil energy cubes." Liu Mu took out another 2,800 from his backpack and put it on the counter.

The clerk happily took out four packs of elf food and four energy cubes.

After Liu Mu put away his things, he turned around and left without any nostalgia, but the clerk still said behind him, "Sir, welcome to come next time." For some reason, this sentence made Liu Mu's heart bleed.

After Liu Mu came to the street, he thought about taking the coyote to the park to absorb the bone horns of Garubi.

Youmu walked along the path in the park and looked around. Since it was close to noon, there were not many people in the park.

Arrived at Liu Mu's training ground, released the coyote dog, and took out the horn of Garubi from the backpack. When the coyote dog saw this thing

, it immediately became excited, wagging its tail and barking at Liu Mu.

Liu Mu laughed when he saw him like this, and then put the bone horn in front of the coyote and said, "Eat it, you've been thinking about it for a long time, right?"

The coyote couldn't help it when it saw the bone horn in front of it, but Liu Mu didn't say anything, so it suppressed its thoughts and couldn't move. When it heard Liu Mu's words, it couldn't help it immediately, and pounced on the Houndoo's bone horn like a hungry tiger, and directly gnawed it.

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