After Liu Mu finished his breakfast with the coyote, he returned to the Pokémon Center, found a book and sat down to kill time. Liu Mu was going to set out for training at noon after the coyote had rested in the Poké Ball.

Liu Mu read the book for nearly an hour, and at this moment the door of the Pokémon Center opened, and a middle-aged man and a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old walked in, holding a Pokémon egg in his hand.

The two walked quickly towards Joey, and the middle-aged man said, "Miss Joey, I want to check the qualifications of this Pokémon egg," and then the boy handed over the Pokémon egg, and the man also paid the fee.

After Joey took the Pokémon egg, he walked to the inspection room, and the two also found a seat and sat next to Liu Mu.

The father and son were discussing next to each other. The middle-aged man said first, "Son, this is the elf egg that I spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy. This elf egg may have good lower-level qualifications. I hope you can train it well."

The boy also nodded firmly while sitting next to him.

Not long after, Joey came out of the examination room. The father and son immediately greeted him. The boy took the report and checked it.

Race: Serpentine Bear

Qualification: 50% Ordinary Medium, 40% Ordinary High, 10% Good Lower

The boy immediately said to his father excitedly, "Dad has a 10% chance of being a Good Lower."

And his father also hugged the boy excitedly, his eyes reddened, thinking to himself, "Great, our family is finally going to have a trainer, and a trainer with good Pokémon, although the probability is small, but it's better than nothing."

Liu Mu looked sideways when he heard this, thinking to himself, "10% chance of being good, that is, a high probability of being an ordinary level of qualification, can also be so excited," thinking back to his Zubat Pokémon egg, which has a chance of being an elite qualification, at least a Good Medium, so he wouldn't have lost his composure like that last night.

And the boy also noticed Liu Mu's eyes. He saw that Liu Mu was about the same age as him, and he just felt that Liu Mu was envious of his ability to have a Pokémon with good qualifications, so he proudly raised his chin and snorted.

Liu Mu also noticed his expression. He had no intention of competing with the inexperienced kid. He just shook his head, put the book back on the bookshelf, and walked out of the Pokémon Center.

Joey also saw the boy's expression. Thinking of the scene last night and Liu Mu's strength, he smiled in his heart, "You are a frog in the well. I am generous and don't care about you. Otherwise," his face also showed contempt.

Liu Mu walked to the street and took out the map to check it. "Ka Lu Tunnel, you need to go north and then east," Liu Mu thought while walking quickly.

Liu Mu soon came to a crossroads. There was wilderness ahead and to the right, but according to the map, the Ka Lu Tunnel can only be reached on the right.

Liu Mu heard a sound from the right and turned his head to look.

It was a team of explorers, a total of five people, three men and two women, one of whom was a man and a woman that Liu Mu saw familiarly. They were Lin Guang and Yang Meng from yesterday.

The two of them also keenly discovered that someone was observing them, and they turned back and looked in the direction of sight.

Lin Guang saw that it was Liu Mu, waved in Liu Mu's direction, walked over and said, "You are going to explore the wild too," and the others also looked at Liu Mu.

Liu Mu calmly responded, "I'm going out to gain some experience, are you going to explore together?" Liu Mu looked behind him.

Lin Guang smiled and said, "The association has issued a task to investigate the Ka Green Tunnel, and our team is here to investigate," then turned sideways and waved his hand behind him.

Liu Mu observed their team and continued, "Then you guys go ahead and I won't bother you. Goodbye," Liu Mu said, and quickly passed him and walked towards the wild.

The explorer silently watched Liu Mu's figure leave. After Lin Guang returned to the team, he was obviously the leader and asked, "It seems to be the one who met with the old president yesterday."

Lin Guang nodded silently and said, "It's okay. It doesn't conflict with our mission."

The leader also nodded silently and said, "Then let's go."

Liu Mu had already hurried to the wild. Liu Mu looked around and observed the environment. Most of it was flat land and grassland, and there were some trees on some small hills.

Liu Mu thought to himself, "I don't know what kind of new elves there are here," but generally the elves in the buffer zone between the city and the wild are not strong.

Liu Mu released the coyote dog. After a period of rest, the coyote dog's spirit was obviously much better. When he came out and saw that it was in the wild, he immediately put on alert


Liu Mu said to the coyote, "Look for wild elves. This time we will focus on fighting." The coyote immediately understood, lowered its head and moved its nose, looking for the smell of wild elves.

The coyote seemed to smell something and began to speed up. Liu Mu drew his knife and followed him.

Liu Mu and the coyote crossed a bush and met two cats. The two elves were frightened by the coyote's momentum and wanted to turn around and run, but the coyote ran up quickly, gathered energy to form energy teeth, and bit one of them. The cat screamed on the spot, and the coyote exerted force, and blood splattered on the spot.

