In the park of Suzuki Town, behind a hidden bush somewhere, a long-winged gull was vigorously attacking a large wolfhound.

The large wolfhound dodged calmly, as if strolling in the garden, and the long-winged gull also desperately used a water gun, but not even a little water could touch the large wolfhound.

Liu Mu watched the battle calmly, while Huang Xing looked embarrassed on the side, thinking to himself, "The gap in strength is too big. The attack can't touch the big wolfhound at all. If the big wolfhound uses a skill, it will be killed instantly. No, it has to touch it anyway."

Huang Xing immediately shouted, "Long-winged gull uses lightning flash," and gray-white energy began to gather around the long-winged gull, and it rushed out suddenly.

Liu Mu looked at the attack of the long-winged gull with a smile on his face, and said to the big wolfhound, "Use energy to withstand this attack," and the big wolfhound grinned after hearing it, gathered dark energy on the top of its head, and hit the long-winged gull hard.

The two sides fought together in an instant, and at the same time, a blue-white figure flew out in an instant. The big wolfhound shook its head on the spot, and Huang Xing also ran quickly to the long-winged gull to check.

Huang Xing held the long-winged gull and asked nervously, "Long-winged gull, are you okay?" The long-winged gull also shook its head, and then flapped its wings and flew up.

Liu Mu walked over with a smile on his face and said to Huang Xing, "Long-winged gull is still good, with good energy reserves and good skill proficiency. It only lacks some targeted training, speed and combat experience, and it may break through to ordinary level strength during these trainings."

Huang Xing nodded in approval, and then heard a vibration in Liu Mu's trouser pocket. Liu Mu took out the navigator and answered the phone.

Only Xu Hao's voice came from the navigator, saying, "Liu Mu, come to the camp," Liu Mu responded, signaled to Huang Xing that he had something to do and left temporarily, and then walked out.

Liu Mu walked for a while, pushed the door and entered the guard camp, and all the captains of Suzuki Town, Zoe, the old principal of Suzuki School, and a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes came into view. Sitting in the center was Xu Hao.

Xu Hao stood up and said, "Okay, now that everyone is here, I will announce a piece of news. The explorer of the alliance has replied to me. The cinnabar fruit in the Suzuki Forest is fully mature and has been swallowed." Everyone present looked serious after hearing this.

The old principal said, "I once fought with that hunting swallowtail butterfly. His strength was already at the elite intermediate level at that time. If he borrowed the cinnabar fruit to go further, he might have reached the elite advanced level. This is a tough battle."

Xu Hao nodded in agreement and added, "According to the fighting habits of the stingtail insects, the front is filled with cannon fodder after all, and the leaders are sitting in the rear to stabilize the morale of the front. The head-on fighting method is not suitable for us. We need to find an opportunity to decapitate."

In the camp, a group of people were discussing the battle plan, while the middle-aged man and Zoe, who were dressed in luxurious clothes, were silent throughout the whole process.

Xu Hao watched the discussion silently. When it came to a certain point, he stood up and said, "Then I officially declare that Suzuki Town is on 72-hour alert. All residents of the town are not allowed to leave their houses during this 72-hour period. Only members of the guards and recruited trainers can walk on the streets." At the same time, Liu Mu felt that the broadcast outside was constantly repeating Xu Hao's words.

At the same time, Xu Hao continued, "All ordinary trainers in Suzuki Town, I am here to recruit you according to the wartime regulations of the alliance. Here, in the name of the captain of the Suzuki Town Guard, I guarantee that during the war, the military merits you have earned can be exchanged for the required resources in the alliance store. Please gather at the northern gate."

Liu Mu felt a little strange when listening to this, "Don't you need an internal account to enter the alliance store? Do they have to join the alliance with military merits first, and then they can continue to exchange resources? Isn't this a disguised as being incorporated?"

After Xu Hao finished speaking, he said to the people present, "A few elites stay, and the others go out first." All the team leaders, including Liu Mu, bowed slightly to Xu Hao and turned to walk out.

After a few minutes, there were only four people left in the originally crowded hall. Xu Hao said to the old principal and the middle-aged man in luxurious clothes, "Old man and Mr. Duanmu, this time we should take the main responsibility. We need the trainers in the city to hold back the enemy.

"After the main force, look for an opportunity to behead the other leader," the old principal nodded calmly in agreement, while Duanmu nodded after some hesitation.

Xu Hao turned to look at Zoe and said, "Zoe, you stay in the city. Jigglypuff is not suitable for fighting, but Jigglypuff has healing abilities that none of us have, which will play a vital role in the battle in the city."

Zoe also nodded in agreement, but said with some doubt, "Uncle Xu, where is the guy in the black market, and why don't you transfer the people?"

Hearing this, Xu Hao just shook his head calmly and said, "I didn't find that guy. Maybe he got wind of it and ran away a long time ago. This time the elf tide is not simple, and it is very risky to transfer the people in advance."

Zoe was obviously angry when she heard that the black market boss ran away, but she was a little confused when she heard the second half, but Xu Hao did not explain and continued, "Okay, let's continue to formulate a detailed decapitation plan. "

Outside the guard camp, Liu Mu watched the pedestrians running. Some people immediately returned to their houses and closed the doors and windows, some people ran around in panic, and some people actually ran to the northern gate, trying to rush out to escape. Liu Mu frowned and walked over.

A large group of people kept pushing the guards, shouting "Let me pass, I don't want to stay here, get out of the way," and the guards who led the team kept explaining to the crowd, but the leading strong man actually punched the guards while speaking.

The guard just blocked his fist and grabbed it with his backhand, but this action did not shock others, but made their attack more fierce.

Just then, a huge wolf howl suddenly came from behind them, shocking everyone on the spot.

Everyone looked back in shock, only to see a huge wolfhound standing majestically behind them, and a young man standing next to me.

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