The remaining cat saw this situation, and the fear in his heart forced him to run faster. The coyote was about to use a surprise attack to kill it directly, but he only heard Liu Mu say, "Let him go, we need more elves."

The coyote stopped, held the corpse in his mouth, walked silently to Liu Mu and lay down, and began to close his eyes and rest.

The bloody smell of the corpse gradually began to dissipate. Liu Mu could feel that there were already several elves in the surrounding bushes looking at the corpse greedily. Suddenly, a cry came from the sky, and an Aoguyan rushed down from the air. The coyote dog suddenly opened his eyes, followed by a malicious pursuit ready to go.

The coyote dog suddenly pounced upwards, and the Aoguyan was unable to dodge because of the downward rush, and was directly hit by the coyote dog and fell to the ground.

The coyote dog adjusted its body shape in the air, facing the Aoguyan with its paws, gathering energy and stepping on it. The Aoguyan's body exploded on the spot, and blood splattered, making the bloody smell even stronger.

The surrounding elves were already impatient, and only heard the sound of swishing. Dozens of elves jumped out of the bushes, including Serpentine Bear, Doi Ninja, Gugu Niu, and Xiangwei Cat. This group of elves were all juveniles.

Each elf had a hideous face and bared its teeth at the coyote dog, while the coyote dog just smiled grimly and began to gather energy all over his body. The energy was intertwined on him like a ribbon. With the blessing of energy and skills, the coyote dog pounced on the elves at a very fast speed and harvested four elves at once.

The interweaving of blood made both sides more ferocious. The wild elves also immediately fought back and used their own skills. The coyote dog was in the center of the elf group and barely avoided one or two skills.

However, due to the level difference, the damage caused by the remaining skills was only a minor injury to the coyote dog, and because of the pain, the coyote dog was more excited and the speed of gathering energy increased instead.

The coyote dog made another surprise attack, this time directly tore six elves apart. The blood bath gave the coyote dog a stronger fighting spirit, and the remaining three elves were directly scared and wanted to turn around and run, but the coyote dog used malicious pursuit and caught up with one and killed it on the spot.

The coyote was about to continue the pursuit, but Liu Mu said, "The coyote doesn't need to chase anymore, there are better opponents." Let me turn my head to look at a bush, he keenly felt that there was an elf with the same strength as the coyote.

A straight bear slowly walked out of the bush and stared at the coyote.

The coyote stared at him excitedly, and Liu Mu ordered, "Coyote, howl loudly, then use sand throwing, and use bite when the opportunity is right."

After receiving the order, the coyote immediately howled loudly, and the weak elves waiting for an opportunity were all frightened and fled, leaving only the straight bear to face the coyote.

The coyote's momentum continued to rise, and it began to run quickly, and found the right opportunity to kick fiercely, but the straight bear stared at the coyote's movements, and when he saw him use sand throwing, he swung his body and hit him to the side, then turned his head and made a mocking sound at the coyote.

The coyote dog was not annoyed. After all, he would not get angry with a dying elf. He grinned and gathered energy to form energy teeth, and used the bite to crush it and pounced on it.

Zhou Songxiong also gathered energy on his head to use the Iron Head Skill, and the two elves collided.

The coyote dog opened his mouth, bit the head of the straight-charging bear, and pushed the energy teeth into it with all his strength, first drilling through the iron head energy it gathered, and then his flesh.

The pain made the straight-charging bear struggle hard, and the coyote dog raised its front legs, suddenly lowered its head, and threw the straight-charging bear on its back.

After the coyote dog threw the straight-charging bear on its back, it quickly opened its mouth to adjust its posture, and used a malicious pursuit to the straight-charging bear, which was in a daze due to the severe pain. This skill will increase its power because the enemy has just been injured.

The coyote dog gathered energy and smashed the injured head of the straight-charging bear with a head hammer, and the straight-charging bear's originally staggering body was directly smashed down.

The coyote dog continued to bite the bear's head with one blow, biting it hard, and continued to bite hard until it broke the bear's head.

The bear woke up from the severe pain, gathered strength in his feet, and kept slapping the coyote dog. The coyote dog kept increasing its strength because of the pain, and the bear's resistance became weaker and weaker, until the coyote dog completely bit off his head, and the coyote dog suddenly spit out the foreign object in its mouth!

The coyote dog stood on the body of the bear and let out a roar, shaking the surrounding grass and making strange sounds, and the elves fled in all directions.

In Liu Mu's excited eyes, a white light spot began to appear next to the coyote dog, followed by the second one, and slowly began to wrap the whole body of the coyote dog.

Liu Mu drew his knife to guard the coyote dog. After more than 20 minutes, a majestic big wolf dog appeared behind Liu Mu. It was originally only the size of an adult dog, but now it can reach a person's chest with its head raised.

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